Translation of "dye" to Japanese language:

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Wool takes a dye well.
Lanolin and red dye 27.
We take on God's own dye. Who has a better dye than God's? We worship Him alone.
アッラーの色染めというが 誰がアッラーよりも良く色染め出来ようか わたしたちが仕えるのはかれである
You can just dye your hair again
We agreed to change the dye story.
おい 色水の話 オチがどうなるか 話すつもりだっただろ
Let's say.. Oh well. Let's put in the dye later.
では この 20の木綿糸を使い さらに 10の労力をつぎ込み
They mix dye in these big barrels, and they submerge the silk into the liquid up to their elbows, but the dye is toxic.
絹を液体の中に肘の深さまで沈めます ですが染料は有毒です 通訳が彼らの物語を伝えてくれました
India ink produces an interesting pattern when used as a dye.
These are actually wires wrapped in muslin and steeped in vegetable dye.
植物染料で染めてあります さらに彼女は鑑賞者が
My heart has been gonna dye deep red with all of pain
You can keep your outfit and dye the rest of it cranberry.
この服をクランベリーに 染めるか
So it's a very precious thing that we're using to dye our foods.
食品を着色するのに使います 世界の状況が変わりつつある中で
The following animation shows the spreading of our dye at the Ocean's surface.
この色は 注入後の福島沖沿岸地域における 初期濃度に対するトレーサーの相対的な濃度を表す
The green dye is not environmentally dangerous, but it obviously looks really rather frightening.
どう見ても どちらかというと本当に恐ろしく見えます また他方で 大変美しいとも私は思います
I can make it change color without using dye by a process of iron oxidation.
色を変えられます 果物や野菜の染料を使えば
let's say, we also are goint to put in 1 dye.. 1 of dye over here. And in the process I can create the market value, let's say this is worth 50 of blue jeans..
この生産は1年間に行われます ここで 見ているのは1年間です
So that's just the color of the dye. It can really be any color you want.
It's the ink. This is irongal dye mixed to match period colors, but it hasn't dried yet.
インクだよ これは ある時代の色に合うよう 調合された没食子インクだ まだ乾いてない
like a dye that would permeate the whole cloth then it would be found all the time, somewhere.
常に意識はそこにあります 我々は いつも怒っていたり 嫉妬深かったり 気前がよかったりするわけではありません
What you see here is another centimeter sized device, and the different colors are different colors of dye.
色の部分はそれぞれ異なる染料です そこでちょっと驚かれるかも知れませんが
And so now, obviously, with the dye, they've changed, which means there's some definitely some indication of growth.
これは明らかに 成長の証拠です これから地球に戻って
Ours is the dye of Allah! and who is better at dyeing than Allah! And we are His worshippers.
アッラーの色染めというが 誰がアッラーよりも良く色染め出来ようか わたしたちが仕えるのはかれである
And it mentions, for instance, that cotton is very resistant to textile dye about 60 percent washes off into wastewater.
綿は染色しにくいため 染料の60パーセントが排水として流れてしまう と指摘しています 疫学者により 織物工場の近くに住んでいる子どもの
So this is where there's a dye that changes with the acidity, and so when, as the bacteria metabolize whoa!
変化して つまりバクテリアが 新陳代謝を...ワオ 新陳代謝と共に色を変えたと
like I did here when throwing some green dye in the river in L.A., Stockholm, Norway and Tokyo, among other places.
ロサンゼルス ストックホルム ノルウェイ 東京の川に 流したときのように この緑の染料は環境的に危険ではありませんが
And we've stained these cultures with a green florescent dye so that we can look at these proteins that form these chains.
染色してあります チェーンを形成するタンパク質を 観察できるようにするためです
So usually you'll want to make sure that you have a dye mixed in with your sample so that you can see it as it's running.
泳動しているのを見ることができます ピンク色のサンプルでこの穴を埋めておきます
But like in the milk commercial, if you know what odor you want to detect, then they can formulate a specific dye to detect just that odor.
そのにおいだけを検知する 特定の染料を作ることもできます ザック サスリック教授と私が 会話を始めたきっかけで
And what we've found is through genetic engineering, we can actually increase the efficiencies of these solar cells to record numbers for these types of dye sensitized systems.
この太陽電池の効率は この種の色素増感型で実現されている 最高記録の効率にまで
New York State forensics department came in and they actually did some science to match the red dye with that found in a maraschino cherry factory down the street.
その調査の結果わかったことによると 赤い色の正体は 少し先にあるマラスキーノ チェリーの工場でした 笑
And that cotton thread, the worth of the market value of that cotton thread let's say is now.. 20 ...Is now 20.. And maybe there's another intermediate good there maybe it's some dye.
I have only two items here on the slide pink cookies or surimi sticks or, if you like, Campari a lot of our food products that are of a red color are dyed with a natural dye.
二つの例だけですが ピンクのクッキーやカニかまぼこ また カンパリリキュールなど
To simulate the dispersal of the contaminated water by the ocean currents, we use an idealized tracer, behaving like a dye with a half life of 30 years, which were injected into the coastal waters off Fukushima.
半減期30年の放射性物質として色付けし 福島の沿岸域に注入した なお 本調査は物理的拡散性に限定され 生物学的影響の可能性
Victoria's Secret they, because of their CEO, who's aware of this, in China formed a joint venture with their dye works to make sure that the wastewater would be properly taken care of before it returned to the groundwater.
この事実を知るCEOにより 地面に戻される前の排水が 適切に処理されるように 中国に合弁企業を設立しました
So here in this situation, if you make a solution full of this three part molecule along with the dye, which is shown in green, and you inject it into the vein of someone who has cancer, normal tissue can't cut it.
この3部構成の分子で溶液を作って 緑色で表されている 染料と一緒にガン患者の静脈に
And what we've been able to do is engineer a virus to basically take dye absorbing molecules and line them up on the surface of the virus so it acts as an antenna, and you get an energy transfer across the virus.
ウイルスを改良して その表面に 色素吸着分子を並べて アンテナとして機能させ