Translation of "Petroleum" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Petroleum - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

So what we're doing, we're putting compounds with petroleum solvents onto a petroleum spill.
石油系溶剤を含む化合物を 散布しているのです 支離滅裂でしょう
Petroleum was replacing coal as fuel.
Petroleum has been important since ancient times.
He worked for the American Petroleum Institute.
And no need either, for petroleum based pesticides.
Petroleum prices will continue their sharp upward movement.
下手をすれば西洋で 経済の混乱が起きるか
Products made from petroleum are vital to modern societies.
The present world owes its convenient life to petroleum.
Each tire alone requires about 7 gallons of Petroleum.
2010年 世界には8億台の車がある
Petroleum priced coal out of the energy market in Japan.
But in fact, that's why the slogan beyond petroleum worked.
Corexit also contains petroleum solvents and many other toxic compounds.
たくさんの毒性化合物を含みます 私は毒性学者と化学者が集まる
But these materials are grown from agricultural byproducts, not petroleum.
原油は使われていません 更に自然の素材から作られているため
Biodiesel and ethanol are made from crops grown by petroleum powered agriculture.
石油を使うため エネルギー的利益は少ない
The parent company, Wometco, is one of the strongest in the petroleum market.
親会社は石油市場で もっとも強力な1つです
American petroleum Institute. It's fair to say that's the oil and gas lobby.
米国石油協会 石油とガスのロビーと 言うのは正しい
The ecologist warned us that petroleum was not merely a blessing but also a curse.
石油は天の恵みであるだけでなく災いのもとでもある とその生態学者は私たちに警告した
...Petroleum Association's annual conference here in Berlin... is Pekos Oil chief executive officer Yuri Gretkov.
ここベルリンで石油連盟の年次会議 ペコスオイル最高経営責任者のユーリ グレトコフです
Even roads are made from asphalt, a petroleum product, as are the roofs of many homes.
屋根にも使われる 多くの地域では
And then you get down to the petroleum distillates, which are the solvents, hundreds of them.
石油の蒸留物も 何百もあります それらは特定されていません なぜでしょう
21.6 is from natural gas, 1.6 is from petroleum, 19.4 is from nuclear, 5.8 is from hydro.
1.6 が石油 19.4 が原子力 5.8 が水力だ
There's no coal on the moon, there's no petroleum, there's no natural gas, there's no wind, there's no atmosphere.
は天然ガスがない 風がない あります ない雰囲気 月はかつて地球を周回し 月 二週間 日が沈む と太陽電池パネルは エネルギーを行わないでください
What you see in this top drawing is a schematic of how petroleum gets used in the U.S. economy.
使用されているか 概略を示しています このスライドでは 利用されている部分を グレイで示しています
There are volumes of volatile petroleum fumes coming off that water, plus the Corexit, which has solvent in it.
大量の揮発性油と溶媒を含む コレキシットのガスが昇っていました ですから当局者の見解は 全くの見当外れです
To supply all US petroleum consumption in 2020 would take twice as much land as is used to grow food.
さらにその倍は必要になる 水素は石炭や水から抽出できるが
Classified satellite recon photos of a petroleum exploration firm linked to China, doing drilling in the Dajee region of Burundi.
ある石油探索の模様が 極秘扱いの衛星写真に 場所はブルンジです
What we can say now without any shadow of doubt is that petroleum man is just about extinct by the end of this century.
今世紀の終わりまでに 石油人 は絶滅するということだ これは厳しく困難な問いを投げかける ホモ サピエンスは名前に劣らぬ知恵があるのか
Today, we use a single feedstock, petroleum, to heat our homes, power our cars and make most of the materials you see around you.
暖房したり 車の燃料にしたり 身の回りのものほとんどを生産しています 原油は限りある資源だと分かっているので
The big story on Wall Street is that Icebergs International has been bought out by Wometco Petroleum in order to secure tax benefits within the common market.
ウォール街での大きな話題は 氷山インターナショナルが... 大手石油会社に買収された事です ...これにより共同市場内では 税制猶予されるのは間違いないでしょう...
Both can be used instead of petroleum based roofing materials that absorb heat, contribute to urban heat island effect and degrade under the sun, which we in turn breathe.
日差しで退化し それを私たちが吸い込むはめになる 石油基盤の屋根素材の 代わりに使えます  グリーン ルーフはまた 降雨を 最高75 まで保持するので
OK, if you put steam into coal fields or petroleum fields that have been running for decades, you can get a really substantial increase, like an eight fold increase, in your output.
蒸気を導入すると 産出量は増大します 例えば 8倍増など
Because as you separate that petroleum from the sand, and use an enormous amount of energy inside that vapor steam to separate this stuff you also have to separate out the sulfur.
大量のエネルギーを使って蒸気を作り 水蒸気で成分を分離させます そして硫黄も分離しなければなりません
There were four piles saturated with diesel and other petroleum waste one was a control pile one pile was treated with enzymes one pile was treated with bacteria and our pile we inoculated with mushroom mycelium.
1つは対照実験用 1つは酵素で処理 1つはバクテリアで処理 1つはキノコの菌を植えました
As you think of what are the alternatives to this system it's important to find alternatives because it turns out that the U.S. is dwindling in its petroleum reserves, but it is not dwindling in its coal reserves, nor is China.
別のシステムを見い出すことは重要です それはアメリカの石油埋蔵量が 減少しているにもかかわらず
So we set out at Interface, in 1994, to create an example to transform the way we made carpet, a petroleum intensive product for materials as well as energy, and to transform our technologies so they diminished environmental impact, rather than multiplied it.
実例を作ることにしました 素材とエネルギー源に 大量の石油を用いる カーペットの製造方法を 改革すること
Yet, when we take a step back, and look over the span of history, at what we might call the petroleum interval, it's a short period in history where we've discovered this extraordinary material, and then based a whole way of life around it.
歴史をふり返ってみると 石油時代と呼んできた時代は実は とても短い間でしかないことに気付かされます
The pamphlet s two authors, Richard Lambert, a former editor of the Financial Times and future Director General of the Confederation of British Industry, and Nick Butler, the Group Vice President for Strategy and Policy Development at British Petroleum do not represent vested academic interests. What they say about Europe probably applies to most other parts of the world as well, though not to the United States.
冊子の二人の著者 ファイナンシャル タイムスの元編集者で イギリス産業同盟の次期事務局長リチャード ランバート そして British Petroleum戦略方針開発グループ副社長ニック バトラーは 偏った学術的好奇心を代弁しているのではない 彼らのヨーロッパに関する意見は おそらく世界における他の大部分にも優に当てはまるが 米国はその限りではない
And I then challenged the people of Interface, my company, to lead our company and the entire industrial world to sustainability, which we defined as eventually operating our petroleum intensive company in such a way as to take from the earth only what can be renewed by the earth, naturally and rapidly not another fresh drop of oil and to do no harm to the biosphere.
産業界に先駆けて持続可能な企業を 目指すことを求めました 大量の石油に頼っている わが社の事業の使う


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