Translation of "dependant family members" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Dependant - translation : Dependant family members - translation : Family - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Our family consists of five members.
Our family consists of five members.
Our family consists of five members.
His family members are all tall.
His family members are all tall.
Involving members of her own family.
There are four members in my family.
Family members should not compete against each other.
The family members nursed the patient in turns.
Botticelli used members of the important Medici family.
デル ラマの両替商としての成功は
Do you know where the family members are?
家族はどこか 知ってるのか
Terrorism or even difficulties between yourself and family members.
Thay) そうです O.
There's four family members that come in every day.
And I have family members, why don't you buy?
Their family members are probably sent into concentration camps.
あるいはシン ドンヒョクさんの場合 お父さんはもともと強制収容所にいました
Sometime we need friends, family members or a psychiatrist.
それに気球では 気象担当者が必要で
The members of the family nursed the patient by turns.
Then. I would like to know the members of your family, most of your family.
あなたの家族のほとんど 私が重要だと思います ええ あまりにも会った 私は多くの家族を持っていない マイ
I've had family members who are doctors and engineers tell me this.
困惑を避けるため この辺の基礎から始めましょう
Members of a family support each other regardless of all their imperfections.
家族はお互いの短所を 乗り越えて助け合うものよ
(O. Winfrey) Terrorism or even difficulties between yourself and family members or friends.
Winfrey) テロだけでなく 家族友人との間に生じる困難な状況の克服もですね Thay そうですね
On the one year anniversary of her death in Iraq, family members grieve the last female in their family line.
親戚が集まり 一族で一番若かった彼女を偲びます 彼女は母親にイラクは怖いと 告白していました
She says she knows you, but she wasn't on the list of family members.
Also, we had to make a report on our extended visited members, that is, extended members of the family, sick and elderly, shut in.
病気を患い 年を取って 家に閉じこもりがちな親戚を 訪問していたんです 私の任務は最低週に一回
Just be that way with your friends and particularly the older members of your family.
共感を持って接して下さい どうもありがとうございました
I took pictures of weddings and older family members things that they wanted memories of.
撮りはじめました 2年ほどして
Class Members
Font family A font family is a group of fonts that resemble one another, with family members that are e. g. bold, italic, or any number of the above.
フォントファミリ フォントファミリは ボールド体 イタリック体などを含む 互いによく似たフォントのグループです
A marketplace was hit by a mortar shell that killed several members of a single family.
一つの家族の数人が殺害されました アメリカ軍のバグダット進行の翌日
Second, I have many close family members and friends who know me and know my illness.
第二に 私は病気を理解してくれる 家族友人に恵まれてきました 家族友人が 私の人生に意味を与え
Members of a terrorist group, the Fifth Column... have brutally assaulted a member of my family.
テロリストのグループ フィフス カラムは 私の家族に残忍な暴行を
such as malignant cancers, leukemia and radiation cataracts that have continued to affect generations of family members.
子孫にまで影響を及ぼし 今も苦しみ続けています
Adult family members above 18 years receive Rs 200 and below 18 years will receive Rs 100.
18歳未満は100ルピーのお金が 銀行口座に振り込まれます
The National Transportation Safety Board has set up a hotline for family members of the Oceanic victims.
国家輸送安全委員会は 家族へのホットラインを設置し
Staff members only.
Contact group members
Hide implicit members
With Party members?
Inner Party members?
We have 4 to 5 million legal residents who have actually applied legally for their closest family members to come in to the United States and sometimes, wait up to 2 decades for their family members to come.
法的な申請を行っていますが ときには 一緒に住めるようになるまでに 20年もかかることがあります 摘み手が足りない果実は
I found out how many people had been put in jail, how many family members had been killed.
そして彼らの家族の何人が 殺されたかも知りました 彼らがそこに どれぐらい滞在するつもりなのか
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