Translation of "coastal" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Coastal - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Wave power is restricted to coastal areas.
Years later, Europeans established colonies in the coastal areas.
数年後 ヨーロッパ人たちは沿岸植民地に住み着いた
The coastal ecosystem of British Columbia is rapidly declining.
This one has coastal access, which makes it more expensive.
An early coastal migration along the south coast of Asia,
Sea level rise threatens coastal ecosystems, agriculture, even major cities.
これは1 2メートルの 海面上昇により影響を受ける
They've been around a long time, very important to coastal communities.
Now, we will block the Persian coastal assault, by rebuilding the great Phocian wall.
我々はフェキス大城壁を再建し ペルシャによる海岸襲撃を阻止する
Here in Monterey, a small coastal city in California with lots and lots of pedestrians.
Descendants of the ancient Tairona civilization which once carpeted the Caribbean coastal plain of Colombia, in the wake of the conquest, these people retreated into an isolated volcanic massif that soars above the Caribbean coastal plain.
制圧していた古代タイロナ文明の 子孫たちは 侵略を受け カリブ海沿岸平野に高くそびえる
So for the past few years, the coastal areas, they found themselves in a shortage of labor.
労働力の不足が生じています これらの図は
I wound up studying sea birds to try to stay in the coastal habitats that I so loved.
現在 主に海洋変動に関する 本を書いています
And the Great Bear Rainforest is generally considered to be the largest coastal temperate rainforest ecosystem in the world.
世界最大の海岸沿いにある 温帯性雨林生態系だと言われています 世界最大の海岸沿いにある 温帯性雨林生態系だと言われています この場所には地球上の象徴的で
Some climate models predict subtle changes, others forecast rising sea levels which could flood coastal areas around the world.
...kimilerinin öngörüsü ise deniz seviyesinin kıyı bölgelerin sular altında kalmasına sebep olabilecek şekilde yükselmesi. Hava şartlarının değişiklik göstermesi, kasırgaların artmasına, vahim derecedeki kuraklıkların...
It runs down the rivers, and it feeds the plankton, the little microscopic plant cells in the coastal water.
プランクトンの餌となりました 沿岸部の水の中に生息する 微小生物の植物細胞です
So marine conservation and coastal protection has become a sink for government or philanthropic money, and this is not sustainable.
政府や慈善事業の資金の掃きだめとなり 持続的ではありません 答えは
There was no fishing, there was no pollution, there was no coastal development, and the reef is on a full bore recovery.
サンゴ礁は順調な回復過程にありました 私は10年前 水産大臣との夕食を覚えています
And what we see is that for coastal tags, for those organisms that live near the shoreline, they're most diverse in the tropics.
つまり海岸近くに生息する生物は 熱帯地域が一番多様性に富んでいます このことは 実は以前から分かっていたことですから
I wanted to see what my home town of Long Beach was contributing to the problem, so on Coastal Clean Up Day in 2005
2005年の海岸清掃デーに 浜の東端にあるロングビーチ半島に行ってみました
60 to 80 percent of the workforce in China is women in the coastal part of the country, whereas in India, it's all men.
60 80パーセントは女性です 一方インドは全て男性です フィナンシャルタイムズは
And I'd like to switch now from this local, familiar, coastal environment to a much broader world of the baleen whales and the open ocean.
局所的で馴染み深い 沿岸環境から より広域の海で生活するヒゲクジラに変えましょう よく見慣れているような世界地図です
Climate change, ocean acidification, dissolved oxygen, carbon cycle, coastal upwelling, fishing dynamics the full spectrum of earth science and ocean science simultaneously in the same volume.
溶存酸素 炭素循環 沿岸湧昇 漁業資源の変動
The color represents the concentration of the tracer, relative to the initial concentration in the coastal area off Fukushima at the end of the injection period.
汚染水放出後 トレーサーの'濁り'は最初の週に 極めて活発な黒潮流域を浸食し
Tonight at 8 p.m., in a coastal town, the heir to ShinHwa Group, Goo JunPyo, was... ...was the victim of an assault and... ...has sent shock throughout.
神話グループによって会社を買収され 復讐の為だったと思われます
And dead zones will get bigger and bigger and they'll start to merge, and we can imagine something like the dead zonification of the global, coastal ocean.
それぞれが結合しはじめ そして考えるようになるでしょう デッドゾーンの区分化のようなことです
AII right, I'll be right back. We'll do nothing together. I know most of these Mexican coastal towns if you'd Like some company and a genial guide.
同伴する愛想の良い 案内人が要るなら
Second, the governance is not right because most coastal communities around the world don't have the authority to monitor the resources to create the reserve and enforce it.
世界中のほとんどの沿岸部のコミュニティは 保護区をつくり維持するための 資源を管理する権限を持っていません
We really need to develop models, business models, where coastal conservation is an investment, because we already know that these marine reserves provide social, ecological and economic benefits.
