Translation of "Prefecture" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Prefecture - translation :

Keywords : 族長 監督 紋章

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Sakurai, Nara Prefecture, Japan
奈良桜井市で農業を営んでいる川口由一さん 65歳
Akame, Nabari, Mie Prefecture
I live in Hyogo Prefecture.
What is the population of Hyogo prefecture?
My parents were born in Aichi Prefecture.
I even set records in the prefecture.
の記録 持ってたんだ
And a prefecture is like a state. Fukushima Prefecture is about the size of the state of Connecticut.
One of my fellow professors is in Akita prefecture.
The Takamatuzuka burial mound is located in Nara prefecture, Asukamura.
高松塚古墳は 奈良明日香村に存在する古墳
The economy of Aomori Prefecture depends heavily on apple growing.
GUNDERSEN Well, everybody in Fukushima Prefecture is still at risk.
はアメリカ 州 のようなもので 福島はコネチカット州とほぼ
I was living in Taro District, Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture.
Saga prefecture had endlessly postponed its plan to get one.
でも現場でこれだけ頑張ってるんだったら もその思いに答えなきゃ いけないということで
Do you... have a twin brother in, say, Yamaguchi Prefecture?
双子の弟とかいますか たとえば 山口とかに
The geographical features here are similar to those of our prefecture.
Six high tech companies set up branch offices in that prefecture.
Naka is one of the 18 administrative districts that compose Yokohama prefecture.
中区は 横浜市を構成する18行政区のうちのひとつである
Yokohama is located in the eastern part of Kanagawa prefecture, of which it is the capital. The prefecture is situated in the southern part of the Kanto region.
横浜市は 関東地方南部 神奈川の東部に位置する都市で 同庁所在地
That is the Mori no Gakkou Project or in English, the Woodland School Project in Higashi Matsushima City in Miyagi Prefecture. in Higashi Matsushima City in Miyagi Prefecture.
東松島の方がいらっしゃるかもしれませんが この東松島のプロジェクトで 私が進めているのが
In the end, in Saga prefecture, we moved from mobile phones to iPads.
以前はですね 救急車の中では電話を掛ける しかなかったものが
The village which I visited last summer was a small one in Nagano Prefecture.
Now I manage a strawberry farm in a town called Yamamoto Cho, Miyagi prefecture.
イチゴ農家を経営しています 実は私の祖父も40年前 50年くらい前に
This was the first time the prefecture had this many helicopters in a day.
このように多方面との協力をしながらの 訓練ということをやっておりました
I am sure I'll get along with him because we are from the same prefecture.
私はきっと彼と気が合うと思います 私たちは同じの出身だから
Yamashita is a street in Naka district which is in Yokohama town of Kanagawa prefecture.
山下町は 神奈川横浜市中区の町名
Our hospital is located in the eastern part of Miyagi prefecture, near the Pacific Ocean.
東 太平洋側にあります 私どもの病院は 今回の震災で この地域でただ一つ残りました
Radioactive cesium in amounts exceeding limits has been measured on young lancefish caught in Fukushima prefecture.
福島で取った小女子から 基準値を超える量の放射性セシウムが検出されました
It may come from Wagyu cattle, but it's not from the original, Appalachian Hyogo Prefecture in Japan.
日本の兵庫から来た本物ではありません アメリカ国内ではごく稀に本物の神戸牛をお目にする事ができます
And the irony is that at that time in Saga prefecture there wasn't a single store selling iPads.
iPadを売っているお店がなかったんです 笑 iPadはどこで買ったらいいんだろう
Tadami is in Minamiaizu in Fukushima cut off by steep mountains and located on the prefecture border with Niigata.
只見町は福島南会津地方にあり 急峻な山を隔てて新潟との境に位置しています
Shortly after the 3 11 earthquake, they were invited to stay at Mr. Nicol's forest in Kurohime, Nagano Prefecture.
震災から少したってお招きした映像です 本当に皆さん元気をだしてくれました
My father was brought up in the city of Numazu in Shizuoka prefecture, which is the host to Mt.
静岡沼津市という街です 父は毎日 富士山を崇め 愛して
Mr Yoshida was born in Yamagata prefecture, and graduated from Nihon University College of Art with a degree in oil painting.
芳田氏は山形に生まれ 日本大学芸術学部油絵科を卒業する
It's a small fishing town in Iwate Prefecture, about 50,000 people, one of the first that was hit by the wave.
岩手の人口約5万人の小さな漁業の町で 津波に最初に襲われた町のひとつです 記録では津波の高さは24m以上に達し
My office is located in Yokohama, and I also teach architecture and environment at Tohoku University of Art and Design located in Yamagata prefecture.
山形にある東北芸術工科大学というところで 建築と環境を教えています 専門は建築のデザインです
The blackout extends throughout the Kanto Plain from southern Tochigi and Gunma Prefectures through Saitama and most of Chiba Prefectures Across Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture in the south.
現在までに入ってきている 情報によりますと 大規模停電の範囲は 関東平野の 北から南へ拡大しつつあり 栃木と群馬の南部 埼玉全域
He resigned many years ago and moved to Atami, another city in Shizuoka prefecture which is known to be a wonderful resort town and lived there until the age of 94.
静岡のリゾートとしてよく知られる 熱海市へと移り そこで 94年の人生を終えたのでした
But after this whirlwind 36 hours of organizing information and putting together a website on Google, we woke up on Sunday morning to an email from someone in Aomori Prefecture saying, thank you for the shelter information you published, but I live close to this one shelter, and the address you have is wrong.
Googleで 私たちは 青森の人からのメールに日曜日の朝に目が覚めた あなたは公開されて避難所の情報をありがとうございました と言って 私はこの1つの近くに住んでい 避難所 あなたが持っているアドレスが間違っている あなたが持っている正しいアドレスは このアドレス


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