Translation of "certified" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Certified - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Them are all certified.
The certificate was not certified because it was already certified by the same certificate.
証明書は既に同じ証明書によって署名されているため 署名されませんでした
Send certified certificate to server afterwards
And my kids, trained and certified
Now, you can buy certified organic produce.
To me that is a certified agile miracle.
笑 拍手
You are certified by the community you serve.
We'll get a certified copy to the judge.
Apart from the awards it's won, it's portable and it's certified.
持ち運びが楽で 英国医薬品庁や欧州安全基準を満たしているんです 知らない方は米国食品医薬品局から
Today we are joined by Andrew, one of our Haas certified technicians
このビデオでは 我々 生爪グリップ OD をカットし やわらかいアゴ部分の基礎をカバーする適切な方法を実演します
The scariest thing is that his IQ is 160 a certified genius.
しかしIQと共感性 つまり人の感情を読み取ることとの
But no fishmonger on Earth can sell you a certified organic wild caught fish.
調達できる行商人なんていません これが我々からの将来の世代への遺贈品です
And the judge has certified him as an adult, but I see this kid.
And suppose that there are only 300 certified wine experts in the entire world.
A certified check for 6500 payable to Thomas Crailer, and signed by F.T. Latimer.
トーマス クレイラー 持参人払い F.T.ラティマーの署名入りだ F.T. ラティマーは ご参考までに とりわけ
If you need surgery, you want to be operated on by a board certified surgeon.
外科医にやってもらいたいですよね 免許を持つと
And yet, next week, we launch globally verified, vetted and certified standards for salmon aquaculture.
厳しく吟味され 認定された 鮭の養殖における基準を発表します 可能性はあるのです
And that is the youngest nationally certified workforce in America with our Bronx Borough President.
ブロンクスの区長と一緒に写ってるね それから何をするかって 皆さん方のようなナイスは人たちに会って
Meanwhile, a certified copy of all missing reports has already been attached to the criminal file.
I've been farming on this land for about five years... since 2007, and I'm certified organic since 2001.
ジョエル ジルコッカ ハワイ州認定有機農法農家 2001年から 州認定有機農法農家です
We have 25 positions right now all of them trained, board certified in the USA, Canada or Britain.
共に作業しています バンダービルトでもクリーブランドクリニックでも
They're also undertaking a study to look at all of their supplies of palm oil to see if they could be certified and what they would need to change in order to become third party certified under a credible certification program.
認められるかどうか そして 彼らが 信用性のある評価プログラムに 認定された第三者機関になるためには
And to win, it needs to be able to diagnose you better than a team of board certified doctors.
専門医による医療チームよりも 正しく診断できなければなりません 新開発の装置がこんな場所にあったらと想像してください
And I actually got certified in a pool at a YMCA in the dead of winter in Buffalo, New York.
真冬のニューヨークの YMCAにあるプールでね しかもその後2年間
I've been an organic farmer my entire life... and I've been, um, in the last eight years, been certified organic.
シェリー クラパート ハワイ州認定有機農法農家 8年前から ハワイ州認定
After a long wait in line, she was told she should get a certified copy of her birth certificate as identification.
列に並んで長い間待たされた後 身分証明として正式な出生証明書が必要だといわれた
If you complete the game, you will be certified by the World Bank Institute as a Social Innovator, class of 2010.
ソーシャル イノベーター 2010の 認定がもらえます サハラ以南アフリカの多くの大学と連携し
In San Ramon, California, they published an iPhone app in which they allow you or me to say we are certified
心肺蘇生法の資格証明するiPhoneアプリが できました もし誰かが心臓発作を起こした時は
I went on a psychopath spotting course, and I am now a certified and I have to say, extremely adept psychopath spotter.
今では公認の 結構 優秀な サイコパス診断者です
She also boasts that she's a certified professional member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, which sounds very glamorous and exciting.
プロ メンバーを自称しています 実に華麗なるご経歴ですが 認定証などは誰でも入手できます
End result only 15 states have been certified to be able to do mass distribution of vaccine and drugs in a pandemic.
