Translation of "allied perils" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Allied - translation : Allied perils - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

We are the allied troops.
It'll cover the missions, the perils, life in space.
任務 危険 宇宙での生活が書かれるわ
Germany was once allied with Italy.
Coal is chemically allied to diamonds.
The distance is allied with the shooter.
残念なことに 反乱者の多くにとって
The Allied Shinobi Forces is just that.
はい ガイ先生
The two parties allied to defeat the bill.
It will benefit the Allied Shinobi Forces too!
Germany was allied with Italy in World War II.
ドイツとイタリアは第二次世界大戦中 同盟国であった
The war ended in victory for the Allied Powers.
And, the major two victors on the Allied side
It's our way of assisting the Allied Shinobi Forces.
ハイヨー 走れ ミライ 何をやっている
Now you're saying that these two men are allied?
who were part of the Allied Forces against the Axis.
Zilong, have there been any problems with the allied training?
子竜 同盟の訓練に何か問題が?
The Emperors of Russia and Austria were inspecting the allied armies.
ロシアとオーストリアの 皇帝も 連合軍に参戦した
She's a member of Starfleet and Starfleet has allied with the High Command.
艦隊の一員です さらに 艦隊は最高司令部と 同盟を結ぼうとしているのです
Could be an Allied attack. Could it pose a danger to the Captain?
it's only until I call in this debt from the Allied Shinobi Forces.
(テマリ)なにを ニヤけているんだ 誰も ニヤけてなんかねえよ よく言うな
Or do they say We are a host allied together to help each other?
それともかれらは わたしたちは皆勝利を得る者です とでも言うのか
If Mack's been defeated and the allied forces destroyed, we would have known about it.
マック軍が敗れたら 連絡がくるはす
With Goku's departure, Vegeta and The Z fighters were left alone to face the perils that would befall the earth.
Z戦士達は分かっていた 将来より大きな危機に彼らが悟空無しで直面するだろうと
And this problem call it the perils of privilege brings us closer, I think, to the root of our collective recklessness.
私たちを集団的な無謀さの根源へと 近づけていると思います なぜなら 北半球にいる人は
Look, even though we came a long way on water, not one allied ship was there to counterattack
見ろ たとえ我々が水上を 遠路はるばる来たとしても 反撃する同盟軍の船は 一隻もそこにいない
but they are not able to help them rather they will be brought before God as their allied host.
それら 邪神たち は かれらを助ける力はなく 寧ろかれらの方が邪神を守るため軍備を整えている始末
But idealism allied with pragmatism, with rolling up your sleeves and making the world bend a bit, is very exciting.
腕まくりをして世界を動かせば とても刺激的だろうし とても現実的で強力だ
As a second example, imagine an allied group of nations cooperatively infiltrating the computer systems of an enemy nation's nuclear warship.
複数の同盟国が共同で 敵国の原子力船の コンピューターシステムに 侵入したと想像してください
They think the allied tribes have not withdrawn and if the allied tribes had advanced they would have wished that they were rather with the Arabs of the desert asking news of you and had they been among you they would have fought but just a little.
かれらは 部族連合軍は敗退したのではないと考えている もし部族連合軍が 再び 来ることがあれば かれらはベドウィン族の間に身を置いて あなたがたの消息を尋ねる 立場になる ことを願っている またもしかれらがあなたがたの中にいても 僅かの者の外は戦わないであろう
Then the Allied forces went through his collections and found the paintings and went after the people who sold it to him.
絵画を発見して 彼に売った画商を追跡しました そうしてオランダ警察がアムステルダムで
They've withstood untold natural perils and human encroachments, but now some of them are in jeopardy, and they can't just get up and get out of the way.
耐えてきたのです でもその一部は危機に瀕しています 立ちあがって別の場所に移るなんてことはできないのです
Then the wild and distant seas where he rolled his island bulk the undeliverable, nameless perils of the whale these, with all the attending marvels of a thousand
クジラの無名の危険 これらの 千のすべての出席驚異と パタゴニアの光景や音は 私の願いに私を左右に役立った
As a defensive measure, the enemy country responds by unleashing a defensive cyberattack that results in the allied nations' power grids going down.
