Translation of "distractions" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Or distractions.
Distractions, television, internet.
これらはすべて 本腰を入れて物事に取り組む
But oftentimes they'll cite distractions
Because those are voluntary distractions.
We can't afford any distractions!
Now there are different kinds of distractions, but not the really bad distractions, which I'll talk about in a minute.
特にひどい妨害でもないです それについても話しましょう 仕事をしようとする時
Because I like it here. Life is simple,no distractions.
僕はここが好きだ 穏やかに暮らせる
I need to get rid of distractions for a bit.
You find a lot of other distractions, but not managers and meetings.
You're lucky... no distractions. You have your work and you do it.
気が散らないから 落ち着いて仕事ができる
And r is my boss. He really doesn't like me to have distractions.
とても厳しい上司なの サボると しかられる
These boys were locked up on their own for ten years with no distractions.
Everything's set.
Trivial things become distractions. The truth gets buried under an avalanche of money and advertising.
真面目な問題が 極小の音にすらなります
So now all of these distractions that worked against training now become rewards that work for training.
有利な報酬へと変わりました 私達がしているのは本質的には犬に対する調教であるが
Morph? Keep an eye on this pup... and let me know if there be any more distractions.
モーフ この小僧を見張ってろ
At the office, most of the interruptions and distractions that really cause people not to get work done are involuntary.
邪魔や妨害のほとんどは 強制的です 例をいくつか出しましょう
looks into the mom's eyes, they connect, and while doing that she can capture this beautiful moment without any distractions.
その美しい瞬間を何の邪魔もなしに 捕らえられるのです 家族や友達といる時に テクノロージーを 気にせずに使って欲しい
Here I continued my research undisturbed by the myriad ...distractions of modern civilization and far from the groves of academe.
ここでは だれも 私の研究を邪魔しないからだ 現代と遠い昔の世界
It's about curating our lives actively, removing distractions, removing something before adding something new, or finding that wider negative space in life.
何かを足す前には 何かを取り除くんです つまり余白を見つけるんです よりよく集中するために 物事のやりかたを変えることなんです
If you talk to certain managers, they'll tell you that they don't want their employees to work at home because of these distractions.
従業員に家で仕事をして欲しくない理由として こういった妨害の例が出ます 他にも 自分の目の
We're competing against a whole world of distractions and we're fighting for space in an attention span that continues to shrink across generations.
世代を重ねる毎に短くなっていっている 注意持続時間とも闘わなければなりません さて ポイントを述べますよ
Our visual system tries to compensate for shadows and other distractions so that we can properly perceive the nature of the objects in view.
In our age of increasing distractions, it's more important than ever to find ways to maintain perspective, and remember that life is brief and tender.
全体を見失うことなく 人生はもろく短いことを 忘れずにいるのは すごく大事だと思います 死というのは 話すのはもちろん
In the isolation tank, you'll be freed from sensory distractions, and so the part of your brain which enables you to travel between universes should be more accessible.
感覚遮断タンク内で 君は雑念から解放され 宇宙間の 移動能力を持つ 脳の部分に よりアクセス しやすくなるはず
And the more you're able to use just a little bit of willpower to remove the distractions that are keeping you from practicing, the more likely you are to actually sit down and practice, right?
練習の邪魔になるものを 取り除くことで 実際に練習をする 公算が高くなります 4番目は 少なくとも20時間は練習する こと
Now, managers and bosses will often have you think that the real distractions at work are things like Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and other websites, and in fact, they'll go so far as to actually ban these sites at work.
職場での本当の妨害は Facebook Twitter Youtube などのサイトであると信じています
This is her in the 2012 Olympics, she's clearly very relaxed, she lies back, she covers herself in a close, this has the effect of shutting out any distractions but also it has the effect of relaxing her and relieving the pressure.
彼女は仰向けになり 体をすっぽり覆っています これは他の雑音から彼女をシャットアウトする効果があります また彼女をリラックスさせプレッシャーから解放する効果もあります
And this is why people choose to do work at home, or they might go to the office, but they might go to the office really early in the day, or late at night when no one's around, or they stick around after everyone's left, or go in on the weekends, or they get work done on the plane, in the car or in the train, because there are no distractions.
あるいはオフィスへ行っても 誰もいない早朝か 夜遅くに行く人もいます