Translation of "Marriott" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Why was Marriott killed?
How long did you know Marriott?
Not much I can do, Mr Marriott.
Was he an old friend, Mr Marriott?
About that guy, Marriott, did you know him well?
I'd like to discuss a matter. My name's Lindsay Marriott.
頼みがある リンゼイ マリオット
'I forced myself to think of my new client, Marriott.
だから次の仕事を 考えることにした
'Marriott hired me to protect him, I let him down.
彼を守る仕事を 果たせなかった
Marriott wanted the money and figured me for the fall guy.
金を騙しとるために マリオットが企んだんだろう
You can go now. We'll find out more about Marriott before we need you.
帰っていいぞ マリオットの 身辺を先に調べる
Marriott lived like he had a lot. He wasn't borrowing from you, was he?
マリオットは あんたに借金してたのか
Instead, he killed Marriott, not me, cos he figured you'd fit me into the frame.
裏切って彼を殺した 俺を殺さなかったのは 犯人に仕立てるためだ
See you later, Georgie. Let's go. 'Marriott dead, Mrs Florian dead, Tommy Ray dead, Francis Amthor dead.
行ってくる マリオットとジェシーが死に トミーとアムソーも死んだ
So, this ship was basically the size of the Marriott Hotel, a little taller and a little bigger.
長く 大きいものです 当初の計画関係者の一人が私の父
They sent me and Marriott on some cockandbull story and killed him because they were afraid he'd crack.
マリオットと俺をおびき出し 彼を消した 彼が喋るのを恐れたんだ
'His butler kept saying the judge was unavailable, 'until I said I was the last person to see Lindsay Marriott alive.
マリオットの最期を 見た男だと言うまで 執事は俺を追い返そうとした
Mr Gardner of ABC Corporation is staying at the Marriott Hotel during Feb 20 27, and would like very much to meet with you.
ABC社のガードナー氏は 2月20日から27日までマリオットホテルに滞在中で ぜひあなたに会いたいとのことです
There will be an in person meeting of the marketing subcommittee on Tuesday afternoon of Jan 27, 1999 at the San Francisco CA Airport Marriott.
マーケティング分科会の実際のミーティングは 1999年1月27日の午後 カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ エアポートマリオットで行います
Mr. Gardner of the ABC Corporation is staying at the Marriott Hotel from February 20th to the 27th, and would like very much to meet with you.
ABC社のガードナー氏は 2月20日から27日までマリオットホテルに滞在中で ぜひあなたに会いたいとのことです
Only two other people knew who she had married, Amthor and Marriott. They're both dead. Amthor told Burnette one of her girls married a judge, that was enough.
彼女の過去を知ってたアムソーマリオットは殺された ブルネットは彼女の秘密を アムソーから聞いたんだ お前が出て やばくなった
As the attendees of the DTA General Meeting will be offered the block rate, when you reserve Marriott Hotel for me, please notify them that I will attend it.
DTA総会の出席者は特別料金で宿泊できるので マリオットホテルを予約する際は 私が会議出席者だと伝えて下さい