Translation of "adapting" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
But they're adapting quickly. | 最近FBIが逮捕した |
Third, adapting to rising seas. | 海面上昇は海岸地域の生態系 農業 そして大都市にも影響を与えます |
But this creature that you've just seen ultimately adapts, and keeps adapting and adapting. | 彼らには順応させる環境があるのではなく |
My not adapting to your ways. | 君たちの流儀に合わせないから |
Adapting and turning misfortune to your advantage. | 転んでも タダじゃ起きない |
And you're having trouble adapting, I understand. | まだ順応できて ないようだが |
Not yet. We're having trouble adapting them to the cold. | この寒さでトラブル発生です |
He has the problem of adapting to a new way of life. | 彼は新しい生活様式への適応問題を抱えている |
Then I understood this adapting that unhygienic method to manage her period days. | 生理の日をやり過ごしていたということを すぐに妻に尋ねました なんでそんな非衛生なことをしているの |
You can select here the background color to be used when adapting the images' sizes. | 画像のサイズを適合させるときに使用する背景の色を選択します |
I've been working on a project for the last six years adapting children's poetry to music. | 音楽に取り入れています これはチャールズ エドワード キャリルの詩で |
I'd like to share three sets of examples, starting with adapting to violent storms and floods. | 1つ目は激しい嵐と 洪水への対応策です こちらのニューオーリンズにある カトリーナに破壊された |
They were told you're adapting Xindi weaponry and that you're planning to use it against Vulcan. | 彼らは 君達がジンディの武器を装備し ヴァルカンに使うと聞いている |
Evolution is all about passing on the genome to the next generation, adapting and surviving through generation after generation. | 適応して 世代を通して 生き延びていくことなのです |
Well, traditional definition is an organism to which exogenous components have been added for the purpose of adapting to new environments. | 適応するため 外から部品を加えた 生命体 となり 1960年の宇宙旅行に関する論文から生まれました |
So this is a case of actually adapting something, or maybe stealing something, and then turning it into a musical notation. | 何かを真似しながら 音楽の表記をする事例です 別の応用例がこれです |
But what was really interesting to me was to find out that the birds were adapting in a pretty unusual way. | 彼らの適応能力です 例をお見せしましょう |
So the Starrs, in adapting this to their home, created a morning checklist in which each child is expected to tick off chores. | なのでスター家はこれを家に持ち込み 朝やる事のチェックリストを作りました 子ども達が家事を 各自こなせるように ある朝 訪ねたところ エレアノアが下りてきて |
Because they're so common in forested areas in the city, we're using them as a model to understand how species are adapting to urban environments. | 彼らをモデルとして どのようにして生物が 都市の環境に適応するのかを 知ろうとしました 400年前に 遡ってみましょう |
Rather than revolution, we're much more interested in evolution, this idea that things gradually evolve by adapting and improvising to the changes of the world. | 世界の変化に臨機応変に 適応することで徐々に 進化するという考えです |
I believe I possess the happy knack, much to be desired in a clergyman, of adapting myself to every kind of society, whether high or low. | 私には牧師向きの 才能がありまして どんな社交界にも 適応できるんです |
Terrorists are always adapting in minor and major ways to new circumstances, and despite what you might see on TV, these adaptations, and the detection of them, are fundamentally human. | テレビで見るのと違って テロリストが潜伏するのも それを発見するのも 根本的に人間です コンピューターは新手のパターンや 未知の行動を探知できません |
And what I'd like to do now, in an act of warp speed storytelling, is tell the story of how two projects evolved by adapting and improvising to the happenstance of the world. | 僕がやりたいことは 二つのプロジェクトがどのようにして 世界の偶発的出来事に |
When we think too highly of our thinking, when we think things are true just because we all say they're logos and stop adapting, we become the butt of jokes played on us by that wacky little trickster, chaos. | 真理だからというだけで 物事を本当だと思い 適応するのをやめてしまったりしたら 私たちは冗談を連発するお笑い芸人に |
Someone doing the same thing over and over, or building up a false image of themself and the world, or not adapting to reality by just noticing the banana peel on the ground this is automatism, ignorance of one's own mindless rigidity, and it's dangerous but also laughable and comic ridicule helps correct it. | 自分たちや世界の 間違った見方を提示したり 地面のバナナの皮に気づくだけで 現実に適応しなかったりする |
So our sons are going to have to find some way of adapting to this, some new relationship with each other, and I think we really have to show them, and model for them, how a real man is someone who trusts his sisters and respects them, and wants to be on their team, and stands up against the real bad guys, who are the men who want to abuse the women. | 新しい人間関係を 身に付ける必要があります 父親が 息子の手本となって 教えなければいけません 真の男性は 女性を信頼し 尊敬すること |