Translation of "automated" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Automated - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Run automated tests
It's an automated message.
Allow configuration of automated tasks
It's an automated robotic technology.
There's almost always automated tools.
New automated system comes online.
New automated technology we've developed
An Automated, Open Source Testing Framework
And I don't mean automated machines.
頭脳を持った機械が 人間の代わりに働くのとは違います
Remarkable piece of machinery. Completely automated.
An automated beacon. It's very faint.
自動ビーコンです 非常に弱いです
Automated real time traffic information exchange.
And that's the automated wing folding mechanism.
It's an automated device. It's gears, okay?
I went and used an automated deduction tool.
Someone's already inside our computer systems automated cranes.
これはサイバーテロリストが コンピューターシステムに侵入したんだ 電力ネットワーク 交通管制 クレーンまでハッキングし操作している
We're going to need some sort of automated technique.
An open automated test by definition reproduces the problem.
The coroner's office just installed. An automated dictation system.
The initials stood for Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations.
オートメーテッド ティーチング オペレーションズの頭文字です コンピュータを使った教育システムで
Let's assume that I had a completely automated, robotic factory.
If you don't believe an automated deduction tool, you can believe me, and if you don't believe me, you can believe an automated deduction tool.
私の判断が信用できないなら 自動推論ツールを信じて構いません 2つを合わせることでプログラムの正確性が高まります
Swartz was conducting massive automated parallel downloading of the PACER system.
連邦裁判所の270万の文書 テキストにして 約2000万ページを手に入れることができた
It's fully automated you walk towards it, and the seat lifts.
So far for the automated test now comes the simplification strategy.
Welcome to I.a. 's automated traffic surveillance and control operations center.
ロサンジェルス 交通監視センターへようこそ
And then, we'd like to augment the automated search with human insight.
Remember that any repetitive work can be automated, as for the other jobs...
医師や建築家といった複雑な仕事をどうやって機械化するかというのは 多くの人にとって難問でした
They would not email you back (Laughter) but you'd get an automated reply.
(笑) 自動返信ならありえるでしょうね (笑)
Why is it better to have an automated test rather than a problem report?
It was an automated system of over 100 long distance radars scattered across North America.
100機以上の長距離レーダーによる 自動システムでした これらレーダーは コンピュータ搭載のレーダー基地に
They were saying that they preferred the automated version of their cousin to their cousin.
再生された私の方が ありがたかったのです 一見直感に反するようですが
Still, we're just twenty, twelve percent of software inaudible organizations have fully automated testing systems.
テスト自動化システムを持っていて 10パーセントは全てのテストを手動で行っているとのことです
They were saying that they preferred the automated version of their cousin to their cousin.
再生された私の方が ありがたかったのです 一見直感に 反するようですが
Is it that you can always check whether the problem persists by running the automated test?
常に監視できるからでしょうか? 常に問題を再現できるからでしょうか?
We're going to have an automated script that submits some data and looks at the response.
However, they can also check large portions of data at the same time and all automated.
では大半のデータとはどういう意味でしょう? 例を挙げて解説しましょう
We do this all through software, algorithms and math a highly automated pipeline creating these cities.
高度に自動化された処理手順で これらの街を作り上げます 我々はとても安い費用でこれらの街を作ります
In fact, looking back on it now, the job that I had is almost completely automated.
バグが発生した場合 おそらく誰もがそうするでしょうが
Since assertions are automated, they can check several executions of a function at once actually all executions.
すべての関数の実行を 一度にチェックすることができます また一度に大半のデータのチェックを 自動的に行うこともできます
If manufacturing was automated it would create abundance and along with it remove the need for prices.
大量に生産できるだろう しかし 同時に価格の必要性がなくなる 値札が無ければ 商品の品質は上がる
And that automated pilot, too, can perform tricks that only a handful of humans are capable of performing.
一握りの人間しかできないトリックを使えます 静止画は十分ですね 動画でイング教授の ヘリコプターを見ましょう
All we need is an automated test that tells us whether the program in question passes or fails.
And it says here that completely automated testing environments are rare. This was a year and a half ago.
これは一年半前ですが 今もってテスト自動化環境はほとんどないでしょう ソフトウェア開発組織のちょうど12パーセントは


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