Translation of "consisting" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Returns an event object consisting of | int public イベントが public な場合は TRUE private な場合は FALSE |
Consisting of accidental and systematic errors. | 偶発誤差 定誤差から成る |
A layout consisting of six flowers | Name |
Create an image consisting of many small images | たくさんの小さな画像からひとつの画像を作ります |
Heterogeneous mix consisting of a liquid and solid matter. | 液体 固体物質から成る異種混合物 |
Rays consisting of alpha particles, consisting of two protons and two neutrons that are emitted from the Atoms of certain radioactive elements. | いくつかの放射性元素の原子から発する 2 個の陽子と 2 個の中性子で構成されたアルファ粒子から成る放射線 |
Pure matter consisting of multiple elements in a set ratio. | 一定の割合で複数の元素から成る純粋な物質 |
You cannot post an article consisting entirely of quoted text. | 引用テキストだけで構成された記事は 投稿できません |
Is it a string consisting out of the eight characters ? | SELECT foという文字列ですか? |
Is it a string consisting of and all of foo? | それともHTML入力全体ですか? では答えてください |
Dynamite, an explosive consisting of nitroglycerin, typically molded into sticks. | ニトログリセリンでできた 爆発物で 一般的に棒状に成形されます Dynamite という言葉は 偶然 dynasty (王朝) という |
The pilots were among the 79 survivors consisting of passengers and crew. | 乗客 乗員合わせて79名の生存者の中に操縦士が含まれていた |
Rays consisting of electrons that are emitted from Atoms of radioactive elements. | 放射性元素の原子から発する電子から成る放射線 |
One cell is defined as one town, and a module consisting of cells is defined as a city, and one unit consisting of modules is defined as a country. | セルを集めた一モジュールを都市 モジュールを集めた一ユニットを国家という形で 人口の増加に伴って 睡蓮のように成長していくことが可能になっています |
Is it a string consisting of and the first two characters of foo? | SELECT fooという文字列ですか? |
Here I've illustrated a state space consisting of a very large or even infinite binary tree. | とても大きいかもしくは 無限に続く二分木で構成されています レベル1 2 3 nと進むにつれ 木はより大きくなります |
Soloman's army, consisting of human beings, jinn, and birds were gathered together in his presence in ranks. | スライマーンの命令でかれの軍勢が集められたが かれらはジンと人間と鳥からなり きちんと 部隊に編成された |
Again, we have a constructor, which takes the zip code which is a string consisting out of five digits. | これは5桁の数字からなります 変数zipの内部属性を5桁の数字に設定します |
A sewing club is making a quilt consisting of 25 squares, with each side of the square measuring 30 centimeters. | 25枚でキルトを作ろうと している まず これは25枚ある |
especially, a construction, more or less complex consisting of a combination of moving parts, or simple mechanical elements, as wheels, levers, cams etc | かくかくシカジカ... ごにょごにょ ほにょら... ! |
They all live in colonies consisting of one or a few queens, and then all the ants you see walking around are sterile female workers. | 外で見かけるアリはどれも産卵しない雌アリです どのアリコロニーにも共通するのは中央制御が存在せず |
And in the next few weeks, I had the tremendous pleasure of introducing these kids to the world of total freedom, a world consisting of magnificent vistas | 少年達に完璧な自由が 存在している世界を見せました 息を呑むような展望が次々広がる世界 |
So we could have the belief state consisting of vacuum in A is true and the others are unknown, and that small formula represents 4 possible world states. | その他は未知とするとこれらの簡単な式が 4つの世界状態を表現するのです またブール論理では任意の式を取る 信念状態を持つこともでき |
By this reasoning, we can see that it would take at least seven edges needed to make B have a single reachable component consisting of all the nodes. | 7本のエッジですべてのノードと一方向に連結できます |
If we go right and suck up the dirt, now we're down to a belief state consisting of 1 single state that is we know exactly where we are. | 1つの状態から成る信念状態に到達します 現在の状態が1つに定まるのです ここで問題です |
Not the gas that you know but it's a very much compressible fluid consisting of interactive particles, mostly dark matter but also things like stars and gas and sun. | 相互作用する粒子に構成されている だいたいダークマターだが 星やガスなども入ってる 重力の相互作用だけを見ている範囲では |
