Translation of "asparagus fern" to Japanese language:

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  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Our love fern!
It's a baby fern.
It's our love fern.
What if I get some asparagus in there? Some roasted asparagus and other recipe for mushrooms with a roasted asparagus.
First, let's prepare the asparagus.
Come on, asparagus, it's great.
ほら アスパラガスはうまいぞ
What the hell's a love fern?
Take care of our love fern, honey.
ダーリン シダの世話よろしくね
I'm taking this love fern with me.
We have finished preparing the asparagus.
This ensures the asparagus is cooked evenly.
You can still get asparagus in the winter.
Just like my Aunt Fern. Except she don't tolerate Mexicans.
ファーンおばさんと 好き嫌いが似てる
How many minutes shall I boil this frozen asparagus?
Then peel the outer skin of the asparagus stalks.
これはいつも使っているのでとても使いやすいので これを持って来ました
A nice filet,some asparagus,and some blackberry cobbler.
ヒレ肉にアスパラガス ブラックベリー パイ
Cut the asparagus to a length of about 20cm (8in).
Cut the asparagus into 6 equal pieces. Alright, it's done!
さあ 出来ました 皆さん
Onions, garlic, leeks, chives, shallots and so are mushrooms and asparagus.
また あなた方には皿に山盛り 3カップ分 の
You know what I mean, like asparagus, right? Is that the one or broccoli?
あの匂いというだけで こういう野菜は僕は食べないんだ
I have not heard so much as a locust over the sweet fern these three hours.
ハトは彼らのねぐら時にすべての眠っていません それからのフラッター
When small bubbles form around the panko, it's the right moment to drop in the asparagus.
アスパラを油の中に入れる調度良いタイミングです アスパラを6等分に切り分けます
Next, when frying the asparagus you roll them in flour, beaten egg, and breadcrumbs, in that order.
溶き卵 パン粉の順につけます 卵は割ってそのままじゃなくて
A schoolboy... who described to his teacher... how a fern grows out of the earth, and astounded the teacher.
小学生が 先生に シダの発生を説明して 感心させた
You throw a stick in the air around here it's gonna land on some sacred fern for Christ's sake.
このあたりで 棒きれ放り投げりゃ いやでも 神聖な森にぶつかるぞ
Today we will be making fried asparagus wrapped in pork and eating it fresh from the fry pan.
揚げたてを食べて頂きます それとビデオにもあります
The tips are cute, so leave them exposed and wrap the pork so the thickness is the same around the whole asparagus.
なるべく豚肉の厚さが均等になるようにしたほうが 火の通りが同じになるので
This meal is looking better and better and if I get some asparagus with the mushrooms that's an additional 11mg of sodium, so that's pretty reasonable.
アスパラガスとマッシュルームで11ミリグラム まだ余裕がありますから デザートを付けましょう アメリカ人の好きなアップルパイ 私は食べるのも作るのも好きです
You could draw a snail, or a nautilus shell an elephant with a curled up trunk, the horns of a sheep,a fern frond, a cochlea in an inner ear diagram an ear itself,
羊の角 シダの葉 内耳の蝸牛 耳自体も描けます 他種のラセンでは無理でも この優秀なラセンなら可能です
I had a broccoli and asparagus casserole planned for you and me, right there in front of the TV, and we're not going to be able to do that either, 'cause I got to go in to work.
ブロッコリーとアスパラガスの キャセロールがあるし 2人でTV観戦しようと思ってたんだけど ちょっと難しくなったんだ


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