Translation of "butterflies" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Keywords : マダラ 芋虫 蝶々

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He caught twenty butterflies.
She observed how butterflies fly.
Butterflies live for three days.
Butterflies all out having fun
I've got a few butterflies.
I have butterflies in my stomach.
I captured butterflies with a net.
I captured butterflies with a net.
He knows a lot about butterflies.
His hobby is collecting strange butterflies.
Just a sip. For the butterflies.
Tom has collected a great many butterflies.
These butterflies are rare in our country.
Butterflies of this species are now extinct.
I have some butterflies in my stomach.
多少 そわそわしています
My hobby is to collect beautiful butterflies.
Lots of butterflies are flying around the plants.
Now, here is Butterflies' Play of Edo magic.
We're actually performing for people I'm getting butterflies
人前で演奏するんが なんか緊張すんな...
The girls were dancing lightly like so many butterflies.
You thought only moths and butterflies come out of cocoons?
思ってましたか そんなに華やかなものばかりでは ありません
So there are a lot of images, like flowers and butterflies.
And we even see amongst these owl butterflies, there is variation.
あるよね こいつのハネは こっちのとは少し違う
leafing through a book and butterflies, imagine such displacement, such loss?
そんな追放や喪失を いかに想像できたであろう これは地図だと伝えておきます
I like the wind, butterflies, flowers, leaves, insects, the rain, clouds.
風が好き 蝶も 花も 葉っぱも 虫も
You have a world where in some environment you have butterflies, and their wings look like let's say you have some butterflies that are generally like this.
そこには チョウが何匹かいて こんな感じのハネを もっているとする これハネね 絵がちょっときたないけど
Butterflies. They got the owners of the surrounding farms to sell out.
You see insects, you see frogs, snakes, eagles, butterflies, frogs, snakes, eagles.
今度はカエル ヘビ ワシ チョウチョウ カエル ヘビ ワシ この反転おもちゃは
There the spider waits for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to be trapped.
クモはそこで チョウとかトンボといった小さな昆虫が罠にかかるのを待つ
In my world everyone s a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies.
私の世界では誰もがポニーで 虹を食べて蝶のうんこをしている
Now, that's quite an ally. Ed, in that silo, I saw butterflies eat flesh.
エド あのサイロで 蝶が肉を食うのを見たよ 蝶がだ
Well, there are couple of little butterflies in my basket, but I think I'm doing okay.
バスケットに蝶を入れてきちゃったけど まあ 大丈夫だと思うよ
Their destinies were like butterflies in the air... they could go here, they could go there.
彼らの運命は空気中の蝶のようだ... 彼らはこっちにも そっちにも行くことができた
And when they find them they pull them out and they pin them to the wall like butterflies.
引っ張り出して 蝶のように標本にするのです 彼らがしているのは
What's it like to be one of these brilliant butterflies who can test five hypotheses in two minutes?
どんな感じなのでしょう 心理学者や哲学者たちに聞いてみると
Well, if it was just folks running around, hearing voices, and chasing after butterflies, they wouldn't need us.
さて そいつらが蝶々を 追いかけ走り回る気取らない人たちなら 私たちを呼ぶ必要はないでしょう
Now most pollinators that we think about are insects, but actually in the tropics, many birds and butterflies pollinate.
大抵が昆虫ですが 熱帯では 鳥や蝶も受粉を取り持ちます
Do they allow for pollination, pollinator pathways that bees and butterflies and such can come back into our cities?
授粉を行うために 私達の街に戻ってくる為の道作りは可能でしょうか 私達の食事や繊維などから排出される
For instance, you are going to imagine the twisted paper as butterflies in what you are about to see here.
よじった紙を生きた蝶に 見立てるということです この見立てというところで 非常に大事なのは
That's the kind of attention, the kind of consciousness, that we might expect from those butterflies who are designed to learn.
学ぶ為にデザインされた蝶々にこそあるものだと 思うでしょう 大人でありながら この子供の
By the way, if you are a boy, it's snails if you're a girl, it's butterflies because what we found was that girls hate snails.
女の子なら チョウです 彼女ら カタツムリがダメ なんでしょう 笑
And many of the tropical flowers are red, and that's because butterflies and birds see similarly to us, we think, and can see the color red very well.
蝶や鳥は 私たちと同じように 赤がよく見えるからです
And you can't tell the story about pollinators bees, bats, hummingbirds, butterflies without telling the story about the invention of flowers and how they co evolved over 50 million years.
送粉者について語るとき 花が生まれた経緯や 過去5千万年の間に 共進化してきたことを
I love how they were able to preserve most in everything that makes you feel close to nature butterflies, man made forests, limestone caves and hey, even a huge python.
素晴らしいわ 蝶や人口の森 鍾乳洞 それに巨大なニシキヘビまでいるのよ 次はMobsと呼ばれるもので
Another way of thinking about it is instead of thinking of babies and children as being like defective grownups, we should think about them as being a different developmental stage of the same species kind of like caterpillars and butterflies except that they're actually the brilliant butterflies who are flitting around the garden and exploring, and we're the caterpillars who are inching along our narrow, grownup, adult path.
赤ちゃんや子供を 能力の劣る成人と考えるかわりに 同じ種の異なる発達段階にいる生き物だと