Translation of "as it it" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
It takes as long as it takes. | ですから解決する までです |
It will stratify society as much as it liberates it. | 社会を階層化させます 私たちは途上国に |
It is not as good as it looks. | それは見かけ倒しだ |
As they know it. As we know it..? | ご存じの通りです |
It wasn't as behind as we thought it was. | 想像したよりもスケジュールは 遅れてはいなかったかもしれない |
As frightening as it sounds, you think about it. | あなたをスパイして つけ回している |
As far as it goes. | それに関しては |
As much as it takes! | それが取る限りの |
As long as it takes. | 必要なら |
Don't touch it. Leave it as it is. | 触れないでそのままにしておきなさい |
Don't touch it. Leave it as it is. | 触らずそのままにしておきなさい |
As it stands! | そのままのお前達が |
As it is | そのままで |
As it is | 無限で |
As it was? | そのまま |
As it were. | 彼らがそうであったように |
Let's leave it as it is. | 本当にありがとうございました |
It is as you left it. | そのままだ |
It isn't anything like as cold as it was yesterday. | 今日は昨日の寒さとはうって変わった陽気だ |
It wasn't as successful as we thought it would be. | オーストラリアとニュージランドでの成功に浮かれて |
It matters for now. It matters as soon as possible. | 信じられないなら サムに聞いてみてください |
It wasn't as successful as they thought it would be. | そうしている間に ピルニッツ宣言に参加していた |
Because as he hit it, it counts as a scrawl. | 紙に掠っただけでも サインと見做せる |
It goes through the measurements. It assumes it has as many motions as measurements. | まずmeasurementを適用し motionを適用します |
As long as it doesn't freeze! | 氷点下まで冷えさえしなければいいですよ |
As long as it doesn't snow! | 雪さえ降らなければね |
Do it as soon as possible. | 出来るだけ早くそれをしなさい |
It was as hard as rock. | それはまるで岩のように堅かった |
As long as it takes. Goodbye. | さよなら |
Look as bad as it feels? | この傷 痛そうか |
And the moon as it follows it. | それに従う月において |
And the day as it reveals it. | 太陽を 輝き現わす昼において |
And the night as it conceals it. | それを覆う夜において |
By the Night as it conceals it | それを覆う夜において |
As it was, he suffered under it. | 妹は確かに限り すべてのぎこちなさを隠蔽しようとした |
As it got closer, it got worse. | 近づくにつれ 怖くなった |
It isn't anywhere near as hot today as it was yesterday. | 今日は昨日と違ってちっとも暑くない |
How? As soon as it starts, you just tear it off. | 勝手に止まるようになってますし |
So it might not sound as good as it normally does. | まあとにかく 学習を続けましょう |
So democracy, as difficult as it is, I believe in it. | そしてもちろん グラウンド ゼロ 他に何があるでしょう |
As hot as it is, it could be so much worse. | とてもひどくなるわ ああ ノーマ とてもひどくなるのよ |
Of couse I forgot it as soon as it worked out | もちろんすぐ忘れたが |
They just want to keep it as units, keep it as general as possible. | 可能な限り一般的なものにしておきます 長さは ある単位のxで 幅は x 4 で |
No single organization controls it and that's why it works as well as it does. | 互いに協力しあうことで 私たちはみんなでインターネットを作り上げています |
It goes as follows. | 車を注文する時あなたは前輪が 100 調整されていると信じています |