Translation of "donor" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Donor - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
A donor. | ドナーよ |
He's my donor. | 実際にお金を集め |
A friend, a donor. | 友達のドナーよ |
Sarah's ONegative, the universal donor. | サラはOマイナスだから誰にでも提供できる |
He was an organ donor. | 彼は臓器提供者だ |
You cannot be a blood donor. | あなたに献血は無理 |
Tom is a regular blood donor. | トムは献血を定期的にしている |
You can't be a blood donor. | あなたに献血は無理 |
It's like the new sperm donor. | 彼女が感染しているスーパー耐性菌は クロストリジウム ディフィシルといって |
I had an artificial insemination by donor. | 非配偶者間人工授精を受けました |
Tom has an organ donor card in his wallet. | トムは財布にドナーカードを入れている |
We have Bob here, who is a volunteer donor. | 私達は国内のある白血病の子供の命を救うため |
Anonymous female donor. Clean medical and heredity. The usual. | 匿名の女性提供者 健康診断と遺伝情報は普通 |
To show that donor children are all but human. | ドナーの子供達は 人間ではないのよ |
They take the donor ileum, which is filled with microbes from a donor and they have a recipient who might have a problem with their microbial community, say Crohn's disease, and they sterilized the donor ileum. | 移植者は 例えばクローン病のように微生物の群れに 何か問題があるかもしれません そこで彼らは提供者の回腸を滅菌しました |
Japan was the world's largest donor of ODA in 1991. | 日本は1991年 世界最大の政府援助供与国だった |
Well the reason is because there's not enough donor cycles. | 若い健康な人々がバイク事故に逢い |
We have a problem with marketing in the donor community. | この20年間 先進主要8カ国はポリオに関して |
There is now a new career path called stool donor. | 精子ドナーのようなものです |
I can get donor blood from a clinic in Monroe. | 病院で輸血用の血も手に入る |
Similar to when a transplant recipient rejects a donor organ. | 移植患者が移植用提供臓器を 拒絶する時と同様のな |
She's the top donor of an organization called Eagles and Angels. | 鷹と天使 の組織に 一番大きな 金額を寄付したらしい |
Stem cell therapies may one day reduce the need for donor organs. | 臓器提供の必要性を減少させるかもしれません 大きな変化をもたらす新技術は |
What's that? A possible treatment using stem cells from a genetically compatible donor. | 同じ遺伝子持つ人物の 幹細胞を使用する |
Check the box below if you want to participate in the organ donor program. | 下のチェックボックスに印を入れてください どうなるでしょう |
Which is why, in part, donor agencies provide condoms at low or no cost. | 寄付団体が安価 無料の コンドームを提供しています さて私はコンゴにいる間 人々と |
The truth is, there are just simply not enough donor organs to go around. | ドナー提供される臓器が 単に足りていないのです ドナー臓器の需要は |
In the United States alone, 100,000 men, women and children are on the waiting list for donor organs, and more than a dozen die each day because of a lack of donor organs. | 10万人もの成人男女と子どもが 移植を待っていて 毎日12人以上の患者が 亡くなっています |
And so what you're looking at here in donor one and donor four, which are the exceptions to the other two, that genes are being turned on in a very specific subset of cells. | ドナー1 とドナー4 ですが この2つは例外で 一部の特定の細胞だけで |
And then for that unstable ligament, we put in a human donor ligament to stabilize the knee. | 膝を安定させる目的で 供与体の靭帯を入れました 表面が悪化した関節炎には |
If we cannot use stem cells from your body then we'd like to use donor stem cells. | ドナーの幹細胞を使います 拒絶反応を起こさず |
He's right, Wilma, but don't wait till the last minute to fill out those organ donor cards. | それはいいけど 臓器提供の書類を 早く記入したほうもいいよ |
For me, the real test of being a carer is when a donor completes earlier than expected. | 私にとって 介護者としての仕事は ドナーの手術が 早く終了した時 |
And so for her, I put in a human meniscus allograft donor right into that knee joint space. | 膝関節スペースに移植しました 同種移植により 失われた半月板を補うのです |
We Western donor countries have given the African continent two trillion American dollars in the last 50 years. | 2兆ドルもの資金援助をしました この資金が与えた損害は 今はお話しません |
So Tracey, just tell us a little bit quickly about what the donor experience was like with you. | トレイシー ギャムレー とても簡単なことでした |
And for donor agencies, unfortunately, the audience tends to be people that aren't even in the country they're working in . | その顧客が同じ国にいるとは 限らないんですね 彼らは祖国にいる |
They leave the microbes with the donor, and theoretically that might help the people who are receiving this ileal transplant. | 理論的に 回腸移植を受けてる人々を 助けるかもしれない さて皆さん これが私がやった研究です |
One day, we've got to get rid of everything old, the next, a rich, anonymous donor gives a huge endowment. | ある日 私たちは すべての 古いものを処分する事になった そして 匿名の提供者が多額の寄付... |
And it turns out that there are three main messages used by the donor agencies for these condoms fear, financing and fidelity. | 3つのメッセージが浮かび上がってきました 恐怖 資金調達 忠誠心です Vive(生存)やTrust(信頼)といった |
As the demand for donor organs continues to rise, in large part due to the aging population, the supply has remained relatively constant. | 特に高齢者人口の関係で 上がる一方ですが 供給量は ほぼ横ばいのままです |
Well, I know I wouldn't have been a very good carer, but in a way I actually think I'm quite a good donor. | 良い介護者じゃないけど ボクは良いドナーさ |
And this made me think that perhaps the donor agencies had just missed out on a key aspect of marketing understanding who's the audience. | マーケティングの大切な側面を 見落としたのでは と感じました 顧客を理解することです |
And in between, there should be a public agency, the Independent Service Authority, which channels public money, and especially donor money, to the retail providers. | 独立サービス機関が入り 公的資金や 援助資金を |
And to date, there has been a sort of a schizophrenia in the donor community, as to how to build basic services in post conflict sectors. | 紛争後の基礎的サービスの 提供方法について 統合失調症のように意見が分かれていました |
Related searches : Aid Donor - Donor Agencies - Donor Countries - Organ Donor - Blood Donor - Major Donor - Donor Community - Donor Egg - Sperm Donor - Donor Relations - Donor Funds - Donor Support - Electron Donor - Donor Card