Translation of "apt to be" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
He is apt to be late. | 彼は遅刻しがちだ |
That path is apt to be muddy after rain. | あの小道は雨が降るとぬかるみやすい |
We are all apt to be careless at times. | 私達はみんな時々不注意になりがちである |
My son is apt to be absent from school. | 私の息子は欠席しがちだ |
We are all apt to be careless at times. | 私たちは時々不注意になりがちである |
We are all apt to be careless at times. | 私たちはみんなときどき不注意になりがちだ |
He is apt to be late for the appointed time. | 彼は約束の時間によく遅れる |
When you lack sleep, you are apt to be careless. | 寝不足だと注意が散漫になりがちです |
She is apt to fail. | 彼女は失敗しそうだ |
He is apt to forget. | 彼は忘れっぽい |
We're apt to make mistakes. | 私たちは間違いをしがちです |
We're apt to make mistakes. | われわれは誤りを犯しがちである |
Accordingly as people become rich, they are apt to be stingy. | 人は金持ちになるに従ってけちになりがちである |
APT Key Manager | APT 公開鍵マネージャー |
Students are apt to waste time. | 学生は時間を浪費しがちである |
We are apt to waste time. | 私達は時間を浪費しがちだ |
We are apt to waste time. | 私たちは時間を浪費しがちである |
We are apt to waste time. | 我々は時間を浪費しがちである |
He is apt to catch cold. | 彼は風邪をひきやすい |
He is apt to ridicule others. | 彼は他人をばかにする傾向がある |
He is apt to envy others. | 彼は他人をうらやみがちだ |
Old men are apt to forget. | 年寄りはものを忘れがちである |
People are apt to make excuses. | 人は 言い訳をしがちだ |
We are apt to make mistakes. | 私たちは間違いをしがちです |
The old are apt to catch cold. | 老人はかぜを引きやすい |
She is apt to fits of depression. | 彼女は急にふさぎ込む性癖がある |
She is apt to lose her temper. | 彼女はかんしゃくを起こしがちである |
She is apt to win the prize. | 彼女が賞を取りそうだ |
He is apt to forget his promise. | 彼は約束を忘れがちである |
He is apt to forget people's names. | 彼は人の名前を忘れ気味である |
He is apt to forget people's name. | 彼は人の名前を忘れやすい |
Young people are apt to waste time. | 若い人は時間を浪費する傾向がある |
We are apt to forget this fact. | 私達はこのことを忘れがちである |
Young people are apt to go to extremes. | 若者は極端に走りがちだ |
In Japan, relations between neighbors are apt to be cooler than in USA. | 日本では 隣同士の関係は合衆国より冷たい傾向がある |
She is apt to keep a secret to herself. | 彼女は秘密をよく守る |
He is apt to give vent to his feelings. | 彼は感情を表わしがちだ |
He is apt to give vent to his feelings. | 彼は感情をあらわしすぎだ |
The learned are apt to despise the ignorant. | 学のある人はとかく無知な人を軽蔑する |
The anarchist is apt to lose his temper. | その無政府主義者はかっとなりやすい |
A careless person is apt to make mistakes. | 不注意な人間は過ちを犯しがちである |
He was apt to boast of his knowledge. | 彼は学識を自慢しがちであった |
Young people are apt to behave that way. | 若い人はとかくそんなふうに行動するものだ |
One is apt to forget his own faults. | 自分の欠点は忘れがちなものである |
We are apt to speak ill of others. | 私達は他人の悪口を言いがちだ |