Translation of "and by" to Japanese language:

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

By guile and by bluster, by night and by day,
昼夜を問わず 自分の人生から愚か者どもを 蹴散らしたものだ
By birth and by choice,
生来 自動車産業に関わってきました
Perfect, by References and by Subject
JULlET By and by I come
汝のスーツを停止し 私の悲しみに私を残すこと 明日にするには 私が送信されます
All by and by
All by and by
And by whom?
By and by he forgot that affair.
It will clear up by and by.
By and by the party ended and everyone went home.
and by the sky and by Him Who made it
天と それを打ち建てた御方において
This has been replicated over and over and over again by psychologists, by sociologists, and by economists.
心理学者や 社会学者 経済学者の手によって 何度も何度もです
and by parent and offspring,
生む者と生まれる者にかけて 誓う
Not by the latest combine and tractor invention, but by fertile land not by pumps, but by fresh water not by chainsaws, but by forests and not by fishing boats and nets, but by fish in the sea.
肥えた土地が不足しているからだ ポンプや真水の不足じゃない チェンソー不足じゃない 森林が減っているからだ
We work by day, and rest by night.
我々は 昼は働き夜は休む
By and by it will become colder again.
やがて また寒くなるでしょう
By and by Mt. Fuji came into sight.
That movie will be released by and by.
He sleeps by day and works by night.
The pain will go away by and by.
We work by day and rest by night.
私たちは昼は働き 夜は休息する
By the heaven, and by the nightly visitor
天と 夜訪れるものによって 誓う
By the sky, and by the nightly comer!
天と 夜訪れるものによって 誓う
Divide by 10 and then multiply by 10.
and by the earth and by Him Who stretched it out
大地と それを広げた御方において
and by the soul and by Him Who perfectly proportioned it,
魂と それを釣合い秩序付けた御方において
So 2 is divisible by 1 and by 2, and not by any other natural numbers.
linear by cyclical fossil fuel energy by renewable energy, sunlight wasteful by waste free and abusive by benign and labor productivity by resource productivity.
化石燃料 から 太陽光や再生可能エネルギー へ 浪費からムダを無くし 乱用 を 良識 に変え 労働生産性 に代えて 資源生産性 へ 置きかえなければなりません
And by ten nights,
And by ten nights
And by Mount Sinai
and covered by darkness.
and by Mount Sinai,
Perfect and by References
And it's by design.
こうすれば 麻酔器を使う為の
And by regretted it,
And by parent yourself ,
死んでもやりたくないことを自分にやらせる それが仕事だということです
Written and Directed by
Written and Directed by
Day by day and month by month, Internet technology is growing. Actually, make that second by second and minute by minute.
インターネットのテクノロジーは日進月歩 いや 秒進分歩で進歩している
And you'll be protected by Napoleon. And they're protected by Napoleon and his army.
そして 彼らは ナポレオンと彼の兵士に守ってもらった
We are influenced both by environment and by heredity.
By and by the moon appeared on the horizon.
An owl sleeps by day and hunts by night.
Some people went by bus, and others by train.
バスで行った人もいるし 汽車で行った人もいる
Sometimes I go by bus and sometimes by car.
Some people traveled by train, and others by road.
列車で旅をする人もいれば 車を使う人もいた