その敵国は 自己防衛のための サイバー攻撃で応戦した結果 同盟軍の電力網を停止させたとします
I was one of the good guys, and I was allied with other good guys, and we were fighting the ideas of the bad guys.
共に悪いヤツらの企みと戦っていると 考えていました そう思っていたのです
After losing in World War One the Ottoman's relinquished their 500 year control to the Allied Forces, which decided to divide the old empire into countries.
英外相ロード バルフォアは ユダヤ人のその祖国に対する歴史的権利を認め ました 中東のわずか約0.5パーセントにあたる地域を この目的のために当てました
Take, therefore, what modern technology is capable of the power of our moral sense allied to the power of communications and our ability to organize internationally.
我々の道徳心の力を 通信の力 そして 国際的組織形成力と組合せること それによって初めて 我々は共同体として
Anyway, despite those perils, I would urge you to think about the possibility that you might take on roles in your own work, whether they are neighboring or far flung from your professional definition.
皆さんが自分の仕事の中での役割を 職業上の定義から 少し または大きく超えてみてはどうかと 提案したいと思います
Under the command of Kutuzov, the Russian army, 50,000 strong, marched into Austria to join forces with the allied army of the Austrian General Mack, to undertake joint action against Napoleon.
クトゥーゾフ将軍の 5万のロシア軍は マック将軍配下の オーストリア軍と合流し 仏軍に対抗し オーストリアに進駐した
And they're just trying and killing people that just seem to be suspicious, seem to be allied in some way with the nobility or with the King, or in someway a royalist.
やっきになっていた 少しでも貴族や王と関わりがある 君主制を支持するような人たちだ 王政の復活を 願ってた人たちだね
I was gripped by the stories of the Allied soldiers soldiers who left the safety of their own homes and risked their lives to liberate a country and a people that they didn't know.
感動しました 兵士達は安全な故郷を離れ 自らの命を危険に晒しながら
It's therefore probable that Africa was formerly inhabited by extinct apes closely allied to the gorilla and chimpanzee, and as these two species are now man's nearest allies, it's somewhat more probable that our early progenitors
絶滅した類人猿が 生息していた可能性があり これら2つの種が人類に 最も近い種であることから 初期の人類が アフリカ大陸に居たという
When the faithful saw (the armies of) the allied tribes, they said This is what God and His Apostle had promised us and God and His Apostle say the truth and this enhanced their faith and obedience.
信者たちは 部族連合の軍勢を見た時言った これはアッラーとかれの使徒が わたしたちに約束されたものである アッラーとかれの使徒は 真実を話された それは かれらの信心と服従 帰依の念を 嫌が上にも深めた
I've tried to suggest through theses stories and these arguments some sense of the risks and temptations of the perils and the possibilities I would simply conclude by saying that the aim of this course is to awaken the restlessness of reason and to see where it might lead thank you very much.
ある種の可能性を示そうと思う 最後にこう述べて終わろう この講義の目的は
And so I wondered, could what the future beckons for India to be all about be a combination of these things allied to something else, the power of example, the attraction of India's culture, what, in other words, people like to call soft power.
世界がインドに対して望むものは 今述べたものと共にさらに 理想となるようなパワー
They are among the most simple and indigenous animal products ancient and venerable families known to antiquity as to modern times of the very hue and substance of Nature, nearest allied to leaves and to the ground and to one another it is either winged or it is legged.
現代のように古代に知られている由緒ある家族が 非常に色相と物質の 葉にと 自然の 最も近い同盟 地面が そしてお互いに それはどちら翼またはそれは脚です
But if we fast forward to 1945 and eventually the, especially between the Soviet and the US, or I guess I should say all of the allied forces, they are able to win the European front of WWII and then fast forward to the end of that year.
第2次世界大戦の前線でヨーロッパに勝利し 終戦に向かいます 日本はまだかなり激しく戦っていました 繰り返しますがこれはたくさんのビデオに出来るほどで 倫理的な意義について議論できますが


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