Translation of "culprit" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Culprit - translation :
Keywords : 犯人 挙げ 作用

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

We've found the culprit.
犯人を見つけた 紹介するね
Aw come on! Here's the culprit!
違うんだよ 違うんだよ こいつだよ こいつ
well, Susie, the culprit isn't foreigners.
さて スージー 犯人は外国人ではない
Maybe the culprit has access to this place.
じゃあ 犯人は ここに入れる関係者の誰か
None of them would admit to being the culprit.
I'm the real crimer You caught the wrong culprit
あなたたちがつかまえたのは違う人だ もう行っていい
So, in the end the culprit wasn't here, huh?
結局 容疑者は居ず かぁ...
The culprit is caught like a rat in a trap.
Under our actionreaction rule, the culprit will be severely punished.
作用作用の規則のもと 犯人は厳罰に処する
You can not solve your doubts until you face the culprit.
It's totally without precedent for the suspect's attorney to be the true culprit.
犯人を弁護してた弁護士が実は真犯人だったなんて 前代未聞だ
But you'll never get the culprit or I'm the biggest fool in nature.
だが君が犯人を捕えるようなら 私は相当のバカだ
Furthermore, until I've found the culprit, there will be no recess and no visitors.
犯人が見つかるまで 休憩も訪問者も禁止だ
As I read through the letters, I realized that the Pope was the true culprit.
私がそれらの手紙を読むにつれて 教皇が真犯人だと分かってきた
We think that there is very very likely to be some sort of infectious culprit.
Just after the explosion a worker of Sanyou Railway is arrested at a police box as culprit.
この爆発の直後に 交番に 三葉鉄道社員を名乗る男が 犯人として出頭し 警察は緊急逮捕しました
With this question in mind, I started researching, and I soon found that indoor air pollutants were the culprit.
室内の汚染物質が怪しいことが すぐ分かりました このことに気づいてすぐ
Verily whosoever cometh unto his lord as a Culprit, for him is Hell wherein he will neither die nor live.
罪人として主の御許に来る者には 本当に地獄がある その中でかれは死もなく生もない
One, cancel the group punishment, two, let me deal with the culprit, and three, don't ask me for his name.
一に 集団罰をやめてほしい 二に 犯人を私に任せてほしい 三に その名を訊かないでほしい
So this does something very similar to delta debugging pointing out the culprit, which has been changed such that the failure occurs.
不具合を起こした変更点が明らかになるのです では小テストです
looking at evidence and clues embedded in five narratives on these five different screens, in which the city itself may have been the culprit.
犯罪の分析をします 街自体が容疑者かもしれないのです 次は おそらく現代インドアート一番の強者
This approach for determining the culprit for regression has also been named the blame o meter, as a means to know who to blame.
Blame O Meter と呼ばれています 責めを負うべき人とは コード内のどこかに欠陥があるということです
Even if they were stealing the money, since you don't know your opponent, he's the only one whom you suspect to be the culprit.
やつらは 金を盗んでもさ 互いに 面識がなけりゃ その対戦相手が 犯人としか 思わないでしょ
And the solution I offer is to the biggest culprit in this massive mistreatment of the earth by humankind, and the resulting decline of the biosphere.
地球を無謀に扱い 生態系を衰退させるている人類の 元凶に対する解決策です
That culprit is business and industry, which happens to be where I have spent the last 52 years since my graduation from Georgia Tech in 1956.
私も1956年にジョージア工科大学を卒業してから 52年間身をおいてきた世界です 私も1956年にジョージア工科大学を卒業してから 52年間身をおいてきた世界です 工業技師として
In his book, Paul charges business and industry as, one, the major culprit in causing the decline of the biosphere, and, two, the only institution that is large enough, and pervasive enough, and powerful enough, to really lead humankind out of this mess.
この本でポールは経済産業界に ふたつの責任があると述べています ひとつは生態系の衰退の犯人としての ふたつ目は 人類がこの惨状を乗り越えるために
If the tragic incident of September 11, and the military actions against Afghanistan and Iraq that left millions killed and homeless had not happened and if, instead of killing and throwing the culprit into the sea without trial or without informing the world and people of America, an independent fact finding team had been formed to make the general public aware of the truth behind the incident and prepare for bringing to justice the perpetrators
何百万もの人々が殺されず 家を失わなかったならば そして 裁判もなく一方的に決めた罪人を 世界や アメリカ人に伝える事もなしに 海に捨てさる事がなかったならば 個々の事実を調査するチームが
But I realized, for that to be true for theft of our children's future to be a crime there must be a clear, demonstrable alternative to the take make waste industrial system that so dominates our civilization, and is the major culprit, stealing our children's future, by digging up the earth and converting it to products that quickly become waste in a landfill or an incinerator in short, digging up the earth and converting it to pollution.
子孫の未来を奪うのを裁く には 違う選択肢があることを 明らかに実証しなければなりません 取り 作り 捨てる という 産業システムが


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