Translation of "consequential compensation" to Japanese language:

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Compensation - translation : Consequential - translation : Consequential compensation - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Use Blackpoint compensation
She deserves compensation!
He suggested compensation.
The Thamud and 'Ad denied the consequential calamity.
サムードとアード の民 は 突然来る災厄を虚偽であるとした
Use black point compensation
But seemingly fitting compensation.
ですが... 充分にあると
But there's a strong compensation.
私がここにいると彼は 知らないからね
What compensation? There is nothing...
I don't want your compensation.
I promise you every possible compensation.
I've told her, sue for compensation...
This setting is known as Kentucky Compensation.
Would you like any compensation for participating today?
眠れぬ夜のため 妻に花を
I want to pay compensation for her sons.
Where's the compensation for their pain and suffering?
We're hunting in couples again, Doctor, you see, said Jones in his consequential way.
方法 ここで私たちの友人はのために素晴らしい人間です
The most influential example of consequential moral reasoning is utilitarianism, a doctrine invented by
功利主義だ 発明したのは18世紀 イギリスの哲学者ジェレミー ベンサム
Should your testimony prove consequential council may be prepared to order your immediate release.
証言が有益ものであれば 当評議会はただちに お前を釈放する用意がある
The victims are entitled to compensation for their injuries.
Say, Whatever compensation I have asked of you, is yours. My compensation comes only from God, and He is Witness over all things.
言ってやるがいい わたしは どんな報酬もあなたがたに要求しない それは 凡て あなたがたのものである わたしは報酬を 只アッラーから 戴く だけである かれは凡てのことを立証される
Set here the main exposure compensation value in E. V.
露出補正のメインの値を EV で設定します fine exposure adjustment
I'm not joking about compensation, you've had genuine shock and trauma.
賠償金のことも真剣に考えなさい ショックでトラウマになるかも知れないから
I'm told their Trade Commission is demanding compensation... and my arrest.
彼らの貿易委員会が補償を要求している 私の逮捕だ
He received a large sum of money in compensation for his injury.
And We would have given them from Our presence a rich compensation.
その時は わが許から必ず偉大な報奨を授け
They learn to overlook short sighted reactions and impulsive thinking, to think in a long term, more consequential way.
直情的な考えを無視することを学び 長期的でより良い結果を考えるようになるんです スチュアート ブランド このゲームのアイデアの一つは彼に由来します
Do you ask for any compensation from them that they are burdened with want?
それともあなたがかれらに報酬を求め それでかれらは負担を課せられたのか
Gave a bunch of physical reasons why it wouldn't do a very good compensation.
後でケンが自分のモデルを動かしてみると 実は効果的だったのです
Or are you asking them for some compensation so that they feel burdened with debt?
それともあなたがかれらに報酬を求め それでかれらは負担を課せられたのか
Forget it, compensation or whatever. I'll die if I don't get there in 20 minutes.
何がなんでも 時間通りに行きます
You CAN get compensation. I've got this document thing off the police. Don't thank me!
賠償金が取れそうよ 警察で書類をもらったわ
The distinction between a healthy person and a dead one is about as clear and consequential as any we make in science.
科学で区別される いかなる区別と同じくらい明らかで重大です 道徳観の景観には 安泰を意味するピークが多々あるかもしれません
This value in E. V will be used to perform an exposure compensation of the image.
この EV 値は画像の露出補正に使われます
Actually in people with atherosclerosis they have compensation so they actually start looking a little different.
He's going to owe this poor girl's family an apology and a big fat compensation check.
謝罪と多額の慰謝料を払うことになるね あと 懲役も受けるかも
They've learned to put their determination and focus to better use, and with far greater compensation.
知識をもっといいことに使ってるし その動力は 公務員の給料より もっと報われている
Say I do not ask any compensation of you for it, nor am I a specious pretender.
言え わたしはこの クルアーン に対し何の報酬もあなたがたに求めない またわたしは偽善者ではない
We only feed you for the sake of God. We want from you neither compensation, nor gratitude.
そして言う わたしたちは アッラーの御喜びを願って あなたがたを養い あなたがたに報酬も感謝も求めません
Businessweek did a survey, looked at the compensation packages for MBAs 10 years out of business school.
MBA取得10年後の 年収の調査をしました スタンフォード大のMBA卒の 中央値は
That is to say, if you lose, The highest possible amount of compensation is 100 million yen.
つまり 敗北した場合の負債は そちらも 最大で 1億円です
This value in E. V will be added to main exposure compensation value to set fine exposure adjustment.
この値はメインの露出補正値に加算されます 露出補正を細かく設定するときに使用します
It's an apartheid, and it discriminates against the nonprofit sector in five different areas, the first being compensation.
5つの分野で 非営利セクターが差別されています 1つ目は給与待遇です 営利セクターだと 良い仕事をすれば
And the median compensation for a Stanford MBA, with bonus, at the age of 38, was 400,000 dollars.
38歳でボーナスを含めて 4千万円でした 一方 米国で5億円規模の
Chris is director of publicity, and his compensation will depend on how much work he ends up doing.
クリスはPRディレクター 報酬は歩合制
But actually, the nine month long process of molding and shaping that goes on in the womb is a lot more visceral and consequential than that.
胎児を成形する過程は もっと本能的で必然的なものです 妊婦が日常生活で触れるもの


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