Translation of "cortical blindness" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Blindness - translation : Cortical - translation : Cortical blindness - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

or cortical visual impairment.
Cortical Surface Reconstruction and Visualization
loss of cortical gray matter.
Color blindness simulation
Color blindness Simulation Mode
Blindness, the same thing.
This is change blindness.
It was willful blindness.
Cortical fluctuation. It could trigger a seizure.
皮質変動 うまくいくかもしれません
I call this error blindness.
It's a lot of blindness.
面白いと思ったのは スイスの企業に行くと
It starts with night blindness.
夜盲症から始まって トンネルのように視界が狭くなり
It's all about cortical processing and forebrain specialization.
前脳の専門化です それがあなたの専門の根底をなします
Blindness, polio early detection, early response.
鳥インフルエンザのパンデミックも 早期発見 早期対応 同じことの繰り返しです
The developing world bug, trachoma, causes blindness.
You can think about normal development as a loss of cortical mass,
減少するのは 健康でも 起きる事ですが
Or maybe this is scarring from a cortical infection that we didn't...
There's a lot of willful blindness around these days.
Oh,it's this blindness nuisance. It makes me mean.
目が見えなくてイライラしてる だからつい意地悪になって
I hear they're curing blindness, helping handicapped people walk.
目の見えない人や 歩けない障害のある人を治療してるってね
Now this cortical folding presents a significant challenge for interpreting surface electrical impulses.
脳表層の電気信号の解釈は 難しい問題となっています 皮質の皺の入り方は
The key to discovering blindness is doing epidemiological surveys and finding out the causes of blindness, so you can mount the correct response.
そうすれば適切な対応をとることができます セヴァ財団を始めようと集まったのは
Select a mode to simulate various types of color blindness.
We're looking at blindness. Now why would you do this?
3億4000万人が視覚障害を持ち そのうち4500万人が盲目です
It's the development of a prosthetic device for treating blindness.
私たちの初の試みです 失明で苦しんでいる方と
They never could find any real reason for her blindness.
彼女をトペカに連れて行くよう 彼らはわしに懇請したんだ
Turn off the lights. It's what they call hysterical blindness.
これはいわゆるヒステリー盲と いうものだ
Next stop, blindness, and to... top it off, I'm nearsighted.
最後には失明する で. . .
You don't care if the side effects may include blindness.
Now actually we've looked in several different cortical areas in the monkey learning this task.
さまざまな脳部位を見てきています それらは全て技能や能力に合わせて
He made up his mind to jog in spite of his blindness.
Or we go like that, and we imagine that's what blindness is about.
車椅子に乗っている人は 歩けないと思いがちです
You could see willful blindness in the run up to the Iraq War.
イラク戦争の 準備段階でも見られました このように意図的な無視は 大規模に存在する一方
Companies that have been studied for willful blindness can be asked questions like,
こんな質問をします 職場に社員が指摘するのを
When color blindness was not well understood, there were lots of misunderstandings and prejudice.
色弱に対する誤解や偏見みたいなものが たくさんあったと聞いています でも 今こうやってわかってしまえば
Instead of finding out what we thought was the case that blindness was caused mostly by glaucoma and trachoma we were astounded to find out that blindness was caused instead by cataract.
失明の原因は 主として緑内障とトラコーマでした 白内障が原因ではないことに驚愕しました そこに何があるか知らなければ治療も予防も不可能です
There are 15 or 20 cortical areas that are changed specifically when you learn a simple skill like this.
15 か 20 の皮質部位が変化しています それは脳内に膨大な変化として表れます
These different mice are different mutations that recapitulate different kinds of blindness that affect humans.
人間の盲目をモデルした変異マウスです それぞれのモデルを慎重に観察し
We can ask ourselves, what is justice, and is justice blind, or is justice blindness?
正義は盲目なのか あるいは無知なのか そして正義はいつ白から黒になったのか
So for example we can look to the cortical area that represents input that's controlling the posture of the monkey.
皮質部位を見てみましょう 特定の動きやその行動に関わる
You can see willful blindness in the Catholic Church, where decades of child abuse went ignored.
放置されていたのも 意図的な無視です 意図的な無視は
My data indicates that I've got about average risk for developing macular degeneration, a kind of blindness.
黄斑変性になるリスクが人並みにあります この同一のデータを deCODEme へアップロードすると
For people without color blindness, it is obvious that the button for the 8th floor is lit.
8が光ってることがわかると思うんですが 実は色弱の人にはどれが押されているか
Well,there's a moderate concussion with some shortterm memory loss, disorientation,headache, and of course,fleeting blindness.
中程度の脳震盪ね 短期間の記憶障害 方向感覚の喪失 頭痛
I said, There is a special form of visual hallucination which may go with deteriorating vision or blindness.
特殊な幻視があるんです これはシャルル ボネという男性が


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