Translation of "defects" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
This system has obvious defects. | このシステムには明らかな欠陥がある |
They checked the machine for defects. | 彼らは欠陥がないかとその機械を調べた |
He is blind to his own defects. | 彼は自分の欠点が分からない |
This system is bristling with defects and drawbacks. | この制度は欠陥だらけだ |
Manufacturers are liable for defects in their products. | 製造業者はその製品の欠陥に対して法的な責任がある |
The inside defects never fail to express themselves outwardly. | 内面の欠点はきっと外面に現れるものだ |
and her child will be born with horrible birth defects. | 障害を持った胎児が 生まれると分かったんだ |
The vehicles are inspected for defects at least every three months. | 車は欠陥がないか最低3ヵ月に1回検査される |
The vehicles are inspected for defects at least every three months. | 車両は欠陥が無いか最低3ヶ月に1回検査される |
I agree, this game have a lots of defects, inconsistencies, lags. | でも世界一ひどくはないだろう |
And we know who's got defects in RNASEL and who doesn't. | チップが示したのは |
The customer insisted on a price reduction because of defects in the product. | そのお客は 商品に欠陥があるといつでもあくまで値引きを主張した |
Seen close up, things have a way of showing their defects, their innate ugliness. | 間近から見ると ものごとはその欠点や本来備わる醜さを露わにする傾向がある |
Children with birth defects were labeled incurables, and confined for life to inhuman conditions. | 生涯にわたって非人間的な環境に閉じ込められました 報告が浮上してくるにつれ 再び国際的援助が介入しました |
When you run into defects or bugs in your code, and you probably will | 同じように形式化して バグの発生場所を考えてほしいです |
Recent investigations have demonstrated that the application of Emmet's theory is not always without defects. | 最近の研究が証明していることは エメット理論を適用することが常に欠陥なしとはいえないということである |
Interestingly, one of those birth defects has seen a 200 percent increase in the U.S. | アメリカではある疾患は3倍になりました 肥満や若年性糖尿病 |
He has some grave defects, but I think he is a great scholar all the same. | 彼は大きな欠点もあるが やはり偉大な学者だと思う |
It's better to know in advance as little as possible of the defects of your partner. | だから結婚相手の欠点は 先に知らない方がいいのよ |
So by matching color, contrast and brightness in the borders between the different images, adding photographic defects | 明るさを合わせ 被写界深度や彩度を落としたり ノイズを入れるなど |
This is because there is nothing so beautiful that, even on close inspection, no defects will be found. | なぜならば 精密に検査しても何か欠点が現れないほど美しいものは存在しないからである |
We've got researchers talking about defects in animals, and they're not allowed to publish their data. So the | つまり 最後に必要なのは透明性です 日本政府に任せてしまったら |
But one of the most common defects would be that you would have a communication between these two. | 流れてはいけない方へ血液が流れてしまいます |
And it's better to know in advance as little as possible of the defects of your marriage partner. | だから結婚相手の欠点は 先に知らない方がいいのよ |
A man of weak will is the target of criticism even his friends would badger him into correcting his defects. | 意思の弱い人は批判の的になる だから友だちでさえも その欠点を直せるものならとおもってかれをいじめようとするだろう |
And in Europe, there's certain parts of Europe, where we're seeing a four fold increase in certain genital birth defects. | ある地域では 先天性生殖器異常が 4倍も増えています |
This product contains chemicals known by the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. | または他の生殖障害の原因になるとしている 化学物質が含まれています これが鳥です |
There is no question ionizing radiation alters human cells, which can cause cancer and genetic defects, but how much exposure and for how | しかし どれだけの照射量で どれだけの時間が必要か 科学者の意見は読み取られた 数値と同じように一致していない |
Some of the effects of malnutrition during pregnancy were immediately apparent in higher rates of stillbirths, birth defects, low birth weights and infant mortality. | 数多くの死産 先天性欠損 低出生体重 高い乳児死亡率などを |
I mean, let's face it I'm not, the heroic type. I've a laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes that I've made... largely public. | 第一私はヒーローなんて柄じゃないし 性格は欠点だらけだ |
Meanwhile, TEPCO seems to be scrambling to contain the leaking radioactive material, and there are reports of fish being radioactive and possible birth defects from the disaster. | 放射性物質の漏れ出しを食い止めるのに必死 魚が汚染されたり奇形児が生まれる可能性も 報告されているといいます 一体何が起きていて どう捉えればよいのでしょう |
