Translation of "diplomacy" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Diplomacy - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Second, diplomacy.
I love diplomacy
I suggest diplomacy.
That's not good diplomacy.
外交術としては いかがなもんか
so much for diplomacy.
leadership, diplomacy and institutional design.
そして 制度設計 今日はこの3つが
leadership, diplomacy and institutional design.
そして制度設計です 北アイルランドを例に挙げましょう
I'd say diplomacy has failed.
Skillful diplomacy helps to avert war.
I put my faith in diplomacy.
Captain, we gain nothing by diplomacy.
船長 交渉の余地など ありません
English is useful in diplomacy and tourism.
Another pillar of this strategy is diplomacy.
I mean it was very dramatic diplomacy.
Diplomacy had failed to stop the Germans.
There will be no diplomacy this time.
Diplomacy is about managing the interrelationship of nations.
しかし 今日私たちはたいへん緊密に関係しています
Another rather large investigation is around world diplomacy.
もう一つ かなり大規模な調査になるのが 世界の外交についてです これも完全にリークがベースです
So this is very interesting diplomacy coming along.
International problems must be solved by diplomacy, not war.
Why don't you advise their government on their diplomacy?
And could the museum be an agent of cultural diplomacy?
ワシントン D.C.には180 以上の大使館
Our diplomacy and strategy ran in clear contradiction to each other.
And we, therefore, have a problem, because they escape traditional diplomacy.
これらの集団が従来の外交の 枠外にもれているということです そして 多くの国は
Look, I'm proposing that I come and advise you on the diplomacy.
Have you made your mind at last? The Imperial Guards or diplomacy?
君は決めたのか 軍隊か外交官か
Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way.
外交術とは この上ない美しいやり方で 最も汚らしいことを行ったり 言ったりすることである
These are quite different, and they are outside the grasp of modern diplomacy.
近代の外交政策の 範疇を超えているものです そしてこれらの紛争の
And there was an interaction between diplomacy and the power coming bottom up.
交流が生まれたのです これは おそらく変革の
In education, medicine, law, diplomacy, government, business and the media that exist today.
さまざまな 分野においてです 我々の政治指導者は少なくとも ある程度の科学知識を持つべきです
Anna came here under the guise of diplomacy... but played politics with tragedy.
彼女は外交の体面を装ってここへ 悲劇を政争の具としたのです
30 years of rose garden diplomacy have not delivered us peace in this conflict.
平和をもたらすことはありませんでした では いったい何が必要なのでしょう 私は この問題を
Over the last two years my administration has tried diplomacy and sanctions, warnings and negotiations.
And the ClA has had a long history with both covert and public cultural diplomacy efforts.
文化外交に取り組んできた長い歴史があります 彼らが芸術に求めていたことには
And I began to realize that there are different ways of doing diplomacy that diplomacy, like business, is a business of solving problems, and yet the word innovation doesn't exist in diplomacy it's all zero sum games and realpolitik and ancient institutions that have been there for generations and do things the same way they've always done things.
外交とはつまりビジネスのように 問題を解決するという事業なのです しかし従来の外交には 革新 という言葉が存在しません
For nearly a decade, the international community has tried to stop the Iranian nuclear program with diplomacy.
国際委員は イラン核開発を 外交力によって抑制しようと試みました それは成功していないです
You can pick anything you like, the Imperial Guards, diplomacy. You're going to be all right everywhere.
羨ましいよ 好きな道を選びたまえ
And we have to go also beyond traditional diplomacy to the survival issue of our times, climate change.
現代の我々にとっての死活問題である 気候変動についても 取り組まなければなりません
Focusing on leadership, diplomacy and institutional design also helps explain failures to achieve peace, or to make it last.
制度設計に着目することで 和平の実現に失敗するか それを持続させることができるかを説明できます
Now you're closer to the chancellor than anyone. Please, ask him to stop the fighting and let diplomacy resume.
議長に 休戦と 外交再開を頼んで欲しい
Diplomacy needs to be well resourced, sustained, and apply the right mix of incentives and pressures on leaders and followers.
持続的で 現地リーダーやその支持者らの利害と圧力を 適切に調和させる必要があります
Yet, no amount of diplomacy or institutional design can make up for local failures and the consequences that they have.
制度設計を費やしても 地元の人びとの失敗やその影響を 覆い隠すことはできないのです
You might not be ready for diplomacy with Bejing if you can't visit the Olympics without insulting our closest ally.
私達に一番親密な味方をオリンピックで罵るようでは 北京での外交には ほど遠いでしょう
And I believe we need to strengthen this approach in modern diplomacy, not only between states, but also within states.
強化させる必要があると考えています 国家間の対話だけでなく 国内の対話においてもです
Changes and shortcomings in leadership, more off than on international diplomacy and institutional failures account for this in almost equal measure.
国際外交の介入不足 制度設定の失敗が すべて同等レベルの


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