Translation of "aromatic substances" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Aromatic - translation : Aromatic substances - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

grain with its husk and aromatic herbs.
殻に包まれる穀物と その外の 賜物
It was magic healers and aromatic oils.
the grain in the blade and aromatic herbs.
殻に包まれる穀物と その外の 賜物
It's dangerous to mix these substances.
No, not potatoes, but tomatoes, aromatic plants and so on.
ハーブなどもです 体に良い空気を吸ったり
These substances are not poisonous in themselves.
The mixture of these substances is dangerous.
These different substances...tend to have different properties.
And you make some sushis with a fish and the aromatic plants above.
寿司でも作るかです ポテトも栽培できるので
So, and you get all the disease protective substances.
I would like to know how these substances are absorbed by the body.
There's a chance that tap water may contain harmful substances like chlorine and lead.
水道水には塩素 鉛などの有害物質が含まれている可能性がある
Without knowing what other substances you've taken I don't wanna risk a drug interaction.
何が原因かわからないし 相互作用を避けたい
And so just to get our terminology, we call these different substances, that these pure substances that have these specific properties at certain temperatures, and react in certain ways, we call them elements.
これらの異なった物質を これらの純粋な物質のことです これらはある温度で特定の性質を持ち ある特定の反応をします
They can form between a water molecule and different substances that are polar or ionic.
極性を有するかイオン化した 物質との間でも起こります 水同士が結合する能力を凝集力と言い
We developed libraries of compounds and eventually arrived at this and similar substances called JQ1.
探していた物質であるJQ1と その類似物質にたどりついたのです 私達は製薬会社ではありませんから
I think that, as he's using addictive substances like thinner, the chance of rehabilitation is low.
シンナーなどの常習性のある物をしてると言う事は 更正する可能性が低いと思います
Unlike the legacy of inherited predisposition to addictive behavior or substances this needs no genetic assistance.
習慣的行動や特質が 遺伝的に備わってるのとは違って この欲求は遺伝的なものじゃない
The process by which substances are turned directly from a solid state into a gas is called sublimation.
This can be made out of different kinds of substances, such as agarose and polyacrylamide, both of which
Yes, the Albuquerque office covers everything from drugrelated money laundering to interdiction of illicit substances crossing the border.
君の仕事を説明して ここではドラッグ関連の 資金洗浄や
We humans have known for thousands of years, just looking at our environment around us, that there're different substances.
身のまわりの環境にあるものを見てきて いろんな物質があることに気がついていました いろいろな物質 ... それは様々な性質を持っていました
Water's ability to stick to itself is called cohesion, while water's ability to stick to other substances is called adhesion.
一方 水が他の物質と結合する能力を 接着力と呼びます では元の質問に戻りましょう
But if a reaction happens quickly, otherwise harmless substances can interact in a way that generates enormous bursts of energy.
だが もし急激に 反応すれば たとえ害のない 物質同士でも エネルギーは 大きな衝撃を生む
And this is the conversion of one group of substances into another, either through the production or the absorption of energy.
ある物質が 他の物質に変化するのです そしてこれが 生きている物質
The object on the right is made from a confection of different substances, from silicon and metal and plastic and so on.
シリコン 金属 プラスチックなど 異なった物質の集合体です さらに これは 異なったアイディア つまり
For most other substances, the solid state is more dense than the liquid state, but that is not the case for water!
固体は液体より密度が高いですが 水の場合は違います 氷の水素結合においては
Whereas the other three piles were dead, dark and stinky, and the PAH's the aromatic hydrocarbons went from 10,000 parts per million to less than 200 in eight weeks.
多環芳香族炭化水素は 8週間で1万 ppm から200 ppm 以下に減少しました 最終形態の写真は ありませんが
But we also start to observe how they react with each other in certain circumstances. and here's pictures of some of these substances.