世界流行時のワクチンや 薬の大量配布が 認められています 半数の州で 最初の週に 病院のベッドが
Getting people certified, because we are going to need a lot more judges, getting more officials, because we need to have more people
正式に認めさせなければならない 条件は何かとか
And I go to the jail and I see my client who's 13 and 14, and he's been certified to stand trial as an adult.
成人として裁判を受ける能力がある と判定されていました なぜ こうなったのだろうと考えました
It would be great to find a green building, or if you're really lucky, a LEED certified one with this fancy cheese plate on the wall.
こんなチーズの盛り皿風の LEED 認証が壁にある ビルが見つかれば 素晴らしいです TEDx は良い 食事でも知られます
Now most people understand that Mars is a chocolate company, but Mars has made sustainability pledges to buy only certified product for all of its seafood.
海産食品には 認定された原材料のみを使う という 環境持続性に関する 公約を設けています マースは ペットフード用に 魚介類を
Mr. Tucker, in brief, the committee has voted to give you the plant in Chicago, provided that you have certified assets of no less than 15 million.
タッカーさん シカゴの工場は あなたに払い下げます 条件はあなたが 1500万ドル以上の資産を持ち
Now the science behind this is so potent that it became required by the American Board of Surgery in order for a young surgeon to become board certified.
米国医学会は外科専門医の 免許を取るために このプログラムの履修を 義務付けました 講義や 単なる講座だけではなく
Slow Food, USDA, certified organic, all of these things should be uppermost in your mind when you're on the demand side of the equation, buying from the food system.
これらはすべてみなさんが 最も重視すべきことです 消費者として 食料システムから買っているのですから
And so this is framing lumber, composite materials and it's kind of hard to get the embodied energy out of that, but it can be a sustainable resource if you use FSC certified lumber.
複合材料ですから 内包エネルギーを戻すのは大変ですが FSCの認証を受けた木材なら
So if we look at, the population, in a histogram, this is, 300, certified wine experts, that's the population, they're exhibiting a perfectly normal distribution, with a mean of 5.5, and a standard deviation of 2.2.
それが母集団です 彼らは完璧な正規分布を示していて 平均5.5の標準偏差2.2です 異なるワイン群をテストしようと思えば 毎回300人のワイン専門家を集める訳にも
OpenPGP key pairs are created locally, and certified by your friends and acquaintances. There is no central certification authority instead, every individual creates a personal Web of Trust by certifying other users' key pairs with their own certificate.
OpenPGP 鍵ペアをローカルに作成し 友人や知り合いに署名してもらいます これには中央の認証機関はありません 代わりに 個人が自分自身の証明書を使って他の人の鍵ペアに署名することで 信頼の輪 を作り出します
Now just this past year, one of our partners, the American College of Surgeons, teamed up with us to make an announcement that all surgeons should be FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) certified before they do minimally invasive surgery.
パートナーの米国外科学会と共同で 低侵襲手術を行う外科医は全員 FLS (基礎腹腔鏡手術) の資格を 収得すべきであると
And so this starts in four weeks, at the end of the summer, and my partner and I, Matthew and I, just went through the arduous and totally convoluted process of getting certified as high school teachers to actually run it.
始まりました パートナーであるマシューと私は 困難で複雑な過程を乗り越えて
But the virus clearly went through one round around the world in a mild enough form that the British army in World War I actually certified that it was not a threat and would not affect the outcome of the war.
世界を丸一周しました 軽症の病型だったので 第1次世界大戦の英国軍は
Those new cyclical technologies have contributed mightily to the fact that we have produced and sold 85 million square yards of climate neutral carpet since 2004, meaning no net contribution to global climate disruption in producing the carpet throughout the supply chain, from mine and well head clear to end of life reclamation independent third party certified.
我社の製造販売実績として 7800万 もの気候に影響しない カーペットを達成するのに 大いに貢献しています


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