Translation of "baited traps" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I baited the hook.
Tricky Traps
He baited the trap for rabbits.
Check for Traps
Grab them traps, boy.
罠をしかけるんだ 小僧
That's how you know you've baited the hook, right?
They caught foxes with traps.
And I love setting traps.
I can't afford any traps.
警察が僕を割り出すまで 時間の問題だ
Booby Traps Improvised AntiPersonnel Devices ?
Let me see your traps.
He got around our traps.
Let the traps do the work.
We keep a baited line in the water behind the boathouse.
 釣りました 警部 ボート小屋の後ろに良い釣り場 があります
Old traps disappear and new ones emerge.
古い罠が消えて 新しい罠が生まれ
It blocks the spirit's passage. Traps it.
魂の行く道を阻み 捕える
What's he doing here setting traps for us?
なぜ俺たちに 罠を仕掛けたんだ
Often ravages hunters' cabins and steals prey from traps.
しばしば それは狩人の小屋を壊し 罠から獲物を盗む
Help Matt Goldrunner escape the traps of ancient Egypt.
Matt Goldrunner が古代エジプトのわなから脱出するのを助けます Name
There are traps that fish sustainably up until recently.
持続可能な規模で行われてきました しかし現在行われている漁では
You see any weasel traps around? You been deputized.
あんたは保安官助手だろ 保安官助手 行け
That's what I get, eating in those ptomaine traps.
コールマンにいいレストランが あるでしょ
My Lord, please do not fall into Zhuge's traps!
ご領主さま 諸葛の罠にはまらないでください!
Rune traps have been set up throughout the city.
いいの いいの 探してたんだ いくら
Keep your traps shut, no matter what. I'll be watching.
何があっても 黙って続けろ
And my talk today will be mostly about these cognitive traps.
The first of these traps is a reluctance to admit complexity.
複雑さを認めることへの抵抗感にあります 幸福という言葉は もはや役立つ言葉ではない
Traps are of many kinds of wood, of steel, of words.
木製 鋼鉄製 言葉 だが今回 罠は都市だ
Watch out for them traps. Keep my camp meat back here.
This is a Great White Shark that ate some of my traps.
釣り上げたところです 夜になってもサメがいます
Insect eating plants are equipped with various kinds of traps to catch insects.
食虫植物は 昆虫を捕らえるための様々な種類の罠を備えている
Here's some of my students and collaborators getting the traps out and ready.
こいつはニューヨークの森のほとんどで 捕まえることができます
The Zone is a very complicated system of traps, and they're all deadly.
ゾーンは 言わば複雑な罠ですよ その罠にかかれば命がない
Whoever dares will fall on booby traps... or be hit by laser rays.
踏み込もうものなら 鉄条網やレーザーが 待ち構えてる
Some of the careless ones were hit by cars or caught in traps.
不注意なもののいくつかの 車にはねたり トラップで捕獲された
I just found out something interesting about the three people in the traps.
Guy came, set all these traps and all and he finally got it.
男を雇い ワナ仕掛けてもらい やっと捕まえた
We kill using long lines, with baited hooks every few feet that may stretch for 50 miles or more.
海中の生物の命を奪っているのです 商業用のトロール船や底曳き漁船は
And you never know when you're going to come across one of these booby traps.
落ちてしまうか分かりません 私のお気に入りの例は
Lord, grant our enemies peace and love... forgive them their sins... and keep us out of their traps.
神よ 平和と愛をお与えください... 罪をお赦しください... そして 彼らの罠に落ちぬように アーメン
Using magic is prohibited for those within the barrier until the battle is over! One of Freed's traps?
さっ 口を開けてごらん
As people flocked together for safety, the plague marched through their locked gates and they became death traps.
人は安全そうな場所に 群がるんだ 悪疫はゲートを 突き進み 死の罠にはまるんだ
For all these reasons and in order to not fall into the traps of lies they are tending us,
私たちに告げられる嘘の罠に ひっかからないために 私はあのマリ介入を 支援しないことに決めました
When there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer because it traps more heat from the sun inside.
より多くの二酸化炭素が存在する時 気温は上がります なぜなら 太陽からの熱を多く 取り込むからです


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