Translation of "Separatists" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
It must be Separatists. | 分離主義者だった |
The Separatists are being unusually tidy. | 分離主義者がきれいに片付けてる |
The Separatists don't want any witnesses. | 分離主義者が目撃者を残したくない |
Tell Wag Too the Separatists are returning. | 分離主義者が戻ってるとワグ ツーに教えて 伝書チョウ |
I don't think we're dealing with Separatists. | 分離主義者だと思わない |
The Separatists brought tanks to exterminate us. | 俺らを絶滅させるために分離主義者が戦車で来たよ |
Just as We sent down to the separatists. | 啓示を勝手に 分割した者に対しても われは啓示しておいた |
The separatists have gathered on the Mustafar system. | 分離主義者が ムスタファに |
If the Separatists get a hold of him... | 分離主義者がR2を手に入れたら |
There's no telling what the Separatists have planned. | 分離主義者が何を計画してるか予測がつかない |
More and more star systems are joining the separatists. | 多くの星が分離主義勢力に 加わっているのだよ |
The separatists have been taken care of, my master. | 分離主義者は 始末しました |
Please listen. The Separatists will be here in moments. | 分離主義者が間もなく着く |
If it's not the Separatists, it's a malevolentenemy nonetheless. | それにもかかわらず分離主義者じゃなかったら 邪悪 攻撃的な敵だ |
Did anyone inhabit lego's moons before the Separatists arrived? | 分離主義者が来る前に 誰かがアイエゴの月に 住民いた |
I have made a grave mistake joining with the separatists. | 分離主義者へ入るのを重大なミスを犯した |
If we run, the Separatists will take control of this sector. | 今逃げたら 分離主義者がこの星系を 支配する |
The Separatists are on the march, they are returning to our village. | 分離主義者が進んでる 村へ戻って来てる |
Father, even if we don't fight the Separatists, we must defend ourselves! | パパ 分離主義者と戦わなくても 自己防衛しなきゃ |
But I think we could've gotten a bigger ransom from the Separatists. | でも分離主義者がもっと身体金を払うと思わない |
Chairman, what makes you so certain the Separatists are behind this attack? | 議長 何で分離主義者が攻撃したと確実に思うの |
What can the Separatists hope to gain from burning our homes? Nothing. | トゥイレックの住宅を破壊したら 分離主義者にとって 何のメリットある メリットない |
The senate will never approve the use of clones... before the separatists attack. | 向こうが攻撃してこないかぎり 元老院は軍隊の使用を認めない |
It's a clear desa separatists made a pact... wesa desa Federation du Trade. | 通商連合の態度に対して 何かしらの行動を とる必要があるのは明白ね |
He's right. The Separatists don't even know we're here. And they can't know. | そうだ 分離主義者はうちらがここにいると知らない ばれたくない |
Do you see any way through negotiations... to bring the separatists back into the Republic? | 交渉して分離主義者たちを 呼び戻す余地はありますか |
Apparently, the Separatists have a new toy. See if you can get a closer look. | 分離主義者は新しいおもちゃがあるみたい |
The Separatists installed those lasers to prevent people from leaving the planet They're coming back | 住民が惑星から出ないように 分離主義者が レーザーを設定した 戻ってる |
It won't be neutral for long, not if the Separatists have their way. Help me up. | 分離主義者により中立じゃないみたい 助けて |
When the Separatists took off, they left all this junk behind I got a whole warehouse | 簡単 分離主義者が出たら この廃品を残した 倉庫にいっぱい |
I will create a grand army of the Republic... to counter the increasing threats of the separatists. | 大規模な軍隊を創設し 分離主義の脅威に対抗したいと思う |
If the Separatists will pay to get you back, chances are, the Republic will offer even more. | 分離主義者があなたを取り戻すため金払うなら 共和国はもっと払うと思う |
We were a peaceful people Before the Separatists drove us from our homes And stole our moon | 分離主義者に故郷を追われる前に 我々は平和の人だった 月も取られたし |
But if the Jedi discover that the Separatists aren't behind this, then perhaps there is a peaceful resolution. | ジェダイが分離主義者じゃなと証拠見つかったら もしかして平和的解決があるかも |
I told you not to return. I'm afraid the Separatists don't care whether you're in the war or not. | あなた達が戦争に参加してるかしてないか分離主義者に とって関係ない |
Subjected to a brutal droid occupation, the people of Ryloth are starving under the blockade of a Separatists' fleet. | ドロイドに占領されて 分離主義者の封鎖でライロス人が餓死させてる |
No, if it weren't for you, the Republic wouldn't have learned of the Separatists' invasion until it was too late. | もしあなたがいなかったら 共和国が分離主義者の侵略を知るのは 手遅れだった |
As battles rage across the galaxy, more worlds had come to the seductive lure of the Separatists and leave the Republic. | 銀河で戦闘が激化してる間 ますます惑星が共和国から脱退して 誘惑的な分離主義者に負ける |
If we tried to ransom Count Dooku off to the Separatists, they would simply send their droid armies here to wipe us out. | 分離主義者にドゥーク伯爵を身代金を要求したら 彼らはドロイド軍をここに派遣して うちらを全滅する |
We need to find a ship. And I think the only one around here belongs to the Separatists. We know they have a landing ship. | 船が必要 だがここにあるのは分離主義者の船だけ 上陸船があるから シャトルもあるかも あの ポンコツから船を盗むとのこと |
Today, 80 percent of the agenda of the U.N. Security Council is about conflicts within states, involving non state parties guerillas, separatists, terrorists, if you want to call them that, people who are not normal governments, who are not normal states. | 議題の8割が 内紛に関するものです 非国家集団 |