Translation of "discharge of effluent" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Discharge - translation : Discharge of effluent - translation : Effluent - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Honorable discharge.
I have a lot of discharge.
This is the discharge gate.
Nor any food except from the discharge of wounds
また 穢しい腐敗物の外に食物はない
I have to discharge my duty.
I got a bad conduct discharge.
9millimeter discharge, semiauto, all from the same point of origin.
9ミリ半自動銃で 全部同じ位置から発砲
I have a discharge from my nipple.
That's what it says on his discharge.
A way to discharge pain and discomfort.
Why did they discharge you so soon?
The crowd obstructed the police in the discharge of their duties.
It flows down through Delhi, Mathura, Agra, and gets just about every bit of effluent you can imagine.
都市部の下水が大半が流れ込んでしまっています このことから食物連鎖を通じて魚の体内の毒素が
And what this project was doing was taking the effluent of these, and turning them into all of this food.
この汚染の流れを取り込んで すべて食物にすることです 彼らは文字通り 汚染物を砂漠の人々の財産にしているのです
He received an honorable discharge from the army.
I have a discharge from my left ear.
I smell a dishonorable discharge in your future.
Have you thought about the semen that you discharge
あなたがたは あなたがたの射出するもの 精液 に就いて考えたか
Eun Jo! Congratulations on your discharge from the hospital!
I would rather not have to discharge this weapon.
Was he not a Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge of semen) poured forth?
元々かれは射出された 一滴の精液ではなかったか
To override the elevator's circuitry would require a discharge of immense power and precision.
彼女のカルテをお見せしましょうか ええ
For example, garbage discharge, something you would think just simply goes away, but the laws regulating ship discharge of garbage actually get weaker the further you are from shore.
簡単に解決できそうに思われますが 船舶からの不法投棄を規制する法律は 沿岸から沖に離れると
So what is your opinion regarding the semen you discharge?
あなたがたは あなたがたの射出するもの 精液 に就いて考えたか
How about my army discharge? I got it right here.
軍の除隊証なら ここにあるぜ
We've got the severe anal discharge, sometimes violent... a.k.a. Diarrhea.
僕たちヒドい下痢でして 時には激しくて...
discharge. My body's just fighting the infection around the stitches.
縫ったあたりで俺の体が 細菌と戦ってるんだ
Then He made his offspring from semen of worthless water (male and female sexual discharge).
かれは いやしい水 精液 の精からその後継者を創られ
And so the question becomes how do we discharge that responsibility?
くじに当たった者の責任をどう果たすべきか 世界で起こっている事を知り
I need you to sign the discharge on the rollerblade guy
ローラブレードの男性の 退院許可にサインを
In those days, Japan's rapid economic growth brought discharge of factory and household wastewater that polluted rivers.
工場排水や合成洗剤などの垂れ流しで 川が汚染されるという状況が発生していました また 農薬や化学肥料の大量使用による
Goo JunPyo, congrats on your discharge..... Oh, it's JanDi Unnie. Hi, JanDi Unnie!
こんにちわ... ユミさんも一緒だったのね ...
Just a small discharge negligible compared to the voltage coursing through that elevator.
オリビア あの医者が正しくても エスタブロックが二人の誘拐に
Attach the Clamping Band outside the Chip Skirt and fashion at the Discharge Port
上部アクセス パネルを添付します
Contaminated waters entered the Pacific Ocean by atmospheric deposition and direct discharge of coolant in the weeks after the catastrophe.
本研究では 数値モデル実験を用いて 太平洋における汚染水の長期的な動向を調査した
And in parts of the Arabian Gulf, the seawater, the salinity is increasing steadily due to the discharge of waste brine from desalination plants.
脱塩工場からの不要な塩水の廃棄により 海水の塩分が 徐々に高くなっています
It has to substantially eliminate emissions of ammonia, nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals, odors, and have zero discharge of wastewater to ground or surface waters.
重金属 臭気の排出を 大幅に抑えることができ 地表水や地下水への 汚水の排出もゼロになります これで家畜小屋内の アンモニアが減り
So I signed the discharge papers, and an ambulance came, paramedics came to take her home.
救急車が着くと 救急隊員が来て彼女を帰しました 私は病棟の仕事に戻りました
If they have a hip fracture we go with them and we study their entire discharge experience.
退院までの経験を全て研究します 介護に大きく貢献する重要な家族がいる場合
He has created man from Nutfah (mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge), then behold, this same (man) becomes an open opponent.
かれは一精滴から人間を創られた しかし見るがいい かれ 人間 は公然と異論を唱える
Verily, We have created man from Nutfah drops of mixed semen (discharge of man and woman), in order to try him, so We made him hearer, seer.
本当にわれはかれを試みるため混合した一滴の精液から人間を創った それでわれは聴覚と視覚をかれに授けた
Thereafter We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge) (and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman).
次に われはかれを精液の一滴として 堅固な住みかに納めた
More water comes down, the deforested areas, here in the Tarai, will be unable to absorb the effluent, because trees are like straws that suck up the extra seasonal water.
なぜなら木は余分な季節性の水分を 吸い取るストローのようなものだからです 今度はカリ ガンダキを通り南に行きます
His companion said to him, during the talk with him Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you out of dust (i.e. your father Adam), then out of Nutfah (mixed semen drops of male and female discharge), then fashioned you into a man?
その友は 論争している間にかれに言った あなたは信じないのですか 土からあなたを創り 次ぎに一精滴から あなたを人間に形づくられた御方を
Does not man see that We have created him from Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge semen drops). Yet behold! He (stands forth) as an open opponent.
人間は考えないのか われは一精滴からかれを創ったではないか それなのに見よ かれは公然と歯向っている


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