Translation of "bamboo rafting" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Bamboo | BovoDescription |
bamboo | kajongg |
It's bamboo. | 地表から電車のように突き出てきます |
(Bamboo flute play) | (尺八演奏) |
And here is a bamboo building all of them are bamboo. | 竹だけでできています 竹でできたジオデシックドームです |
It's a bamboo pavilion, then they got bamboo mats out there. | 写真の中に入って行って 座りたいくらい良いのです |
They're beautiful. They're bamboo. | 風が吹き抜けていきます |
You learn bamboo building. | 古来のバリ芸術だって |
Pandas feed on bamboo grass. | パンダはささをえさにする |
Pandas live in bamboo thickets. | パンダは竹林にすんでいます |
Bamboo bends before the wind. | 竹は風でたわむ |
Bamboo stands out in the woods. | 林に竹が目立つ |
There's bamboo growing in the garden. | 庭に竹が生えている |
The bamboo gave but did not break. | その竹はしなったが折れなかった |
Three strokes, you get the whole bamboo forest. | ライオン キング について言うなら |
The teacher is writing on a bamboo blackboard. | 机だって四角くありません |
This is a geodesic dome made of bamboo. | 竹のジオデシックドームを見たら |
This whole prison's made of bamboo and rattan. | この刑務所全体は 竹や藤蔓で作られてるからな |
Strictly speaking, the bamboo is a kind of grass. | 厳密に言えば 竹は草の一種である |
The bamboo is bending with the weight of the snow. | 竹が雪のおもみでたわんでいる |
We received instructions on how to make a bamboo basket. | 私たちは竹かごの作り方を教わった |
I cannot bear to put away the bamboo sleeping mat. | あなたがこの部屋に来た夜 それを敷くのをみたから |
And Balinese carpenters like this measured them with their bamboo rulers, selected the bamboo and built the buildings using age old techniques, mostly by hand. | 竹のものさしを使ってそれを計測し 竹を選び そして建設を進めました それは昔から伝わるやり方で |
The heart of school has seven kilometers of bamboo in it. | 竹林があります 基礎が出来上がった |
Most Shakuhachi are made from bamboo, but recently some wooden ones have appeared. | 尺八と言えばほとんどが竹製ですが 最近木でできている尺八が出てきました |
And in this case, a man got hooked on a bamboo sleeping mat. | 朗読します ユアンチャンという男の詩です |
It's an old temple building technique from Japan but bamboo is very fire susceptible. | 竹はとても火に弱く もし 初期に植えていたら |
The path stretching from that house to the bamboo thicket was laid with stone paving. | 真直ぐにその家から竹林まで伸びた道路は石畳で整備されておる |
Totoro gave us a lovely present... wrapped in bamboo eaves and tied with dragon whiskers. | ササの葉でくるんで 竜のヒゲで しばってある包みでした |
And I'm sure Buckminster Fuller would be very, very proud to see a bamboo geodesic dome. | バックミンスター フラー氏も喜んでくれることでしょう 学校の周りには野菜を植えて |
Kendo involves dueling between two people who are each equipped with a sword like stave made of bamboo. | 剣道では 竹でできた刀のような棒をそれぞれ身に着けた2人が試合します |
It may not be the biggest bamboo building in the world, but many people believe that it's the most beautiful. | でも私達はこれが最も美しいものだと 信じています あなたの地域でもできるでしょうか |
It was built entirely by hand off bamboo scaffolding, people carrying these baskets of concrete on their heads, dumping them in the forms. | コンクリート入りの籠を頭に乗せて運び 型枠へ流し込んでいました バングラデシュの国会議事堂は |
Why would the guards spend all this time cutting bamboo and wood to build a watchtower if we weren't meant to be here for a while? | 竹や木を切り倒しては 物見櫓を作ってるんだろうか 俺らはずっとここにいる訳では 無いんじゃないのか |
And after eight years they might actually yield some timber that is, if you can preserve it in the right way, which we can do with bamboo peels. | きちんと保管してやれば 竹の皮と共に 建築資材として利用することができます 日本の古寺建設の技術に用いられていますが |
The people get that acacia timber which we have preserved with the bamboo peel, and they can build a house, they have some fuel wood to cook with. | 家を建てたり 火をおこす燃料にもなります この木材のおかげで たくさんの事が可能になり |
And the Balinese carpenters want to be as modern as we do, so they use metal scaffolding to build the bamboo building and when the scaffolding came down, we realized that we had a cathedral, a cathedral to green, and a cathedral to green education. | 竹の建物を建てるのに 金属の足場を組みました その足場を取り外すと |
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