Translation of "conducted pursuant" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Conducted pursuant - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I conducted him out.
This wagon road Jews conducted.
He conducted a tour through Europe.
Original Music composed and conducted by
And this was conducted every year,
永禄13年 西暦1569年になるそうですが
In studies conducted in Papua New Guinea,
ポール エクマンは
It was purposely conducted without my knowledge.
William Bell conducted his trials in Ohio.
ウィリアム ベルがオハイオで実験していた
A guide conducted the visitors round the museum.
The president conducted us personally to his office.
We conducted our investigation with the greatest care.
They conducted the following experiment to collect the data.
データを収集するため 次の実験を行った
Men who were bereft of reason conducted the war.
They conducted a series of experiments under zero gravity.
He conducted us on a tour around the lake.
Anybody in here has actually ever conducted a sabbatical?
全体の5 くらいですね
The Special task force conducted raids in District 9.
特殊部隊が 送り込まれました
First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories.
まず 実験室で行われる実験について話しましょう
So if the police conducted a house to house search?
I conducted a parachute jump at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
空挺部隊員になって以来 それまで27年間
And in 1960, Frank Drake conducted the first SETI observation
くじら座のタウ星 と エリダヌス座のイプシロン星 という2つの星をー
Of course, I'm young, and politics is conducted by grown ups.
もちろん 私はまだ若いし 政治は大人がやっているんですもの
We conducted various activities to support the people in this area.
Lieutenant, I've conducted an experiment which I'd like to show you.
それをあなたに見せたいんだが ー実験? ーええ
In a study I conducted with Simona Botti and Kristina Orfali,
リサーチを行い 米国人とフランス人の親を
This is conducted by the University of Chicago every other year.
行われているもので 彼らは実に興味深い一連の質問をしています
And they all had a scientific basis for being conducted in a micro gravity environment, so they're very typical and very worthy of being conducted in space.
科学的な根拠があって 非常に典型的な 宇宙実験として適切なものです
So this study was conducted by Jaeggi et al. I know that
So this study was conducted by Jaeggi et al.
This is an outreach station conducted at a school for the blind.
ある盲学校で行われました テキスト ほとんどの子どもたちは永久に目が見えないか ほとんど見えません
Dr. Bell conducted the trials himself at Ohio State University, Wooster campus.
ベル博士はオハイオ州立大学 ウースター キャンパスで実験を行いました
They conducted a credit card fraud that netted them over 10 billion dollars.
100億ドルを超えます 毎年 2兆ドルの損害を世界経済に与えている
Novocure conducted its first phase three randomized trial in patients with recurrent GBM.
第1相ランダム化臨床試験を 再発膠芽腫患者を対象に行いました つまりこれらの患者は
Last year it actually conducted the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra for the holiday concert.
ロアノーク交響楽団の指揮をしました これは次世代のロボットDARwIn IV です
I've conducted my poll on Linus' chances to be elected student body president.
ラィナスが生徒会長に 立候補した場合には
Let me just give you an example from a recent study that we conducted.
Given this situation, we chose several leaders, and conducted a door to door investigation.
これらの300箇所の避難所を ローラー作戦で全て回って
In fact, seven trials were conducted comparing reboxetine against a dummy placebo sugar pill.
治験は7つ行われ そのうち1つの治験では 効果が認められ論文となりました
Mr Stemins. He says the paper has conducted a review of the foreign desk.
You have never personally conducted a criminal investigation in the field in your life.
君は今までの経歴で 一度も実際の捜査を 行っていない
We conducted months of user research overseas, trying to think like designers, human centered design
人々が望んでいることを 把握できるように 人間中心のデザインを念頭に置いて デザイナーの視点で考えました
Finally, my colleagues in Spain recently have conducted a study of babies who are bilingual.
最近バイリンガルの赤ちゃんについて 研究をおこないました カタルーニャ語とスペイン語を 同時に身に付けている赤ちゃんです
We conducted months of user research overseas, trying to think like designers, human centered design
デザイナーのように 人間を中心に考えました 人々が必要にしているものは何だろう
If you still don't believe me, we conducted the experiment also in the Korean Peninsula.
朝鮮半島でも実験してみました ここでは朝鮮民族を
Now that is exactly what participants were told in a study conducted at Harvard University.
行われた研究で参加者に lt br gt 教えられた事なのです 社会的ストレステストの前に
I read the trials on this. They were all positive. They were all well conducted.


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