Translation of "Sucked" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

And you sucked.
それだから やられたってことか
So, we sucked up.
Sucked dry by taxes
That would have sucked.
The boat was sucked in.
It just sucked him in!
It sucked their life away.
That part of the trial sucked.
Is anyone else getting their nips sucked on?
He hasn't sucked your blood, too, has he?
望んでる 君らは非常識だ
The air was going to be sucked in, compressed.
それは燃焼のように 燃料を注入される システムは この熱交換器を持つことになります
And we get sucked into that faster than anything.
ジャン ポール サルトルは
What sucked then sucks now. You don't like Creedence?
昔は受けても 今は 流行らないよ
How many times has he sucked your blood, Vicki?
それらか又は カルトかも
I got sucked in on a lot of phony deals.
I sucked up the dust on the floor with a vacuum cleaner.
It's just hard to see when you're suddenly sucked into the city.
皆が貧しく 苦しんでいるように感じても
No. I mean, the getting punched in the face part sucked, right?
Sucked up all the data from it and got emails and photos.
すべてのデータを読み込み 写真とメールがある
And Masters and Johnson looked to see if the semen was being sucked up.
Finally, my favorite student, she looks me straight in the eye, and she says, The reading sucked.
こんなの くだらない それから彼女は説明してくれました
This MSX version has been adapted on NES afterwards, it sucked, and I'll talk about this one.
ファミコンに移植されました クソでして 今日はそれについて語ります 気づいてる方もいると思うけど
It's always a terminator or a matrix or an astronaut getting sucked out an airlock in 2001.
いつも とんでもないことが起こります
You don't know how many people he sucked over the last however many centuries he's been alive.
人の血を吸って 何世紀も生きてきた連中よ
Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath hath had no power yet upon thy beauty.
死はその愛しい息を奪ったが... その美しさには未だ及ばず...
The audience sees scrolling for the first time, you can hear the oxygen sucked out of the room.
空気が吸い出される音が 聞こえそうです 会場全体が息をのむのを 感じられるでしょう
Next morning, after I had sucked down a thoughtful cup of tea, I went into Motty's room to investigate.
調査する部屋 私は仲間の難破船が期待が 彼は非常に ベッドに座ってあった
As a little girl she used to tell me That I sucked it off when I was a baby.
赤ちゃんのころは よく吸ったもんだけど
and when a conflict gets ingrained in a region, religion can get sucked in and become part of the problem.
問題の一部を担ってしまいます 極めて暴力的な時代です
They're sucked in from other people chiefly, if you're a man, your father, and if you're a woman, your mother.
男性は 主に父親から 女性は 母親から 精神学者はこれを80年に渡って警告をしている
The audience see he's scrolling for the first time, you can hear the oxygen is sucked out of the room.
空気が吸い出される音が 聞こえそうです 会場全体が息をのむのを 感じられるでしょう
Because cities are the vacuum cleaners and the magnets that have sucked up creative people, creating ideas, innovation, wealth and so on.
吸引機であり 磁石だからです 彼らは アイディア 革新 そして富を 新たに創出します
I had to talk to somebody about their vagina because they had an amazing story, and I was sucked down the vagina trail.
私はヴァギナの道に引きずり込まれたのです 笑
Everybody could release his own game, which sucked or were strange for the most part such as the pr0n games released on Atari 2600.
すげぇクソゲーかすげぇ変なゲームが多かった Atari 2600のエロゲとかね Kinectでリメイクして欲しいね
And I kept being sucked into this genre of the calendar picture, or something of that nature, and I couldn't get away from it.
そこから離れることができずにいました このような理由で 風景をどのように再考できるか 考え始めるようになりました
Maybe it was the way he said it, but... it was, like... He wasn't exactly saying it sucked. He was just asking me honestly,
見下す感じではなく ただ聞かれたんだ
And I got up off the seat of my bike, and I started pumping my legs, and as I sucked in the cold mountain air,
両足に力を入れ 吸いこんだ山の冷気が 肺一杯に広がるのを感じ
He seems to me distinctly one of the ones! I couldn't believe that this was the same blighter who had sat and sucked his stick the day before.
座っていた嫌な人は前日に彼の杖を吸った あなたはね あなたと最後の夜を反対に何かをしていない食べた
If you want to make a dinosaur, you go out, you find yourself a piece of petrified tree sap otherwise known as amber that has some blood sucking insects in it, good ones, and you get your insect and you drill into it and you suck out some DNA, because obviously all insects that sucked blood in those days sucked dinosaur DNA out.
琥珀とも呼ばれている 石化樹液に吸血昆虫が 含まれているものを探し出します
Something like 20 billion tons per day of water vapor is sucked up by the northeastern trade winds, and eventually precipitates in the form of rain across the La Plata Basin.
北東貿易風は吸収します それらは凝縮されラ プラタ流域に 雨をもたらします
They still had their stressful jobs, all the difficult problems were still being difficult, and the economy still sucked, but yeah, their amygdala got smaller, and they were reporting less stress.
難題もすべて難題のまま残っており 経済は相変わらず最悪でした しかし 扁桃体は小さくなり 彼らは ストレスが減った と報告しました
We turned off the lights, and then we put it in a vacuum and sucked out all the air, and then we cooled it down to just a fraction of a degree above absolute zero.
吸引機で全ての空気を除去し 絶対零度付近の温度まで 冷やしました
And we were patrolling along, and the vultures circled in the air and as we got closer the stench of death hung there, in the air like a thick, dark veil, and sucked the oxygen out of your lungs.
近づいていくと 死臭は黒く分厚い 幕のようにあたりを覆い尽くし 肺から酸素が 吸い取られる感覚がしました さらに近づくと 巨大な雄の象が
And after five minutes, this is what you see just a typical dead corpse the shriveled, sucked out, dead corpse of the spider mite, and next to it, two satiated individuals, predatory mites, a mother on the left hand side, a young nymph on the right hand side.
ただの亡骸となります 干からびた ハダニの死体の
So if you really care about strengthening families, you might want to talk to some liberal groups who are working on promoting educational equality, who are working on raising the minimum wage, who are working on finding ways to stop so many men from being sucked into the criminal justice system and taken out of the marriage market for their whole lives.
リベラルな人々に相談しましょう 教育格差の是正のために働き 最低賃金の底上げを目指し