Translation of "are eroded" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Are eroded - translation : Eroded - translation :
Keywords : 我々 財源 おかし

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The glaciers are not the only things being eroded.
過密なスケジュールや 現代的なライフスタイルが
Far too many. Fa... My memory's eroded.
あまり多すぎて おかしくなる
The company's competitive edge will be eroded if system engineers continue to leave.
And just as the biosphere has been severely eroded, so too is the ethnosphere
民族文化圏も しかも もっと急速に 侵食されています
And it's this kind of thinking that's at risk being eroded one cute cat video at a time.
誤解しないでください インターネットはいろんないい面を持っていて感謝すべきた
And slowly, slowly, at the end of the 20th century, that scarcity started to get eroded and I don't mean by digital technology
希少性が浸食されていきました デジタル技術によってではなく アナログ技術によってです
This grain of sand is probably about three and a half or four billion years old and it's never eroded away like the way we have sand on Earth erodes away because of water, and tumbling, air and so forth.
地球の砂のように水や 流動する空気などによって 浸食を受けることがありません 浸食の跡をここに 少しだけ見ることができます
This grain of sand is probably about three and a half or four billion years old, and it's never eroded away like the way we have sand on Earth erodes away because of water and tumbling, air, and so forth.
35 40億年前のものでしょう 地球の砂のように 侵食されていません 水も 空気もありませんし 転がることも
Is the man who lays the foundations of his sanctum on his allegiance to God and the wish to seek His favour, better, or he who lays the foundations of his building on the edge of a bank eroded by water, which will collapse with him into the fire of Hell? But God does not guide the people who are wilfully unjust.
アッラーを畏れ かれの御喜びを求めてその家の礎えを定め建てる者と 砕け崩れそうな崖のふちにその家の礎えを定めて建て 地獄の火の中に共に砕け落ちる者と どちらが優れているか アッラーは不義を行う民を導かれない
But, over the past fifty years, when many other countries, including France and Italy, implemented draconian controls, the result was always the same eventually, the private sector adapted and eroded the controls effectiveness. Whether by misreporting imports and exports or exploiting corrupt government officials (which China has in ample supply), private capital eventually starts finding its way around the controls if the incentives are strong enough.
しかし この50年来 フランスやイタリアを含む世界の国々が厳しい規制を敷いてきたが 結果は常に同じで 規制の効力は 国の民間企業をとおして徐々に風化されている インセンティブが十分に強ければ 民間資本は 輸出入を不正に報告したり 中国には余るほどいる 汚職政治家に取り入ることで 次第に管理をすり抜ける方法を見つけていくのだ
They are ideals that are powerful. They are irreducible. They are unique.
ユニークで 役に立つものなのです
Nerves are yellow, arteries are red, veins are blue.
そして静脈は青色です 誰でも外科医になれそうですよね
Some are poor, some are wealthy. There are billions.
その時 世界銀行の総裁は3年生でした
There are. There always are.
実は今 ばかばかしい思想が
Are you ? Are you there?
They are what they are.
これこそが パペットの魅力だと思います
You are, Billy, you are.
We are, sweetheart, we are.
そうよ あなた そうよ
No. You are. You are.
We are who we are.
Some are lost, some are damaged, some are losing power.
いくつかは迷い 損傷し 動力を失ってるでしょう
そう その通り
Some are moderate some are radical.
おとなしいものもあれば 急進的なものもある
We are glad you are coming.
Are you students? Yes, we are.
あなた達は学生ですか はい そうです
Some are wise, some are otherwise.
利口な人もいれば そうでない人もいる
Some are wise, some are otherwise.
賢い者もあるし そうでもない者もある
You are not coming, are you?
Are you okay? Are you stressed?
大丈夫 ストレス溜め込んでない
Reputations are volatile. Loyalties are fickle.
経営側と社員は ますます
Purple are tweets. Green are geolocation.
There are challenges. There are challenges.
There are motorcycles. There are cars.
車が車線内にいることは分かりますが カリフォルニアやおそらくインドでは
Cows are invisible. Cows are boring.
誰が 車をとめて あ 見て 牛だ なんて言うますか そんな人いません
You are. You are Ha Ni.
ハニ ここで何してるの
Biofuels are fuels that are grown.
We are anonymous. We are legion.
我々は許さない 我々は忘れない
Some are public. Some are private.
最初の人のシークエンシングには 50億ドル程度
We are unique. We are irreplaceable.
私たちの中にある物は決して 侵される事はありません
We are them. They are us.
Leafhoppers are harmful, spiders are beneficial.
ところが 益虫のクモにとったら
Mistresses are mistresses! Maids are maids!
奥方は奥方 下女は下女
They are tender. They are nice.
柔らかで 旨いよ
Are you saying that you are...


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