Translation of "dictatorship" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Dictatorship - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

This dictatorship must end.
Myanmar is ruled by a military dictatorship.
I will not trade one dictatorship for another!
Then I guess that makes it a dictatorship.
This is a dictatorship. Chávez is the rightful president.
人々は彼を愛し 彼らは彼を守るだろう
Sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.
The dictatorship came under fire for its human rights record.
Seven brutal years of dictatorship which we spent in exile.
私達家族は国外追放されていました さて現在 我々の民主主義
His brutal dictatorship has been perpetrating since he took power.
彼が政権について以来 野蛮な独裁政権が 続いているのです
Dictatorship can be summed up by shut up! , democracy by keep talking .
要するに 独裁とは 黙れ ということ 民主主義とは 話し続けろ ということである
like dictatorship, repression, censorship is a first weapon against those fears, actually
恐怖に対する武器になるのです ベラルーシでの数年前のキャンぺーンは
They have shown an exemplary bravery in confronting the brutal dictatorship of Gaddafi.
カダフィの残忍な独裁政権を糾弾することによって 彼らは結束の強さを教えてくれました
This is a new form of fascism, it's a new form of dictatorship.
独裁の新しい形でもあります ヒトラーが権力を握り ナチスが団虐殺により世の中を支配しようとした時代
We fought very hard against the dictatorship, in a moment it was necessary to us
そのうち私達は 武器を手にゲリラになるか 祖国を去るかを選ぶ必要に迫られました
He wrote a book called From Dictatorship to Democracy with 81 methodologies for non violent resistance.
非暴力で抵抗する81種類の方法を書きました この本は26カ国語に翻訳され
The civilian branch of our government would be paralyzed leaving the door wide open for a military dictatorship.
我々政府の民間部門が 麻痺することになり 軍事独裁のドアが 大きく開かれる事になります
With the end of the dictatorship regime of Mobutu Sese Seko, that most of you know, life became very, very difficult.
ほとんどの方がよくご存じと思いますが 生活が非常に困難となりました これまでやってきた仕事を継続することは
After all the huge onslaught against any attempt for labeling GMO foods in the United States is part of this Monsanto dictatorship.
モンサント社独裁体制の現れです モンサント社に対する反対運動は 私達の自由を守るための運動なのです
The March against Monsanto is a call to end the dictatorship over seed, over life, over our food and over our freedom.
種子に対する独裁制 生命に対する独裁制 私達の食べ物 そして私達の自由に対する 独裁体制に終止符を打つべく為にあるのです
The dictatorship was a great success in Chile in that it established the political, economic and social model that prevails to this day.
政治 経済 社会モデルは 今日まで優勢なのです 基本的に1980年に課せられた 憲法は変わらず
Steak, which stands for a Mubarak Ben Ali type of military police dictatorship, or a potato, which stands for a Tehran type of theocracies.
ムバラクやベン アリのような 軍事独裁者を象徴するステーキ あるいは テヘラン風の神権政治のジャガイモです しかし その冷蔵庫が開いて出て来て 世界を驚かせたのは
My father made false papers for the dissidents against Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, against the colonels' dictatorship in Greece, and even in France.
ポルトガルのサラザール政権 ギリシャの独裁政権の 反対派の活動家のために 偽造文書を作成しました
After the revolution, he supported the birth of a new democracy as Libyans held elections, built new institutions, and began to move forward after decades of dictatorship.
リビア人は選挙を行い 新制度を作り 長年の独裁から前進を始めました クリス スティーブンスは仕事を愛し 赴任国に誇りを抱き
As Chris said, I grew up in Nigeria with a whole generation in the '80s of students who were protesting a military dictatorship, which has finally ended.
80年代の学生世代全員が 今は終りを告げた軍事独裁政権に抗議していた ナイジェリアで育ちました そうです 僕だけではなく 僕の世代の皆です
And that regime that we got rid of was actually a dictatorship, an authoritarian regime, that for decades created a great sense of paralysis within the nation, within the people themselves.
政府の本質は 独裁的で 権威主義的で
Since communism became obsolete and the dictatorship of the proletariat is out of date, capitalism proves to be the best so far, even though it itself is still a threat for humanity.
共産主義は失敗し プロレタリア独裁は時代遅れとなったので 資本主義そのものは 未だ人類を脅かすものであるにもかかわらず 今迄のところ一番良い体制であることがわかる
So in the 20th century, you had this vicious cycle in the Arab world where you have a dictatorship suppressing its own people including the Islamic pious, and they're reacting in reactionary ways.
イスラムの宗教者を含めた 人民を抑圧する 負の連鎖になり
And so it's really it's really how suddenly, you know, this was made in 1997, which is the time of Abacha the military dictatorship, the worst part of Nigerian history, this post colonial history.
1997年に突然軍部が政権を握り アバチャ将軍の独裁が始まりました 植民地時代以降で最悪の時代です
And when the colonial period ended, what you had in place of that was, generally, secular dictators, which say they're a country, but did not bring democracy to the country, and established their own dictatorship.
代わりに何が残ったかというと 自らを国と称する 世俗にまみれた独裁者達でした
If you look at the last 35 years and different social transitions, from dictatorship to democracy, you will see that, out of 67 different cases, in 50 of these cases it was nonviolent struggle which was the key power.
独裁政権から民主主義へと社会が移行した67の事例のうち 独裁政権から民主主義へと社会が移行した67の事例のうち 50件は非暴力戦略が鍵となりました
First, international pressure, led by the US, China, Russia, and Japan was not enough to prevent North Korea from taking this fateful step. A terrible dictatorship, a regime without a future and a dwarf in terms of power politics defied the international giants.
第一に 米国 中国 ロシア 日本が先導した国際的な圧力は 北朝鮮が致命的な一歩を踏み出すのを止めるには及ばなかった 恐ろしい独裁制 前途のない政権を抱え そしてパワー ポリティクス的に見れば小人である国が 多国で作った巨人を無視したのだ 今 もっともな憤慨が見られ そしてあらゆる場所で 制裁を求める声が上がっている
But to get to that stage, where democracy builds the fabric of society and the political choices within that fabric, but are certainly not theocratic and military dictatorship i.e. you're voting in a democracy, in an existing democracy, and that democracy is not merely one of the choices at the ballot box.
政治的な選択がその仕組みの中にあり 神権政治でも軍事独裁政権でもなく 民主主義は投票する際の
And the third, democratic choice in Muslim majority societies has been relegated to a political choice, meaning political parties in many of these societies ask people to vote for them as the democratic party, but then the other parties ask them to vote for them as the military party wanting to rule by military dictatorship.
イスラム教社会において 政治的な選択の1つに過ぎなくなったということです こうした社会では
And so over the course of the rest of the 30s, essentially the Nazis consolidated power until we get to 1939, and the rest of the world kept watching Hitler, you know he was consolidating power, and he came in democratically but he was essentially consolidating power under himself, turning it into a dictatorship, he was militarizing Germany.
実質的に1939年までにナチスが力を確立します 他国が注視する中 ヒトラーは力を固めます 民主的に登場したものの 独裁政治に変化し 彼の力を強固にしていたのです


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