Translation of "cerebral palsy" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Cerebral - translation : Cerebral palsy - translation : Palsy - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

My 1 5yearold son has cerebral palsy.
I'm specifically interested in things like autism, and cerebral palsy, these great childhood catastrophes.
子供の大きな問題に関心があります 高齢者ではパーキンソン病
Hello. My name is Dan Ellsey. I am 34 years old and I have cerebral palsy.
私はずっと音楽が好きで この新しいソフトウェアを使って自分の曲を
Let me introduce you to the Beery twins, diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of two.
2歳の時 脳性麻痺と診断されました 母親は決然とした人で
Like this dad who wrote us, his son has cerebral palsy and he can't use a normal keyboard.
普通のキーボードは使えません お父さんは 特別なコントローラーを
Palsy comes first
Cerebral hematoma.
誰かに頭を殴られた 脳血腫よ
I had a cerebral contusion.
I had a cerebral contusion.
The verdict in both cases cerebral haemorrhage.
二例の裁定 脳出血
The youngest of my children was born with cerebral palsy, which as you can imagine, if you don't have an experience of it yourself, is quite a big thing to take on board.
それを受け入れるのがいかに大きなことかは 自分で経験しなければ 分からないと思います
Look at cerebral cortex, look at brain stem,
The contagion required cerebral spinal fluid... as a catalyst.
接触伝染病菌は触媒として 脳髄液を必要とした
The Paralympics, just for a little bit of clarification, are the Olympics for people with physical disabilities amputees, persons with cerebral palsy, and wheelchair athletes as opposed to the Special Olympics, which deals with people with mental disabilities.
切断患者 脳性麻痺の人 車椅子の選手など 身体障害者のためのオリンピックです 精神障害者の為の
Two cerebral haemorrhages in the same night, the same area.
同じ夜に同じ地域で 二人脳出血
More important than most people know regarding... Cerebral regional interaction.
The palsy of death will surely come. This is what you wished to avert.
そして実際に死の昏睡が訪れる これはあなたが避けてきたもの
I'm as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench.
手が痺れた奴がレンチで 脳外科手術するようなものだ
You know, the police said he died of a cerebral haemorrhage.
本当じゃないわ 彼はこれを貰った 何年も前に 死に始めたのよ
But Mr. Satoyama's skull had been caved in... with massive cerebral hemorrhaging.
里山さんの後頭部の頭蓋骨は すでに陥没しており 脳の中は 大量に出血してました
Tolerance is not really a lived virtue it's more of a cerebral ascent.
頭でっかちなものなのです 頭でっかち過ぎるあまり
There is the brain stem in between the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord.
間にあります そしてその領域を
Are they feeling it from their heart, or is it just a cerebral thing?
興味本位なだけなのかとか それを頼りに絵を描きます
We tapped into your cerebral cortex... allowing you to relive your memories in vivid detail.
貴方の大脳皮質に接続して 記憶を細部まで鮮明に再生したの
We've been approached by several simulation companies, but one project we're particularly excited about, which we're starting next month, is to use our technology and in particular, the walking technology to help aid surgeons who work on children with cerebral palsy, to predict the outcome of operations on these children.
中でも特に楽しみなのが 来月開始予定のプロジェクトで 我々の技術 特に歩行技術を使用して 脳性小児麻痺の術後経過を予測することで
And it's too cerebral to animate guts and hearts and behavior when the going gets rough.
事態が厳しくなって来た時 性根や心や行動が それに伴わないのです
Why care if it is the brain stem or the cerebral cortex and how this is made?
脳幹や皮質 意識の構造を 研究して何の役に立つのか? 理由は3つあります 第一に好奇心
You cannot have a conscious mind if you don't have the interaction between cerebral cortex and brain stem.
相互作用がなかったら 意識は失われるでしょう 脳幹と身体の間の
Except that they're not as rich as ours, because they don't have a cerebral cortex like we do.
我々のような大脳皮質がないからです そこが違いです
He sits down, he is listening to music, he has much more cerebral, contemplative approach towards his event.
彼は知性的で黙想的なアプローチで 本番に臨むのです しかし両方とも非常に効果的です
And I strongly disagree with the idea that consciousness should be considered as the great product of the cerebral cortex.
偉大な産物という考え方には 大いに異論を唱えます 大脳皮質がもたらしたのは
The baby was delivered through a C section, but Barbara suffered cerebral anoxia, a loss of oxygen to the brain.
脳無酸素症でした 脳内の酸素不足です 自分では呼吸ができず
And when you look at the brain, it's obvious that the two cerebral cortices are completely separate from one another.
2つの大脳皮質は 完全に分離しています コンピューターに例えるなら
The defendant then kicked the victim to the ground... leading to the victim sustaining severe cerebral contusions... which eventually proved fatal.
久利生  口論の末 こぶしで殴るなどの暴行を加えたあと 同人を蹴り倒し 同人に対し 頭蓋骨陥没を伴う 頭部打撲傷などの傷害を負わせ
Throughout the surgery, different portions of Michael's cerebral cortex will be stimulated, triggering the areas that control senses like hearing, smell, memory.
So, cooking is a very important technology, because it allowed us to acquire what brought you all here the big brain, this wonderful cerebral cortex we have.
これによって私たちは 今日に至るものを獲得してきたのです それは大きな脳です
I love writing in Turkish, which to me is very poetic and very emotional, and I love writing in English, which to me is very mathematical and cerebral.
英語も好きですが 英語は私にとって 数理的で知性に訴える言語です それぞれの言語に 違ったつながりを感じます
There is about 20 regions of the brain that have been modeled, simulated and tested the auditory cortex, regions of the visual cortex cerebellum, where we do our skill formation slices of the cerebral cortex, where we do our rational thinking.
できる領域はだいたい20くらいあります 聴覚皮質 視覚野の部分 運動機能をつかさどる小脳
But what we want to propose, is that the highest levels of abstraction, things like mathematics, computing, logic, etc. all of this can be engaged with, not just through purely cerebral algebraic symbolic methods, but by literally, physically playing with ideas.
最高レベルの抽象概念です 数学や情報処理や 数理論理学などは
What happens then actually is that you lose the grounding of the self, you have no longer access to any feeling of your own existence, and, in fact, there can be images going on, being formed in the cerebral cortex, except you don't know they're there.
自己の基盤を失い 自分の 存在について感受性を持たなくなります 大脳皮質ではイメージの形成が続いていたとしても
And you have the cerebral cortex providing the great spectacle of our minds with the profusion of images that are, in fact, the contents of our minds and that we normally pay most attention to, as we should, because that's really the film that is rolling in our minds.
大量の情報から鮮やかに描きだされる 心の映像を担当します それこそがまさに 我々の心の実体で
You know, so I could turn to pretty much any sage from Shakespeare to Stephen Colbert to point out things like the fact that we're noble in reason and infinite in faculties and just kind of awesome er than anything else on the planet when it comes to all things cerebral.
スティーブン コルベアまで 賢者を見れば 人間とは理性と才能に恵まれ
And there is now overwhelming evidence that what actually happens at night, every night, after you learned stuff during the day is that during sleep you replay and rebroadcast the memories of the day back out from your hippocampus to the rest of your cerebral cortex, rehearsing those memories again, strengthening the association among all those points of light.
毎夜 日中学んだ事は 眠っている間にその記憶が 再現されているのです 海馬から大脳皮質の他の部分に出て


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