Translation of "dealers" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Especially drug dealers.
And distributors might sell to dealers. Most dealers are just simply storefronts.
サービス サポートを加える販売業者もありますが
Terrorists, arms dealers, drug lords.
テロリスト 武器ディーラー 薬の領主
These guys were drug dealers, smalltime.
こいつらは麻薬売人よ, それも小物の.
One of our dealers was murdered.
You need to employ more dealers.
We'll try one of the smaller dealers.
The bears go straight to the dealers.
Guys in the house were drug dealers.
go back to ripping off mob dealers?
What about the dealers filing suit against you?
Jesus Malverde, patron saint of Mexican drug dealers.
マルベルデだ 伝説的な麻薬密売人
Drug dealers have a way of getting caught.
麻薬の売人は いずれ捕まる
They're crowd mapping the activities of the drug dealers.
自覚しているといないとに かかわらず
I'm a lawyer. Even drug dealers need lawyers, right?
ドラッグディーラーも 弁護士は必要だ
There's a World Bank, arms dealers and a United Nations.
すると おのずと変動のある株式市場を
lots of dealers, in almost everything you want to buy.
地面に落ちてる緑色のやつは マンゴーですね
He was one of my dealers. He wasn't the first.
These junk dealers must have a weakness of some kind.
ジャンク屋の主人に 弱点があればいいのに
This city is being run by gangs and drug dealers.
ギャングや麻薬売人が 溢れています
Maybe even a couple of guys. His dealers, his posse.
手下や売人たちが いくらでもいる
We gotta get more dealers. You know, foot soldiers, right?
さらに売人が必要だ 歩兵となる連中だ
Junk bond dealers left the market riding on a pillow of air.
You think Warfield gives a fuck about you shaking down drug dealers?
お前がフィンと麻薬の売人をゆすっていたのを ウォーフィールドが見逃すと思うか?
The people she dealt with must have done her in other dealers.
彼女と取引してた連中がやったに違いないわ 他の売人達よ
They were splitting the shipment in two. Only half went to the dealers.
密輸した麻薬を半分のみ 売人へ流している
Every smalltime dealers he'd throw at us, he'd end up snaking their customers.
ヤクの上がりは すべて彼に流れる
And their very blood turns our children into addicts, drug dealers and homosexuals.
彼らの血は子供に害を与え 薬の売人や同性愛者を 生み出すだけです
In the previous levels, you had to kill dealers, now we don't care anymore!
ここではもう関係ないね 知ったこっちゃない 地下を探検しにいったり 自由だ
So I caught a break on a set of fingerprints from our drug dealers.
ねぇ うちのヤク売人の指紋一式に ツキがあったわよ.
We need foot soldiers and dealers on a street level that are rock solid.
歩兵となる売人をそろえ ストリートで地位を固め
They went to some guy for a couple days before they went to the dealers.
売人にやる前に 何日か ある男に
He was angry because those dealers of yours had just murdered an 1 1yearold boy.
だがそれは あの2人が 少年を殺したからだ
It's footage of this officer and his men robbing and murdering two drug dealers in an alley.
アンタとお友達の映像だ ヤクの強奪と売人殺し
Laugh though you will, all the drug dealers and gang members with whom I dealt had one of these
ギャングたちは 警官が持つようになる ずっと以前から これらの道具を使っていたのです
The dealers will be there all day. They'll be there all year too, but we don't have to wait that long.
Your aim is to dispense justice by killing all the dealers coolly, even if they look like Portugueses, like old exhibitionist or...
売人は皆殺しだ ポルトガル人だろうが 露出魔だろうが
So dealers might not have a physical storefront for end user customers, but retailers are all about main street and talking to your customers.
小売店は地元に密着し顧客との距離が近いのが特徴です また小売店の中には量販店もあります
To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and the Day that the Hour of Judgment is established, that Day will the dealers in Falsehood perish!
天と地の大権は アッラーの有である 時が 到来する日 虚偽に従う者は失敗者となる
Yeah, I guess he'll just go to some other dealers and suppliers and that's all we need, is 10 South Americans chasing us for the rest of our lives.
ええ 私は彼だけで行きますね いくつかの他のディーラーサプライヤーへの して すべて私たちが必要なの 私たちを追いかけ10南米です 私たちの生活の残りの部分です
I still could have made it back to the hospital on time, but once in the store you can't leave, because there are these evil classical music dealers in the aisles
いったん店に入ると出られないのです 売り場にはクラシック音楽の 販売員という悪魔がいるからです よぅ モーツァルトの交響曲の 最新のヤツ聴いたかい
The law already requires licensed gun dealers to run background checks, and over the last 14 years that's kept 1.5 million of the wrong people from getting their hands on a gun.
過去14年間で150万人の不適格者に 銃器の所有を禁じました しかしこの法律は守らせるのが困難です
I will get uptown gurus, downtown teachers, broke ass artists and dealers, and Filipino preachers, leaf blowers, bartenders, boob job doctors, hooligans, garbage men, your local Congressmen in the spotlight, guys in the overhead helicopters.
ディーラー フィリピン系伝道師 枯れ葉清掃員 バーテンダー 豊胸医 フーリガン ゴミ収集員 会見中の市議会委員 頭上のヘリの中のやつら
Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loveth the just dealers.
アッラーは 宗教上のことであなたがたに戦いを仕掛けたり またあなたがたを家から追放しなかった者たちに親切を尽し 公正に待遇することを禁じられない 本当にアッラーは公正な者を御好みになられる
I'm not going to tell you first what I do as an undercover officer tracking down dealers and the source of their illegal drugs in the streets of our cities and corridors of our schools here in Orange County.
先ず お断りしておきますが 潜入捜査官がどうやって 追跡しているのか 違法薬物の売人 供給者を 街の通りや 学校の廊下にいる