Translation of "constructing" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Constructing - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

They're constructing that phrase.
何かを感じ取り それを使っています
They're constructing something big.
These workmen are constructing a road.
They're constructing a bridge over the river.
This makes constructing the lives of women difficult.
しかし ローマの男性だけの 歴史ではいけませんから
What is the first step in constructing the angle bisector of angle A? what is the first step constructing angle bisector
角度 A の二等分線 最初のステップ構築角度二等分線は何です OK これ まあ 実際にはこれをやったことがないです
The boy was engrossed in constructing a model plane.
When I finished constructing my lightsaber, ObiWan said to me
このライトセーバーを作ってから オビ ワンにこう言われた
So those proteins just start constructing more and more viral shells.
ウイルスの殻 同時にこの RNA の複製です
A mole's software for constructing models of its world will be customized for underground use.
地下の生活に適合しているでしょう エドウィン アボット著 平面世界の住人 のように
Another way to get to that is to remember the other rules for constructing environments.
It's extremely difficult if it's constructed correctly, and there are techniques of constructing iconic imagery.
特定の技術が必要であるとすればとても難しいことです このイメージは 例えば ある意味ぴったりです
So let's see, they say what is the first step in constructing the angle bisector of angle (a).
So I found myself, in other words, constructing a geometry, a geometry of things which had no geometry.
幾何学を作り出した つまり 幾何構造を持たない対象のための 幾何学を発明したのです その驚くべき一面は
You've been constructing fanciful things on top of it, relying on it to be as solid as a rock.
岩のごとく頑丈だと信じていたのに それがいきなり覆されてしまった
He's designing and constructing one from the ground up which, as of yet, has no reference in layman's terms.
They are constructing using all those fixed languages, so that everyone understands, and the building could fit in the environment.
建物は環境に適合している 個人の意見が入る余地はない
In this playlist, we've been constructing a monetary or banking system that reasonably in the simplified form, approximates the system we're in.
銀行システムを理性的に シンプルになった形式で 我々のシステムに対して近づいてみましょう じゃあ 銀行システムが必要ですね
But also, the book was launched in time for me to be accused of constructing the blueprint for a foiled coup attempt.
クーデター未遂事件計画を構想した罪に問われ 18歳でナイジェリアの刑務所に入れられました
Just like in reconstruction you have an, there's an external world, which you're constructing in your head or recognition is re cognition.
また認識(recogition)は再認知(re cognition)です だから 領域分割やグループ化する と言うのではなく
A system that is much more sustainable, a system with a higher level of evolution, and that system they're constructing called the butterfly.
I'm sitting here making grunting sounds basically, and hopefully constructing a similar messy, confused idea in your head that bears some analogy to it.
皆さんの頭の中にも創り出そうとしている と言えばお分かりになると思いますが 私達はとても複雑なものを
You can stop the construction any time by pressing again on the button of the annotation you are constructing, or by pressing the Esc key.
注釈の作成を中止するには もう一度同じボタンを押します
The connection really is that matrices are used a lot when you are assimilating things or constructing things in computer science especially in, frankly, computer graphics.
物事の同化します 特に率直に言って コンピューター グラフィックで物事を構築します マトリックスの映画で スーパー インテリジェントの ロボットは マトリックスを使用しそれを行います 彼らは実際に存在すれば
Well, one way to do it is by constructing a 3 by 1 vector this all ones and adding that to V. So, they do that.
3 x 1 ベクトルを 作成して これは全て 1 です そしてこれを V に足します
The general grammar for constructing a list is to have a square bracket followed by a list of any number of expressions where the expressions are separated by commas.
角括弧とそれに続く式の 任意の数のリストになります 数式はコンマで区切られます 左右たった2つの角括弧を使うことで リストが作成できます
But before we pat ourselves too much on the back, we have poured 151 megawatt hours of energy into constructing this house when there was a house there before.
自画自賛する前に考えてみると 既に家があったのに この家を建築するため
If there is only one machine, and our little handhelds and devices are actually just little windows into those machines, but that we're basically constructing a single, global machine.
そのマシンをのぞく窓だと考えれば 私たちはひとつのグローバルなマシンを作ろうとしていることになります その話題から始めましょう
And that's because the brain is constructing representations of things that are correlated in little moments of time and that relate to one another in little moments of successive time.