沿岸部の保護が 投資となります ご存知のとおり
This plant is called the Welwitschia, and it lives only in parts of coastal Namibia and Angola, where it's uniquely adapted to collect moisture from mist coming off the sea.
ナミビアとアンゴラの一部沿岸みに自生し 海から来る霧の水分を 集めるよう順応しています
If you include the coastal ice shelves, you can see that the Ross Ice Shelf it's the big one down here the Ross Ice Shelf is the size of France.
ロス氷棚はフランスほどの大きさがあります 南極は 氷棚を含めると
We have to deal with the fact that, along the coastline, we are destroying the coastal habitats where the majority of all forms of life will spend time, whether it is coral reefs or mangroves.
サンゴ礁やマングローブなど あらゆる生き物の多くが 暮らしている海岸生息地を 私達は破壊しているのです
To simulate the dispersal of the contaminated water by the ocean currents, we use an idealized tracer, behaving like a dye with a half life of 30 years, which were injected into the coastal waters off Fukushima.
半減期30年の放射性物質として色付けし 福島の沿岸域に注入した なお 本調査は物理的拡散性に限定され 生物学的影響の可能性
And they are the descendants of the ancient Tairona civilization, the greatest goldsmiths of South America, who in the wake of the conquest, retreated into this isolated volcanic massif that soars to 20,000 feet above the Caribbean coastal plain.
彼らは南米一の金細工職人であった 古代タイロナ文明の子孫で 西洋の征服とともに カリブ海沿岸地帯にそそり立つ
The waste water that leaks out is water that already now goes into that coastal environment, and the algae that leak out are biodegradable, and because they're living in waste water, they're fresh water algae, which means they can't
排出されていた排水ですし 藻類は 漏れても自然分解されます 排水中で生育する藻類は
So after the four special zones, there were 14 coastal cites that were open in the same sense, and eventually demonstrated successes in these places that people could opt in to, that they flocked to because of the advantages they offered.
14の沿岸都市が 同様に開放されました やがて これらの地域では成功が示され
Within a few thousand years, climatic conditions became drier, and the Sahara desert expanded, making it harder to turn back, the intrepid travelers and their descendants followed a coastal route, eastward in Asia, reaching present day Malaysia within a few millenium.
そして サハラ砂漠が拡大したこともあり 元の場所に戻るのが難しくなりました 沿岸道をたどって アジアを東側へと移動した 大胆な人達もいました 彼らは2 3000年の間に今日のマレーシアへとたどり着きました
Around the world, slaves are used to destroy the environment, cutting down trees in the Amazon destroying forest areas in West Africa mining and spreading mercury around in places like Ghana and the Congo destroying the coastal ecosystems in South Asia.
アマゾンの熱帯林を伐採したり 西アフリカの森林地帯を破壊したり ガーナやコンゴにみられる
A global plan of action with a world conservation union, the IUCN, is underway to protect biodiversity, to mitigate and recover from the impacts of climate change, on the high seas and in coastal areas, wherever we can identify critical places.
国際自然保護連合, IUCNの下で 生物の多様性を維持し 気候変動の影響を軽減し 回復させる活動を
Well, the reason we're doing this offshore is because if you look at our coastal cities, there isn't a choice, because we're going to use waste water, as I suggested, and if you look at where most of the waste water treatment plants are, they're embedded in the cities.
沿岸都市を見ると分かるように 他に良い場所がないからです 藻の栽培に排水を使うわけですが よく見てみると
This is a greenhouse designed for arid coastal regions, and the way it works is that you have this whole wall of evaporator grills, and you trickle seawater over that so that wind blows through, it picks up a lot of moisture and is cooled in the process.
どうやるかと言うと この蒸発器グリルの壁全体に 海水をしたたらせることで 風が吹くたびに 温室の水気が増し
This helps to widen regional disparities, especially between eastern and western China, with the wealthiest regions being those that have benefited from high concentrations of FDI. No one should realistically expect the renminbi s exchange rate to be determined solely by the income level of the relatively prosperous eastern coastal regions.
これは特に FDI の高い集中から利益を得たもっとも豊かな地域である中国の東部と 西部との間の地域格差を拡大しうる 現実的には 人民幣の為替相場が 相対的に繁栄している東部沿岸地域の所得水準によってのみ決定されるということは予想しにくい
So the Great Bear Rainforest is just over the hill there, within a few miles we go from these dry boreal forests of 100 year old trees, maybe 10 inches across, and soon we're in the coastal temperate rainforest, rain drenched, 1,000 year old trees, 20 feet across, a completely different ecosystem.
数キロにわたって 直径25センチほどの 樹齢100年の樹木に囲まれています
They were very important to coastal communities, going back hundreds of years, especially around the Claddaghduff, Connemara region where subsistence farmers used to sail out on their hookers and open boats, sometimes way offshore to a place called the Sunfish Bank, about 30 miles west of Achill Island, to kill the basking sharks.
特にクラダ ダフ コンネマラの 沿岸では 自給農民が 帆船や無甲版船で 沖合や 時にはアキル島の30マイル西にある


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