どのようにそれらが反応するかも観察するようになりました ここにはそういう物質の写真がいくつかあります ここにあるのは炭素です これは黒鉛の状態ですね
Thomas Edison went through thousands of unlikely substances before he came upon the right one for the filament of his electric light bulb.
幾千もの見込みのなさそうな物質を試し やっと電球のフィラメントに適した 材料に出会うことができた
So this human study is a prime example of how antiangiogenic substances present in food and consumed at practical levels, can have an impact on cancer.
食品に含まれる血管新生抑制物質と 現実的に消費される量が いかにガンに対して インパクトを出せるかという素晴らしい例です
I won't go into details about what led to a decision I made, but let's just say it involved alcohol, cigarettes, other substances and a woman.
アルコール タバコ そして 女性が関与していたとだけ言っておきます (笑)
As it turns out, marine mammals are at the top of this food chain that we're pouring millions of tons of toxic substances into every year.
私たちが莫大な量の有害物質を 年々注いでいる 食物連鎖の一番上に 存在していることが分かりました
Geoengineers are proposing spraying 10 to 20 million tons of toxic aluminum and other substances into our sky for the stated goal of cooling our planet.
1 2千万トンの物質を 大気中に散布することで 地球を冷却できると 主張しています ジオエンジニアリングの 2つの異なる部門について
Because genetically they knocked out the receptors, the chemical binding sites in the brain, for endorphins and endorphins are indigenous morphine like substances endorphins are our own natural painkillers.
遺伝的に不活性化してあったからです エンドルフィンは脳内にある モルヒネ様の物質で 我々が持つ天然の鎮痛剤です
Now, even though both of these molecules are made up of exactly the same building blocks, they are two completely different substances, and they behave completely differently inside of us.
全く同じ元素からできているのですが 物質としては全く異なっています そして私達の体内でも 全く違う働きをします
Jordan Bunker, who had had no experience with chemistry until then, read this paper and reproduced the experiment at his maker space using only off the shelf substances and tools.
ジョーダン バンカーが この論文を読み 趣味の作業場にあった 材料と道具を利用して
We banned those chemicals, and we replaced them, unknowingly, with other substances that, molecule per molecule, are a hundred times more potent as heat trapping, greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide.
その影響を知らずに 代替物質を使い始めたのです その代替物質は一つ一つの分子が
So, one thing I would like the medical community, and the legal community, and even the college community, to see if they can understand, that indeed, romantic love is one of the most addictive substances on Earth.
法曹界や 大学の教育界に 恋愛が極めて中毒的な物質だと 理解してほしい
You're nothing but a pack of neurons that we're basically all material substances, in which case everything you think you are, all of your thoughts and emotions and all of your interior life is nothing but a pack of neurons.
Now, as I was training in clinical medicine and hematology and oncology and stem cell transplantation, what we had instead, cascading through the regulatory network at the FDA, were these substances arsenic, thalidomide, and this chemical derivative of nitrogen mustard gas.
幹細胞移植の研修を受けている間に 起こったのは ヒ素やサリドマイド
O Ye who believe! verily many of the priests and the monks devour the substances of men in falsehood and hinder People from the way of Allah. And those who treasure up gold and silver and expend them not in the way of Allah announce thou unto them a torment afflictive.
あなたがた信仰する者たちよ 律法学者や修道士の多くは偽って人びとの財産を貪り かれらを アッラーの道から妨げている また金や銀を蓄えて それをアッラーの道のために施さない者もいる かれらに痛ましい懲罰を告げてやれ
Among other things consists of data that we supply at the beginning of this written on one of the key drugs in cases of radioactive contamination and chemical warfare, in addition to knowledge about who has the ability to decontaminate air, land, and water of these substances and their deadly fumes.
放射能汚染の場合の重要な薬の一つに書かれたと 除染する能力を持っている人についての知識に加えて 化学兵器 これらの物質とその致命的な煙の空気 土地 水 私たちは 発表されたように


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