情報を取り入れ 構築しているためです そして時間の流れの中でそれぞれが関連するためです 脳は全ての情報を記録し
The conjunction assures the comma that help isn't needed, which is good for the comma because by now, all it wants to do is go home and rest up for another day of vigilant sentence constructing.
助けはいらないよと言って 安心させます コンマはひと安心です だって もうコンマは 家に帰ってゆっくり休んで
Constructing Pascal's Triangle is, in itself a sort of number game because it's not just about adding, but about trying to find patterns and relationships in the numbers so you don't have to do all the adding.
それは単なるたし算ではなく 数の間に出てくるパターンや関係をみつけることで そうすることでたし算をしなくてもいいようにしようというものです これがいたずら描きをしていて発見されたことかどうかは知りませんが しかしこれは
And as he was constructing the ship, whenever the chiefs of his people passed by him, they made a mockery of him. He said If you mock at us, so do we mock at you likewise for your mocking.
そこでかれは方舟を造り始めた かれの民の首長たちは その側を過ぎる度にかれを明笑した かれは言った 仮令あなたがたが 今 わたしたちを嘲笑しても いずれあなたがたが嘲笑するように きっとわたしたちがあなたがたを嘲笑するようになろ
Forthwith he (starts) constructing the Ark Every time that the chiefs of his people passed by him, they threw ridicule on him. He said If ye ridicule us now, we (in our turn) can look down on you with ridicule likewise!
そこでかれは方舟を造り始めた かれの民の首長たちは その側を過ぎる度にかれを明笑した かれは言った 仮令あなたがたが 今 わたしたちを嘲笑しても いずれあなたがたが嘲笑するように きっとわたしたちがあなたがたを嘲笑するようになろ
To add some annotations to the document, you have to activate the annotating toolbar. This is done by either selecting Tools Review or pressing F6. Once the annotating toolbar is shown, just press one of its buttons to start constructing that annotation.
文書に注釈を加えるには ツール 注釈 を選択するか F6を押して注釈バーを有効にする必要があります 注釈バーが表示されたら その上のボタンを押して注釈の作成を開始します
The way we construct it is we go through all the data items for x in the data and we construct a new list out of it where the math for constructing the new list is x minus mu to the square.
for x in dataと書きます そこから新しいリストを作り出します xからmuを引いたものの2乗です
Goven that we know that motion is so important for the human visual system, can we use this as a recipe for constructing machine based vision systems that can learn on their own, that don't need to be programmed by a human programmer?
人間の視覚システムにとって 動きが 非常に重要だと分かったのだから これを利用して 機械を使用した視覚システムを開発できないだろうか
So if we view this as our input or sort of the bottom edge of our parse tree, as we're working on constructing it, these are some previous input tokens maybe previous ints, previous pluses, maybe parentheses if we extend our grammar.
今から構築する 構文木の端とすると これが以前のトークンで
But it turns out that by constructing these two matrices, what you can therefore do is very quickly apply all three hypotheses to all four house sizes to get, you know, all twelve predicted prices output by your three hypotheses on your four houses.
実際に出来る事とは とても素早く これら3つの仮説全てを
I match up this (a) with this one, this (a) with this one and I'm going to take my input and conceptually change it, removing the (a b) and replacing them with (x) as if I'm constructing the parse tree or applying the rewrite rules in reverse.
概念としては入力を変えて abを取り除いてxに置き換えます 構文解析木を作るように
I go through other instruments, they become familiar, and eventually I find myself designing and constructing my own instrument, and I brought one with me today, and I thought I would play a little bit on it for you so you can hear what it sounds like.
最終的には今日持ってきたような自分自身の楽器を デザインし製作するに至りました それでは少し披露いたしましょう
Whether it was concocting delicious meals from stolen scraps from the warehouse, sculpting people's hair with toenail clippers, or constructing weights from boulders in laundry bags tied on to tree limbs, prisoners learn how to make do with less, and many of them want to take this ingenuity that they've learned to the outside and start restaurants, barber shops, personal training businesses.
食料倉庫から盗んだ残り物で 美味しい料理を作ったり 足用爪切りで髪の毛を切ったり 石詰めの洗濯袋を木の大枝に吊るして トレーニング用品を作ったりして


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