Translation of "budgets" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Well, this is about state budgets.
State budgets are big, big money
莫大です 後で数字をお見せします
So we don't have the budgets that other brands have.
So this is a game called spot the science budgets.
People are willing to invest more, and the budgets are larger.
予算はより大きくなります より大きな市場がインセンティブを増加し
It started to become hard to raise operational costs, operational budgets.
運用費や予算の調達が 困難になりました 安価な労働力も 手放さねばならず
If you don't meet the budgets, you're not going to get much work.
They bought two cars, and I guess they have better budgets than I do.
きっと私より予算があったのでしょう 最初の脅威モデルでは
So then I published the 3D designs, schematics, instructional videos and budgets on a wiki.
回路図 取扱説明ビデオや予算について wikiに載せました
And these budgets are the key for our future they're the key for our kids.
私たちの将来の鍵です 子供達にとって重要なのです 教育資金のほとんどが
After all, at least on paper, there's this notion that these state budgets are balanced.
予算は均衡していることになっています 予算を均衡化しなくてもよいとしている州は
The result of all this is that you can get incredibly quick progress on incredibly small budgets.
わずかな資金で 非常に早い発展を 遂げる事ができます いくらかは言えませんが 自分のアイディアで
So for instance, several governments in Africa and Eastern Europe are opening their budgets to the public.
予算を一般公開しました しかしご存じのように 公表されている予算
You can have no budgets, no people but still can put your work to the highest possible level.
それでも自分の仕事を最高のレベルに持っていくことができます 誰でもできることです
So massive, in fact, that it can contain all the other military budgets in the world inside itself.
ほかの国々の軍事予算が まるまる収まります ガブガブガブ
Almost all the research done in this field is limited by the system itself, which is based on budgets.
財政によって制限されてしまう 悲しいが これが真実だ
That allows the company to raise operational budgets without having to compete with other venues with much larger auditoriums.
もっと大きな会場と 運用費をめぐって 張り合わなくても良くなるのです この恩恵は計り知れません
And he slashed so many budgets that people said they couldn't afford paintings anymore, and they needed to have their portrait
人々は 油絵を買う余裕がなくなり 肖像画は影絵 つまり シルエット で
Now when I was in sixth grade, the public funding all but eliminated the arts budgets in the Worcester public school system.
ウースター学区全体の 美術の予算がカットされ ウースター学区全体の 美術の予算がカットされ 毎週あった美術の授業が
And so the bottom line is we need to care about state budgets because they're critical for our kids and our future.
予算に関心を持つことなのです 子供達と私たちの将来に関わってくるからです ありがとう
Companies make their expensive executives spend ages carefully preparing forecasts and budgets which are obsolete or need changing before they can be published.
世に出る前から 時代遅れになります なぜでしょう? 革新的なビジョンも
You already begin to see the development of foreign policies, the augmentation of military budgets occurring in the other growing powers in the world.
軍事費を増大させているのを 目の当たりにしてきたはずです 私が思うに これは
It's not the fancy filmmaking where you say, oh, you want to put all the razzmatazz of Hollywood, and where you have big budgets.
かっこいい映画製作ではないよ 潤沢な資金もない ここでは映画を作ったら
They were run by an inexperienced staff, with no visual culture, no budgets for visuals in many places there were not even art directors.
レイアウトなど見た目を重んじる文化がなく かける予算もありません 多くの新聞にはアートディレクターすら居ませんでした 私は新聞のアートディレクターになろうと決めました
Most education funding whether it's K through 12, or the great universities or community colleges most of the money for those things is coming out of these state budgets.
幼稚園から小六までであろうと 名門大学や地域の短期大学であろうと これらの資金のほとんどが
No democracy anywhere in the world offers this feature to its citizens for either legislation or for budgets, even though those are the things done with our consent and with our money.
法案についてであれ 予算についてであれ それが我々の同意のもと 我々のお金で 行われるものであるにも 関わらずです
We know how to solve diarrhea and sanitation, but if you look at the budgets of countries, developing and developed, you'll think there's something wrong with the math, because you'll expect absurdities like
もし皆さんが先進国と途上国の 国家予算を見ると 計算ミスだと思うでしょう
And last but not least, you see this already has the ability to create events in order to generate operational budgets to overcome the building in fact performing to allow the company to overcome their biggest problem.
催し物会場としての設定です 運用予算を調達し 会社の一番の悩みを克服します
For the Hollywood people in the audience, this even explains why action movies have larger budgets than comedies it's because action movies translate easier into other languages and other cultures, so the market for those movies is larger.
なぜアクション映画に対する予算が コメディーより大きいか分かるでしょう アクション映画の方が文化や言語が違っても
And what that means is before we know it, the progress in human space flight, with no taxpayer dollars, will be at a level of about five times as much as the current NASA budgets for human space flight.
それはつまり 有人宇宙飛行における進歩は 税金無しでも 現在のNASAの宇宙計画より 5倍も進展する ということなのです
And none of this takes more money and none of this demands a bureaucracy, but it does demand that you think things differently and you are prepared to bend budgets and work programs in order to create that supportive framework that communities can bounce off.
手続きも必要ありません 必要なのは考え方を変えることです 予算や事業計画を変えてでも
We cut customs duties, we reduced import duties, and we got all the multinationals coming in, with multinational budgets, who looked at per capita income and got very excited about the possibilities in India, and were looking for a vehicle to reach every Indian.
すると多国籍企業が 各々の予算で流入し 国民一人当たりの収入を見て