Translation of "became widely used" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Became widely used - translation : Used - translation : Widely - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Japanese currency is widely used here.
So chemists got to work, and they developed a bactericide that became widely used in those systems.
空調システムで広く 使われるようになりました しかし 1980年代に別の問題が起こりました
So, the new wrinkles came up when GPS navigation became very, very widely used, and also GPS maps became continent sized and detailed, digital maps.
新たな欠点が浮き彫りになりました というのもGPSマップの範囲が世界規模に及び 詳しい情報を載せなくてはならなくなったため 線形時間で問題をずっと早く処理する 必要性に迫られたのです
They are now widely used for communication, calculation, and other activities.
それは 伝達 計算 その他の活動面に広く使われている
Enigma was the most widely used cypher code by the Nazis.
彼はエニグマ暗号を解読するために 使用する機械を作成しました
RSA is the most widely used public key algorithm in the world.
そして歴史上もっとも多く出回っている ソフトウェアでもあります
That plane is widely used by the military, now, in all their operations.
All three are widely used and accepted in the Netherlands and in Belgium.
広く使われています 翻訳の初めに
He yawned widely.
And most code today, python two is still used more widely than python three.
いまだにPython 2の方が Python 3より広く使われています Python 3にはPython 2と 互換性のない部分もあります
This magazine circulates widely.
She is widely known.
It's been widely heralded.
ケニアやタンザニア 南アフリカなど他の場所でも多く模倣されています
Learning algorithms are also widely used for self customizing programs. Every time you go to
Amazon や Netflix iTunes Genius を利用するたびに お勧めの映画や製品
Even then, these fractions weren't widely used until the renaissance period, only 500 years ago.
500年後のルネサンス期まで 広く使われることはなかった 歴史を通して 地球上のあらゆる文化が
Ultrasound generates more biopsies that are unnecessary relative to other technologies, so it's not widely used.
不必要な生検を増やすので あまり広く使われていません MRIは非常に感度良く腫瘍を発見できますが
This magazine is widely read.
That novel was widely read.
His intelligence is widely recognized.
The standards that banks used for giving out a loan became
低く 低くなりました
Some interactive techniques, such as graph cuts, which are very useful, and very widely used in practice.
またボトムアップ手法もあり 領域となる候補を見つけることができます
But in gay men, you've got quite a dramatic rise starting three or four years after treatment became widely available.
治療が広く受けられるようになった 3 4年後から かなり急激な上昇が見られます
But today it's most widely used in office buildings in the sprinkler system as a fire suppression fluid.
スプリンクラーシステムの消火剤としてです 繰り返しますが人体には無害です 消火し 何も損傷を与えません
Tea is widely grown in India.
My opinion differs widely from yours.
Polygamy is widely practiced in Kenya.
If this technology is widely adopted,
私が金銭的に利益を得る事は 全くありません
It is widely used on the net and there is an Esperanto version of Google, and one of Wikipedia.
グーグルやウィキペディアにも エスペラント語版があります 世界の国々がちょっとした決意をもって エスペラントを奨励するだけで
Motorola makes the most widely used one, and you can see that they're used by Secret Service, they're used in combat, it's a very, very common standard in the U.S. and elsewhere.
秘密情報機関や 戦闘で使われています アメリカや他国でも一般的な規格です セキュリティ研究者が自問したことは
Very quickly concrete blocks became the most used construction unit in the world.
世界でもっともよく使われる建材になりました ブロックを1つずつ積み上げていくことで
The old belief is still widely current.
Years ago this principle was widely recognized.
His theory is widely accepted as valid.
These insects are widely distributed throughout Japan.
The key components are already widely available.
Mercantilism was widely supported by all governments.
その制度によれば 貿易は信用できず 輸入も悪い
But there's one more algorithm that is very powerful and its very widely used both within industry and in Academia.
とても強力で 業界でもアカデミアでも良く使われている アルゴリズムがある
And even outside these nations, English is perhaps more widely used as a medium of international communication than any other language.
また これらの国以外でも 英語は 国際的なコミュニケーションの手段として たぶん他のどの言語よりも広く用いられているでしょう
We'll develop an algorithm called logistic regression, which is one of the most popular and most widely used learning algorithms today.
アルゴリズムを開発していきます それはこんにち 機械学習の分野では もっともポピュラーで もっとも広く使われているアルゴリズムの一つです
History became legend legend became myth.
歴史は伝説になり... 伝説は神話になった...
These two are widely different from each other.
It includes widely varying organizations, people, and ideas.
これには 様々な種類の団体 人々 考え方が含まれている
An old belief is sometimes still widely current.
So it's a widely applicable area of study.
では とりあえず
I can communicate more widely than ever before.
以前よりずっと広い コミュニケーションが取れるようになりました なんだか私のブログ


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