Translation of "big mug" to Japanese language:

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Yes, and my coffee mug. Coffee? My mug of coffee?
おまけにコーヒーの入った カップが倒れ
Hand me my mug.
Hand me my mug.
Pictures maybe, or mug shots.
This beer mug holds one pint.
But we didn't mug anybody, lieutenant.
だ だから 襲ってなければ
L've come to like this mug.
割と気に入ってんだよ この顔
Joey, look at this guy's mug.
ジョイは この男のマグカップを見てください
Some assholes tried to mug me.
鞄を盗まれそうになって 20人は居た...
He drank that large beer mug dry.
We could get out the mug shots.
ああ 忘れてくれないか?
A mug of ale in my hand.
Just take a look at this mug.
Yeah, only if you wash the mug.
I'd like to go over your mug files.
男の人相は分からないと 言ったじゃないか
Is a mug of beer inside this Took!
このトゥックの ビールが一番さ
I have some mug shots to show you.
Caesar, look at me! Let's see your nasty mug!
ほらカエサル ぶさいくな顔を見せてくれよ
Polaroids, mug shots and line ups, eyewitness testimony can change.
目撃者の証言は変わりうるのです 事例を紹介をしましょう
Fax Franklin's mug shot to every hospital in southeastern Minnesota.
何かの持病がありそう 東南ミネソタの各病院に フラクリンの写真を送って
Trishanne, I'm gonna need a mug of tea with lemon.
トリシャネ 紅茶とレモン一枚を 持ってきてくれる
I thought he looked familiar, so I checked our mug files.
R キンブル医師だ
Didn't I? Who could turn their back on a mug like that?
I won't have to look at your ugly mug six days a week.
これで見苦しい顔を 見なくて済む
Coffee table on the lefthand side, coffee mug handle pointing to the left.
コーヒーテーブルの左にある カップの持ち手が左向きだし
Big, big problem.
彼曰く フランス人はカンカンだったとか
Big, big deer.
He tells her, I'd like to hand paint your portrait on a coffee mug.
We pulled some mug shots based on the description Lisa gave our sketch artist.
リサの供述に基づく 似顔絵から顔写真を
Big skies, big hearts, big, shining continent.
Bigger. Yeah, big... big...
Big man. Big Generalissimo!
大ボスかも しれないが
You know, pay 20,000 pounds in tax toward health and you're merely feeling a mug.
単にカモにされていると感じるかもしれません 2万ポンドを病棟のために寄付するとしたら
This is a big, big, big research field.
big guys. big guys with big guns, huh?
バッジで やりたいことを何でも やって やり遂げるんだろう
Give me a big fella. Alvin, big, big.
シャツを脱げ ワルになれ
It was big, very big.
But you've got a print of every mug we take. We always send LA a copy.
容疑者の写真は 本署に送ってますよ
Once I found your mug shot it really wasn't that hard getting your legit cell number.
顔写真さえ見つければ 携帯の番号くらい簡単だわ
Uh... Mr. Daniels, big, big fan.
はじめまして こちらこそ
State budgets are big, big money
莫大です 後で数字をお見せします