Translation of "endurance" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Endurance - translation :
Keywords : 耐久 持久 忍耐

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

His tyrannies were beyond endurance.
Variable like this endurance variable.
尺度は本当に任意ですから そしてこのセグメントでは モデルの比較も
So it's endure, dollar sign, endurance.
入ってる endure age
That I'm this uber endurance guy?
Nobody is able to succeed without endurance.
That speed and endurance don't necessarily go...
His laziness is past the margin of endurance.
So age showed a negative relationship with endurance.
そしてアクティブ年数を足したら さらに急に
We're looking for competence, discipline, endurance, and strength.
興味があるなら これが我々の体力テストです
So, that's suggesting that the relationship between active years and endurance is stronger than the relationship between age and endurance.
年齢と持久力の関係よりも強い それを多重回帰分析で 見て行こう 最初にやるのは
You need great endurance to run ten thousand meters.
Explains significantly more variance in the outcome measure endurance.
有意により良く説明した もう一つこのセグメントで出来るようになった事は
And this physical endurance scale is sort of arbitrary.
So that's just the correlation between age and endurance, .13.
そんなに強くは無いけど 思った通り 負だ
If you have more active years then your endurance goes up.
歳を食えば食う程 アクティブなエクササイズをやらないといけない
We'll also look at physical endurance as it relates to activeers.
The y variable is endurance. It's in the data frame endure.
だから endure endurance x変数は年齢 これもendureデータフレームに
So that relationship between active years and endurance gets even stronger.
We have already gone far beyond the limits of human endurance.
入口から見ています ここは観光用の洞窟とは全く違います
We're explaining eleven percent of the variance in endurance from active years.
つまり年齢よりもずっと良い では両方を一緒に入れると何が起こる
And endurance is the outcome measure. Here is the correlation with age.
So this first scatter plot is looking at endurance, related to age.
確かに人々は歳をとればとる程 持久力は減少する
And indeed what you see is endurance declines as people get older.
そしてX軸を見てみると このサンプルの人々の年齢層の感覚が分かると思います
Not the sort of endurance, it was better for me than before.
収入が無くても もうやはり 元に戻れなかったんですよね
So these are words like teamwork or endurance or even complicated concepts
忍耐 といった言葉です 資源分配 などの 難しいコンセプトを与えることもあります
The Vulcans say that the desert teaches men the meaning of endurance.
ヴァルカン人は砂漠が忍耐の 意味を教えると言う
So this is now the slope of endurance relating, excuse me, the slope of active years relating to endurance for someone of an average age in this sample.
アクティブ年数と持久力の間の その人がサンプルの平均の年齢の時の 傾きだ 同様にこれは年齢と持久力の間の その人のアクティブ年数が
So, we're doing a lot better with this model, because the correlation between active years and, endurance, is much stronger than was the correlation between age and endurance.
年齢と持久力の相関よりも強いからだ ここで興味深いのは年齢とアクティブ年数の
And we're looking at physical endurance in this, in this group of people.
But it is negative. So as people age, their physical endurance scores drop.
Me?'ll have to endure much. (Note 'gaman endurance, suppression, control, tolerance, etc.)
ず っと我慢しなくちゃいけない
Now today I have recompensed them for their patient endurance they are the triumphant.'
本当にかれらが耐え忍んだことにより 今日われは報いた かれらこそ成功した者である
This, this is an interesting data set because, as age increases physical endurance decreases.
That's just saying the degree of endurance (required) is greater than what you thought.
思ってたよりさ 我慢の度合いが 大きかったってことなんだから
I pay my limitless respect to your endurance. Your life has been nothing but sacrifice.
良き母と妻である あなたに 私は無頓着だった
And the regression coefficient for active years is the correlation between active years and endurance.
アクティブ年数と持久力の相関係数になってる だからそれは0.34 それらを得る方法はRの算出結果の
So the idea is that we're just predicting physical endurance among an, an adult sample.
Let's also look at our outcome variable physical endurance, as a function of active years.
それはアクティブ年数の関数だ ここは正の相関が予想される
That's because there's not a very strong correlation between age, and, endurance in this sample.
年齢と持久力との相関はそんなに強く無いから それを覚えておくのは大切だ では今度はアクティブ年数を使って単回帰して
The endurance element is a very important part of the game, walking all those holes.
ホールの間を歩くこともそうです サンデル 全てのホールを歩くことが
Today, I have rewarded them for their endurance. They are the ones who are the triumphant.
本当にかれらが耐え忍んだことにより 今日われは報いた かれらこそ成功した者である
The same goes for active years and endurance a there's a positive relationship between the two.
言える 正の関係が両者にはある ただ年齢を考慮に入れると しかもこれはある意味
And here's the output for the first model, where we're just putting age in, to predict endurance.
年齢だけを入れた物だ スライドのトップでやったのは
That's, important to remember. So, now let's do the simple regression using active years to predict endurance.
持久力を予測していく これをモデル2と呼ぶことにする
So that the more or the longer you're engaged in active excercise the, the greater your endurance.
しかもそれはかなり強い関係だった しかし重回帰分析で年齢を追加した時に


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