Translation of "all n all" to Japanese language:

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

So this quantity really is somewhere between n² and 2(n²). All that is Θ(n²).
Rn is equal to the set of all n tuples, ordered n tuples.
だから x 1 x 2 で xn まであります
All the nodes are numbered less than n.
番号は0からn 1までですから
Humans currently utilise 40 of all photosynthesis n Earth.
光合成の40 を使っている 80 には増やせても
So that T(n) is no more than c times f(n) for all n that exceed or equal n0.
T(n)がc f(n)を越えないような そんな2つの定数 つまり これら2つの定数の役目は
Just part of the definition is like you know for all n greater than n₀, okay,
nがnより大きい場合 C2gn
N 2 operations to compute all of the partial products.
しかしそれは nのプリミティブなオペレーションで出来るので定数にnをかけた程度の
All the way to plus a to the n, right?
All the way up to a to the n, right?
では 左には何が残っているでしょう
For this one, it does terminate for all inputs n.
proc2関数に関してはn 4になる例を挙げます
So n! goes from 10 all the way to 1. (n k)! goes from 10 4 and that's 6 all the way to 1.
ここの青の説明部分は10 9 8...1まで掛けます
Those are all N 2 digit numbers, whereas our original inputs had N digits. So we can
だから合法的にそれらを再帰的に解く事が出来るはず 同じアルゴリズムをそれらを計算する為に
Buy N Large is your superstore We got all you need
Buy N Large is your superstore We got all you need
So the total number of edges that get added is the sum of all these things n n 2 n 4 to 1.
n n 2 n 4 と続いて1までです ほぼ2nとなります
They all cancel out, all the way up to r to the n minus r to the n cancel out, but then you're left with this
n をキャンセル しかし あなたが残ります ここに最後の言葉
Rn is the set of all of these possible ordered n tuples or ordered sets of n numbers.
n 個の数の順序を設定します では ベクトルは何ですか
One plus the N, the 2 plus the N minus 1, the 3 and the N minus 2, all the way to the N minus 1 and the 2, the N and the 1.
続けて行き N 1 2 最後に N 1になります 1 Nはなんでしょう
All of these letters refer to our host as U N Owen.
So put differently, this is k! so if we put all this together you get n! (n k)! k!
この数式となります それでは最後にもう一度練習しましょう
F All files are hidden, the tree shows only folders N All up to date files are hidden R All removed files are hidden
F すべてのファイルは隠し ツリーにフォルダのみ表示 N すべての最新ファイルを隠す R すべての削除ファイルを隠す
It means eventually, for all sufficiently large values of n, it's bounded above by a constant multiple of f(n).
それはf(n)の定数倍を上から抑える それを幾つか別の方法で考えてみよう この言葉による定義を図に翻訳し
Is it n, n 1 over n, n over n 1, n divided by n 1, n 1 divided by n, or is it n squared 1 over n 1?
それとも n² 1 1でしょうか ここでnは標本集合におけるデータ点の 個数であることに注意してください
Here's the definition that there is some constant c₁ and c₂ bigger than 0 and a a threshold n₀ such that f(n) lies between c₁ of g(n) and c₂ of g(n) for all n bigger than the threshold n₀.
さらに閾値n₀があり この時c₁g(n) f(n) c₂g(n)となる なおすべてのnは閾値n₀より大きいというものです これに基づいて考えていきます この式を正数であるc₁で割ってみると
This loop runs over all pairs of nodes n², but it does this from each value from 0 to n 1.
n n²またはn³となります
Again, for n 8, it has to generate n 4 graphs, each of which has to generate a bunch of n 2 graphs, which all look like this.
それぞれからn 2のグラフが作られます これらをランダムにつなぎ合わせます
Θ(n²), O(n²), and O(n³).
ビッグ オー記法は上界なのでO(n²)が有効です
And so that means we don't have to consider all interactions, and we don't need to consider all 2 n possibilities.
2のn乗個も考えなくてよいのです 従ってナイーブベイズが適している理由は2つあり
There is no regular expression that catches all strings that look like a n.
この累乗を意味する はコピーを意味するので a aa aaaという文字列になります
The goal here is to countdown from n all the way down to blastoff.
Oh boy, I have n's and I have n factorials and all of that.
しかし ここに示したように
And then n 2 links to get all the rest. So that's a total of 2n 3 which is Θ(n). Right.
Okay. So basically (log n)⁷ beats 9n(log n)² and n² ³ beats (log n)⁷ and 9n(log n)² beats n² ³.
9n(log n)²はn² ³より優位なので
For any coin, with the probability of heads equals to all caps P,. we now get the following formula n! (n k)! k!.
n n k k は 表がk回出る時の場合の数です それに表裏が出る確率を掛けます
So when all is said and done, we still have Î (n 2) edges total.
We want to loop through all the numbers 1 up to n in the range.
nまで必ず処理するために そこに 1を忘れないでください
We start off by generating a set of n nodes with no edges at all.
次にすべてのノードのペアi jを調べます
Now, if K is n 2 that's n times n 2 where n².
n 2のn倍はnの2乗 Θ(n²)になります
So I subscript n by n is the n by n identity matrix.
n掛けるnの単位行列 というのは おのおのの次元nごとに
So altogether we're talking about n n² or n³.
ダイクストラ法をより密度の高いグラフに適用した時の n³ log nよりよい値です
n times n minus one times n minus two.
If we divide through by n, we get 2 n n and divided by n is actually n.
すると2 nです
To be a bit more formal about it, we say that some function f(n) is in the set of functions equally fast growing as g(n), if and only if there are some constants c1 and c2 and some threshold n0 such that for any n bigger than n0, we have something that looks like this the function f(n) for all these values of n all these big values of n is sandwiched between c1 g(n) and c2 g(n).
ある関数f(n)が g(n)と成長率の等しい関数の集合に属する その必要十分条件は 定数c₁ c₂およびある閾値n₀について n₀より大きなすべてのnにおいて
When this is all over, when this loop is done, we have the D⁰n, but D⁰ n,i,j is the length of the shortest from I to J only hopping on nodes that are numbered less than n, but that's all the nodes.
Dⁿ i,j はiからjへ至る最短の長さでnより小さい ノードだけを通過しています すべてのノードはnより小さいので これはすべてのノードです
Russian(n, n) for lots of different values of n.