Translation of "atmospheric" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Atmospheric - translation :
Keywords : 大気 気温 に合

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Atmospheric Effects
Atmospheric conditions.
Correct for atmospheric refraction
Correct for atmospheric refraction?
Correct positions for atmospheric refraction?
Can you give me an atmospheric? Yes.
It's in NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
次の質問です なぜ我々は海を無視しているのか
So you would burn up due to atmospheric friction.
燃え尽きてしまいます だから お薦めはしません
Yes, sir. Atmospheric ops mean Viper and Raptor engines run continuously.
大気内の作戦行動はバイパーとラプターの エンジンが連続稼働になりますので
These are actual measurements of atmospheric temperatures since our civil War.
これは気温の実測値です 南北戦争以来の値です
If we cannot stop this, we are looking at atmospheric release.
They are both two branches of the same field of atmospheric science.
最近 気候変動に関する政府間パネル (IPCC)が
Under specific atmospheric condition, the sunset simulation shall produce a green flash.
Human and animal life are influenced by their reactions to the atmospheric environment.
人間や動物の生活も この大気という環境への対応の仕方によって左右される
And because it's so much stuff, it's really important for the atmospheric system.
I'm a PhD student at MlT, and I happen to study atmospheric science.
偶然にも大気科学を勉強しています もっと奇妙なのが
There are four major parts to the atmospheric problem observation, understanding, prediction, and control.
大気の問題には 観察 理解 予測 それに管理と言った4つの主要な部門がある
Holding the Olympics where there's severe atmospheric pollution gives rise to a great risk for athletes.
Because it's important to the atmospheric system, we go to all lengths to study this thing.
多くの努力を払ってこの物質を研究しています 例えば 爆発させてその残骸を観察します
Atmospheric explosions, or full combustion, takes about 15,000 times longer than what happens in your car.
自動車の中で起こる反応の1万5千倍という時間がかかります しかしそれでも私たちはその反応を観察します
But it looks like we could achieve long atmospheric lifetimes much longer than before because they're levitated.
できそうです 粒子は浮揚しているからです 物質を成層圏から 中間圏に移動して
If you were not yet convinced, sea levels are rising, so is atmospheric CO2 and global temperature.
地球気温 は ご覧のように上昇しています (ジャン) このn gramもご覧になりたいかもしれません
It broke up through atmospheric pressure, it crumbled, and then the pieces fell apart and did some damage.
粉々になり かけらが落下して 被害を与えたのでしょう こんな隕石が足や頭の上に落ちてきたら
Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, put out their report on the state of understanding of the atmospheric system.
報告を出した時の見出しは このようなものでした そのレポートは40か国620人の
As you may know, 11 days ago, atmospheric tracking determined that Russian communications satellite Ikon has initiated orbital degradation.
御存知の通り 11日前に行われた 大気圏調査の結果 ロシアの通信衛星 アイコン が 軌道を外れ降下中であることが判明
Contaminated waters entered the Pacific Ocean by atmospheric deposition and direct discharge of coolant in the weeks after the catastrophe.
本研究では 数値モデル実験を用いて 太平洋における汚染水の長期的な動向を調査した
I became involved in calculations of the greenhouse effect here on Earth, because we realized that our atmospheric composition was changing.
温室効果の算出にも 関わるようになりました NASA は地球の大気の構成が
Here is a box filled at one and a half atmospheres of atmospheric pressure, with a cloud and with very bright light.
1.5気圧の大気と 雲と明るい光で 満たされています 開けっぱなしの 入口から入ると
The artist used atmospheric perspective so that the trees and leaves that are closest are surrendered more crisply than the vegetation in the background.
木と葉が背景の中で周りの植物よりもはっきりと 近くに見えるように ここに表現されているたった一つの建築物は
Economic expansion has resulted in increases in atmospheric nitrous oxide and methane, ozone depletion, increases in great floods, damage to ocean ecosystems, including nitrogen runoff,
大気中の窒素化合物やメタンの増加 オゾン層破壊 洪水の増加 海洋汚染 窒素流出
Now, this is really special cork, and this cork is what's going to protect us from the violent atmospheric entry that we're about to experience.
大気圏突入時の過酷な 衝撃から宇宙船を守るのです 大気を宇宙船が通過する際
These reactors operate at essentially atmospheric pressure, so there's no inclination for the fission products to leave the reactor in the event of an accident.
事故のときにも核分裂の生成物が 炉の外に出ることはありません さらに 高温で稼働し
In fact, if you look at the 10 hottest years ever measured in this atmospheric record, they've all occurred in the Iast 1 4 years.
実際 過去の気温測定値の中から 一番暑い年を上から 10個の年度を選んでみましょう 全て 最近の14年間に起きています
In my graduate years I worked with my colleague and mentor and friend, Steve Schneider, at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, working on global change issues.
同僚 師 友人である アメリカ大気研究センターの スティーブ シュナイダー博士は 地球変動を研究していました
We no longer need the heat shield to protect us from the force of atmospheric entry, so we jettison the heat shield, exposing for the first time our lander to the atmosphere of Mars.
大気圏突入の際に機体を守った 耐熱シールドは もう必要ないので切り離します そこで初めて着陸船が火星の大気に触れます 耐熱シールドを切り離し脚が展開されると
The audio level must not exceed 80 decibels, the animated cat should walk like a real cat, under specific atmospheric conditions, the sunset simulation shall produce a green flash, or response time shall be below 10 ms.
アニメの猫を本物の猫のように歩かせる ある特定の大気条件下では 日没のシミュレーションで緑閃光が放たれる 最後は応答時間は10ミリ秒以内とする
We found a global atmospheric watchtower there, in the middle of the rainforest, and hung hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of scientific equipment off this tower, to look for isoprene, and of course, other things while we were there.
大きな大気監視塔があり その塔には イソプレンやその他の物質を観測するための
These curves for global temperature, atmospheric CO2 and sea level were derived from ocean cores and Antarctic ice cores, from ocean sediments and snowflakes that piled up year after year over 800,000 years forming a two mile thick ice sheet.
大気中二酸化炭素濃度曲線と海面曲線で 海や南極圏の氷のボーリングサンプルと 海の堆積物や雪片から割り出しました
Now, you don't see these devices as add ons for phones yet, but students and engineers around the world have attached atmospheric sensors to bicycles and handheld computers and cheap robots and the backs of pigeons that being a project that's actually underway right now at U.C. Irvine, using bird mounted sensors as a way of measuring smog forming pollution.
世界中の技術者や学生が 大気センサーを 自転車や 携帯用端末や 安価なロボットや鳩のお尻に くっつけて実験しています
Then we get a little bit more serious, so we have what we call our CAD CAMs and all the engineers who are involved, or scientists who are involved, who know about thermal properties, know about design, know about atmospheric interaction, parachutes, all of these things, which they work in a team effort and actually design a spacecraft in a computer to some extent, so to see, does that meet the requirement that we need.
CAD CAM技師 技術者 科学者が参画して 熱の性質 設計 大気の特性 パラシュートについて チームで詳細な検討を検討し
Ah! such discourse we had, hermit and philosopher, and the old settler I have spoken of we three it expanded and racked my little house I should not dare to say how many pounds' weight there was above the atmospheric pressure on every circular inch it opened its seams so that they had to be calked with much dulness thereafter to stop the consequent leak but I had enough of that kind of oakum already picked.
話さ ウィースリー それが拡大し 私の小さな家を酒に酔って 私が言うことを敢えてしないでください 上記のあった何ポンドの重量 すべての円形のインチの大気圧 彼らが持っていたように その縫い目を開設


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