like dipping my feet in paint and walking on a canvas, or, in a 3D structure consisting of two by fours, creating a 2D image by burning it with a blowtorch. | 角材でできた3次元の建造物に 2次元のイメージをバーナーで 焼き付けたりしました 大きな素材で 大規模な作品を作ると |
Note that this changes the return value in an array where very element is an array consisting of the matched string at offset 0 and it 's string offset into subject at offset 1. | 例 2無効なパターンの例 |
The first question asked, what is the minimum number of edges needed to make B have a single reachable component consisting of all the nodes where B is a five by three bipartite graph. | すべてのノードが一方向に連結するグラフに 展開するための最小エッジ数を求めます ツリーは連結していてエッジはn 1です |
They arrived in Southern Rhodesia, and there was a choice of an immigrants' camp, consisting of mud huts with a communal water supply, or a hotel and they chose the hotel, being what are known as people of means. | 彼らは南ローデシアに着くと 共同給水設備のある泥でできた簡易住宅からなる移民キャンプか ホテルを選択しなければならなかった そこで彼らは資産家として知られていたのでホテルを選んだ |
You can have a completely objective science, a science where you make objectively true claims, about a domain whose existence is subjective, whose existence is in the human brain consisting of subjective states of sentience or feeling or awareness. | 完ぺきに客観的な科学は可能です たとえそれが 主観的な存在である領域 つまり人間の脳内に存在する 感覚や感情 認識といった |
It starts off by initializing the frontier to be the path consisting of only the initial states, and then it goes into a loop in which it first checks to see do we still have anything left in the frontier? | フロンティアを初期化します そしてループに入っていきます フロンティアにゴールとの接点がないか |
Just to remind you from last time, the structures that we're talking about mostly in this course are graphs also sometimes called networks, which is a discrete structure consisting of a set of nodes sometimes called vertices and edges sometimes called links. | ネットワークと呼ぶ時もあります グラフは離散構造となっており ノード(node vertex 節点 頂点)と エッジ(edge link 辺 枝)で構成されます |
The party beneath, now more apparent in the light of the dawn, consisted of our old acquaintances, Tom Loker and Marks, with two constables, and a posse consisting of such rowdies at the last tavern as could be engaged by a little brandy to go and help the fun of trapping a set of niggers. | 知人 二つの巡査とトムLokerとマークス とから成る捜索隊 可能性があるとして 最後の居酒屋でそのようなrowdies 行くとニガーのセットをトラップの楽しさを助けるために少しブランデーが従事 |
So, clearly, we distinguish between galaxies which are obviously seen as unit things in a space and there are dissipativly formed structure achieving density contrast of the order of million relative to the average density, which clearly puts them apart from large scale structure itself consisting of assemblies of really dark matter with galaxies used as tracers. | 数百万のオーダーのコントラストを達成できる物 それにより明らかに ラージスケールストラクチャー これはダークマターの集まりで構成された物だが それから分離されるので トレーサーとして使う銀河を |
It's actually going to be the path, so instead of it starting at zero, it starts as just a list consisting of (V₁) by itself and the only other change that we need to do is when we extend it because we've discovered a path from the beginning through a current, now goes to neighbor, all we need to do is that. | v1で構成されるリストとしてスタートします あとはcurrentを通して 最初の部分でパスを見つけたので neighbor へ行きます 必要な作業は以上です |
So, the fertilized egg divides to become two cells, those two divide to become four, and eight, and so on until your entire body consisting of on the order of 10 trillion cells has been assembled, and what is most amazing is that within the nucleus of each of those 10 trillion cells that make up your body, within each of those cells, you carry the same 23 pairs of chromosomes. | その2つは4つに 次は8つ といった具合で 身体がちゃんと統合された 10兆個の細胞群で 構成されるまで 分裂は続きます |