Translation of "Evacuate" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Evacuate - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Evacuate... evacuate!
避難... 避難... 避難してください
Evacuate now! Evacuate now!
Evacuate immediately.
Please evacuate immediately.
Evacuate now, Senzaki!
無線 仙崎 上がって来い
Evacuate the building.
We must evacuate.
至急 私と退避するのです
Evacuate remaining ground staff.
Evacuate Coast Guard personnel!
活動中の保安官は ただちに撤収開始
Evacuate the building immediately.
至急 建物から避難して下さい
We need to evacuate.
You must evacuate the area.
Do we have to evacuate?
私たちは 避難する必要がありますか
There's no time to evacuate!
木島 客を出すのに時間がかかる
Repeat, evacuate the terminal immediately.
繰り返します 至急 建物から避難して下さい
All employees must evacuate immediately.
I recommend we evacuate immediately.
いますぐに 脱出に取り掛かることを 進言いたします
Evacuate in our moment of triumph?
Everyone evacuate the terminal building immediately.
皆さん ターミナルの建物から 避難してください
Evacuate immediately, or she will die.
すぐ撤退しないと 死ぬぞ
Did you give the order to evacuate?
出したが まだもっと車両が要る
Attention. Emergency. All personnel must evacuate immediately.
緊急事態発生 すべての人員は 直ちに退避して下さい
We should evacuate immediately. Give the order.
すぐに避難が必要です 命令を伝えてください
Calm down. Did you evacuate the passengers?
落ち着け 乗客は前に移したのか
Then why don't we evacuate the area?
では 衝突エリアの避難は?
Attention all medical containment evacuate ward 11.
11病棟を封鎖します 退避してください
All civilians must now evacuate the area.
The alarm rang and everyone had to evacuate.
警報が鳴り響き 全員が立ち退かなければならなかった
We have to evacuate everyone for their safety.
Nagaoka will prepare shelter,
I want people to evacuate, if they can.
特に子供 小さな子供がいる人はです
Section 86A, evacuate all civilians from disaster area.
規則第86A 災害地域から 全ての民間人を避難させる
We'll evacuate broadcast level and return to Zion.
Command to all units. Evacuate the building immediately.
全隊へ 救助完了だ
The threatening floods made it necessary to evacuate the town.
Protocol 9, tells everybody in the building to evacuate immediately.
規定条項 第9号 建物内の全員に退避命令を
But they had not had any time to evacuate any belongings.
There's a fire on three. We have to evacuate all floors.
警備班です 3階が火事なので全館避難です
I suggest that we evacuate the passengers, then destroy the ship.
All personnel must evacuate and proceed to the transportation shuttles immediately.
全員避難して シェルターに入って下さい
Sir, it will take quite a while to evacuate the T47 s.
中佐 脱出には かなり時間かかります
Terminate all activities and evacuate the dome until safe conditions are reestablished...
すべての活動を終えてください そして ドームから退去してください... ...安全な状態まで再設立されます...
If you fail to evacuate immediately, we will use force to remove you.
あなたはすぐに避難しなかった場合 私たちはあなたを削除するために力を使用します
If I don't report in 15 minutes evacuate the crew. Sir, we could...
私が15分で戻らなければ 全員退避
Evacuate the ship immediately. Get to your designated shuttlecraft. I repeat, begin evacuating...
全員緊急退避 救命シャトルで脱出せよ


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