Translation of "advising about" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

About - translation :

Advising - translation : Advising about - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

With you advising her, right ?
Therefore advise, if advising is beneficial.
だから訓戒しなさい 訓戒は 聞く者に 役立つ
I ran a risk of advising her.
An 'Advising Director' doesn't work too hard,
まあ 役員といっても 相談役だったから 楽なもんだったよ
We're advising the Northern Cypriots on how to reunify their island.
Around these four are usually a group of about 16 children, who are also advising, usually wrongly, about everything that's going on on the computer.
彼等は通常コンピュータの動作を 間違えて教えますが 彼等にテストすると全員合格します
But speaking as your business associate I'm strongly advising that you get your shit together.
だが仕事仲間としては こう言いたい しっかりしてくれ
We're advising various island states in the climate change negotiations, which is suppose to culminate in Copenhagen.
国連気候変動会議に関して 小島嶼諸国にもアドバイスしています また偶然という話になりますが
And surrounding him are usually three other children, who are advising him on what they should do.
どのようにするかアドバイスしています 彼らをテストしたら 4人とも同じ点数を取るでしょう
Has a wise wanderer been this way, prowling around, advising the boy with cunning counsel and wiles?
さすらい人が来て 奴をたぶらかし 悪知恵の詰まった話を聞かせたのか
Independent Diplomat ended up advising three successive Kosovo prime ministers and the multi party negotiation team of Kosovo.
多国間交渉に参加する交渉団にもアドバイスしました やがてコソボは独立しました
We're advising the Polisario Front of the Western Sahara, who are fighting to get their country back from Moroccan occupation after 34 years of dispossession.
彼らは34年間にわたり モロッコを相手に 民族自決の戦いを続けています
We're advising the Burmese opposition, the government of Southern Sudan, which you heard it here first is going to be a new country within the next few years.
初耳かもしれませんが 南部スーダン自治政府は 数年のうちに独立国となるでしょう
About you, about me, about us!
あなたの事 私の 私達の事を!
About Kells, about Aidan, about the book.
ケルズのことも エイダンのことも あの本のことも
Health extension workers can help with so many things, whether it's family planning, prenatal care, immunizations for the children, or advising the woman to get to the facility on time for an on time delivery.
家族計画や妊婦の管理の手助けをしたり または子供の予防接種や 出産に間に合うようにクリニックに行くためのアドバイス
And (remember) when Luqman said to his son when he was advising him O my son! Join not in worship others with Allah. Verily! Joining others in worship with Allah is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed.
さてルクマーンが 自分の息子を戒めてこう言った時を思い起しなさい 息子よ アッラーに 外の神を 同等に配してはならない それを配するのは 大変な不義である
You know, in the 18th century in the U.K., the greatest preacher, greatest religious preacher, was a man called John Wesley, who went up and down this country delivering sermons, advising people how they could live.
説教者であるション ウェスレーは 国中をまわり歩いて説教をし 人々に どう生きるべきか諭していました
It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity.
Independent Diplomat is now established in five diplomatic centers around the world, and we're advising seven or eight different countries, or political groups, depending on how you wish to define them and I'm not big on definitions.
世界5ヶ所にオフィスを構えて 7か8の国 あるいは政治組織とも呼ばれる人たち
He was learning about our process about design thinking, about empathy, about iterative prototyping.
反復的試作といった 過程について 学んでいました ダグはその新しい知識を使って すごいことをしました
Default mode in notification
ーサラ テンクレディ先生
It's about system, it's about organization.
体制や組織 環境と尊厳の問題なのです
Articles about water, ads about water.
It's about kids. It's about entrepreneurship.
これに刺激を受けて 私から聞いた話を生かし
What about me? What about Lexi?
It's about science, it's about rationalism.
だから 毎週
What about Bartok? What about him?
About the President, about the company.
大統領のこと 会社 のこと
What about Tess? What about Eve?
About tonight. About seeing you play.
今夜の あなたの演奏よ
About this place, about your dad.
ここの事 あなたのパパの事
About the outside world. About atolls.
外の世界の事だ ビキニ環礁さ.
We'll talk about information extraction, about spelling correction, about information retrieval.
内容を理解するためには, 基本的な線形代数の知識が必要です
I wanted it to be about abundance, about diversity and about resilience.
そして回復力です ニュージーランドのリーに
So what about it? What about what?


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