Translation of "a department store" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
He went shopping at a department store. | 彼はデパートへ買い物に行った |
I bought it at a department store. | 私はそれをデパートで買った |
Tom went shopping at a department store. | トムはデパートへ買い物に行った |
Where's the nearest department store? | 一番近いデパートはどこにありますか |
He said the department store. | デパートにいると言ってたわ |
The young man manages a big department store. | その若者が大きなデパートを経営している |
I ordered my overcoat from a department store. | 私はデパートでオーバーをあつらえた |
My mother went shopping at a department store. | 私の母はデパートに買い物に行った |
This department store is closed today. | このデパートは今日は閉まっている |
We're trapped in the department store. | デパートで窮地に陥ってる最中だ |
I got a new hat at the department store. | デパートで新しい帽子を買った |
I bought a new hat at the department store. | デパートで新しい帽子を買った |
This department store is closed at seven. | このデパートは7時に閉店する |
This department store is closed at seven. | このデパートは7時に閉められる |
Mother went shopping at the department store. | 母はデパートへ買い物に行きました |
I went shopping at that department store. | 私はあのデパートへ買い物に行った |
There is a bookstore in front of the department store. | そのデパートの前に書店がある |
There is a bookstore in front of the department store. | そのデパートの前に本屋があります |
Bob operates an elevator in the department store. | ボブはそのデパートでエレベーター係をしている |
The department store was crammed with holiday shoppers. | デパートは休日の買い物客でいっぱいだった |
The department store is always packed with customers. | そのデパートはいつもお客でいっぱいだ |
Sure. It's next to the Plaza Department Store. | いいですよ プラザデパートの隣です |
I like to shop at that department store. | 私はあのデパートで買い物するのが好きだ |
All of a sudden, a fire broke out in the department store. | 突然 そのデパートで火事が起こった |
Heather landed a modeling job at a department store in the mall. | ヘザーはモールで モデルの仕事を |
For the time being, she is clerking in a department store. | さしあたり彼女はデパートの店員をしています |
Sales have dropped off at every big department store. | どの大手のデパートも売上が落ちてきた |
Sales have dropped off at every big department store. | 大手デパートのいずれもが売り上げを落とした |
The new department store will be opened next month. | 新しいデパートが来月開店する |
I usually buy my clothes at the department store. | 私は服についてはたいていそのデパートで買います |
I met Jane in the department store by chance. | 私はデパートで偶然ジェーンに会った |
I went to the department store with a view to buying a present. | 私はプレゼントを買う目的でデパートへ行った |
A very pleasant young woman waited on me in the department store. | デパートでとても感じのいい若い女性が対応してくれた |
I would like to buy a new coat at that department store. | 私は新しいコートをあのデパートで買いたい |
There is an advertising balloon flying above the department store. | デパートの屋上にアドバルーンが上がっている |
She got out of the taxi at the department store. | 彼女はデパートでタクシーを降りた |
I ordered the book from the department store by telephone. | 電話でデパートにその本を発注した |
Listen, they've got a department store... one of the biggest in the world. | 世界一のすてきなデパートも あるんだから |
You can see the large exhibition at the department store anytime. | デパートではいつでも大きな展覧会を見られる |
He insisted on going to the department store with his mother. | その子はデパートに母親と一緒に行くといってきかなかった |
Men's suits are on sale this week at that department store. | あのデパートでは今週メンズスーツが売り出し中だ |
My mother went to the department store to do some shopping. | 母はデパートへ買い物に行きました |
I helped the boy who got lost in the department store. | 私はデパートで迷子になった少年を助けた |
I went to the department store to do some shopping yesterday. | 昨日デパートに買い物に行きました |
First off, I'd like you to come with me to a department store sale. | 最初にデパートのバーゲンにつきあってほしいんだけど |
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