Our body's though have prepare mechanisms that take care of this DNA damage. however defects in DNA repair seem to be directly related to the aging process. | 修復から漏れたDNAが老化に直接関係すると思われます DNA損傷の保護と修復のバランスの境界点については |
It is not the case that every defect always can cause a failure because defects cannot be an unreachable code and therefore, they may not cause a failure. | すべての欠陥が常に不具合を引き起こすとは限りません したがってこれも不正解です |
This is how the more experienced people get the tougher tasks, possibly introduce more defects, but still overall they are precisely the right persons to do the job. | 欠陥を多く起こす可能性がありますが全体的に見れば 彼らはまさに適任者なのです |
The Environmental Protection Agency even classified this group as a top priority pollutant because it's been shown to cause cancer and birth defects by acting as a hormone disruptor. | フタル酸エステル類を 最優先取組み汚染物質としています ガンや出生異常を引き起こすとされるからです ホルモンかく乱物質として作用するのです |
And even in the field, if assertion are still enabled, you still have a far better chance to find defects because, well, you get the failure rather than producing bad data. | ただ不具合が生じているだけだからです 一方 本番コードで アサーションを有効にするデメリットは何でしょうか? |
Third, defects in the field are hard to track, which means an assertion gives you a chance to find the defect before it goes into the field, in particular, in combination with thorough testing. | アサーションとテストを併用すれば 事前に欠陥が見つかる可能性がかなり高まるのです たとえフィールド内でもアサーションが有効であれば 欠陥を見つけられる可能性がかなり高いです |
But what we now know, is that for a number of diseases, there are defects in the system, where the body can't prune back extra blood vessels, or can't grow enough new ones in the right place at the right time. | このシステムに不具合があり 体は余分な血管を戻したり 新しい血管を増やす事を |
God granted a great favor to the believers by sending a Messenger from their own people to recite to them God's revelations, to purify them of moral defects, to teach them the Book, and to give them wisdom. Before this they had lived in manifest error. | 本当にアッラーは 信者たちに対して豊かに恵みを授けられ かれらの中から 一人の使徒をあげて 啓示をかれらに読誦させ かれらを清め また啓典と英知を教えられた これまでかれらは明らかに迷い誤の中にいたのである |
So we need materials in closed cycles, but we need to analyze them down to the parts per million for cancer, birth defects, mutagenic effects, disruption of our immune systems, biodegradation, persistence, heavy metal content, knowledge of how we're making them and their production and so on. | 癌や先天異常 染色体異常 免疫系の異常 を引き起こすかや どの様に分解されるか 重金属を含んでいるか |
I think that there is a real reason to keep designing new languages, even if we bootstrap them on top of the old ones, because it might be easier or more concise to think a thought in the new language or because the new language might help us reduce errors or software engineering defects. | 新しい言語を使うと考え方が簡潔になるからであり 新しい言語がソフトウェア工学上の欠点を補って エラーを減らしてくれるからです 私たちの簡単なJavaScriptインタプリタは Pythonで書かれていますが |
He is Allah than Whom there is La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the King, the Holy, the One Free from all defects, the Giver of security, the Watcher over His creatures, the All Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! (High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him. | かれこそは アッラーであられる かれの外に神はないのである 至高の王者 神聖にして平安の源であり 信仰を管理し 安全を守護なされ 偉力ならびなく全能で 限りなく尊い方であられる アッラーに讃えあれ かれは 人が配するものの上に 高くおられる |
I'm going to put one extra little footnote in here, because, like, I realized I mentioned some psychological defects earlier, and we also, along the way, had a fair amount of obsessive behavior, and there was some delusional behavior and things like that, and here I think we could say that this is an argument for self loathing and a kind of schizophrenia, at least in the popular use of the term, and I really mean dissociative identity disorder, okay. | 本日皆様に観ていただいた私の心理的欠陥 強度の強迫行動や 妄想的行動など |