Translation of "environmentally induced" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Environmentally - translation : Environmentally induced - translation : Induced - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Those induced hallucinations?
Germans are very environmentally conscious.
Environmentally conscious businesses are doable.
お見せしたように 私は今のところ3つを完成させました
Okay, induced pluripotent stem cells.
It's a self induced poison.
As Jeremy Cloud said, it's not sustainable environmentally.
We're doing this in an environmentally responsible way.
電気のない35 の人のために配電網を走らせるのではなく
So therefore, the technology is extremely environmentally friendly.
非常に環境にやさしいと言えます 驚異的な技術である コンタークラフティング は
Hysteria induced by shock. Give her this sedative.
ショック性のヒステリーだ 鎮静剤を与えなさい
So it makes the materials environmentally active and interactive.
持たないようにもできるのです 先ほどお見せしたネジも
What if you could make them fun, attractive, clean, environmentally friendly?
The third problem with headphones is this deafness noise induced hearing disorder.
騒音性難聴 1千万人ものアメリカ人がなんらかの理由でこの障害を抱えてます
It could well have induced some type Of vegetative trance before death.
死ぬ前の ある種の失神状態を 容易に 引き起こしたのだ
And then we have the human induced causes of climate change as well.
私たちは土地表面の 特性を変化させています
So you recognize that wind and solar are environmentally invasive forms of energy generation?
And I started to feed them in the most traditional and environmentally friendly way.
彼らを育てたのです 学校の食堂に行っては
The green dye is not environmentally dangerous, but it obviously looks really rather frightening.
どう見ても どちらかというと本当に恐ろしく見えます また他方で 大変美しいとも私は思います
I was wrapped in ice, and then eventually put into a drug induced coma.
薬漬けのこん睡状態に陥りました 18か月後 目を覚ましました
They get all these other benefits environmentally, money, they get education it's a great deal.
すばらしい計画なのです すべては1つの理念に基づいています
So he'll take, say, falcon skin cells, fibroblast, turn it into induced pluripotent stem cells.
iPS細胞を作製します iPS細胞から胚プラズマを作ります
One of the key technologies that's really important is what's called induced pluripotent stem cells.
人工多能性幹細胞と呼ばれるものがあります ごく最近 日本で開発されました
As the subject enters G lock, gravity induced the loss of consciousness, their experiences are recorded.
意識喪失の元で被験者が体験した事が記録される 何をやろうとしてもだめだ
It's an amazing shift, induced by humans over this large scale, in both time and space.
人間によって引き起こされた 驚くべき変化です クジラは騒音を相殺するために
Please watch the video. (Video starts) GREEN FLOAT is a new conceptual model for environmentally friendly cities.
GREEN FLOATは赤道直下の洋上に
But the main concern for the environmentally interested students and they are right is about the future.
主に心配しているのは もっともなのですが 将来のことです 動向はどうなっているのか 傾向線を
I want to leave you tonight is, a city of the future has to be environmentally friendly.
未来の都市は 環境にやさしくあれ 都市づくりを進める上では
Even the people on top, even the winners of this artificially induced competition, they're not happy either.
頂点にいる人たち 勝者たちでさえ 幸せではないのです このシステムは彼らのためにもなっていません
advanced, rapid aging, like the disease called progeria, can be induced artificially by manipulating the pituitary gland.
プロジェリアという病気は急激に老化するが 人工的に起こすことができる 下垂体の操作で
We have been proposing the concept of an environmentally friendly city, GREEN FLOAT, for the past 3 years.
I'm going to do the environmentally right thing, I'm going to buy the Prius, 50 miles per gallon.
1ガロンで50マイル走る プリウスを買おう と言います 他の人が展示場に入っていきます
And that material induced the body to switch back on a healing response that it didn't have before.
引き起こしました ショッキングな写真があと数枚出てきます
Environmentally, meat, amazingly, causes more emissions than all of transportation combined cars, trains, planes, buses, boats, all of it.
肉の生産で生じる温暖化ガスの量は 自動車 電車 航空機 バス 船など あらゆる交通手段からの温暖化ガスの量よりも多いのです
My collection of pills grew, as I spiraled downward through a drug induced haze and hitting my rock bottom.
どん底に落ちて行く中 その数を増やして行きました ある朝 自分の嘔吐物の匂いで目覚め
You said I could not have addressed you in any way that would have induced you to accept me.
どんな手段で求婚しても ムリと言われた
Bio and cybertechnologies are environmentally benign in that they offer marvelous prospects, while, nonetheless, reducing pressure on energy and resources.
素晴らしい展望があるにもかかわらず エネルギーや資源の消費を 抑えることができます しかし負の側面もあります
Those feathers courtesans, these gorges on sale, do not dare to highlight the tragic feature of the incident induced Japan.
羽遊女 販売上のこれらの峡谷は 事件の悲劇的な特徴を強調するためにあえてしないでください 誘発される日本 なぜ ので 私はあなたにも私たちを導く頼む
These human induced alterations occupying overall less than a millionth of the elapsed lifetime and seemingly occurring with runaway speed?
数百万分の1にも満たない時間の間に とてつもないスピードで起きたことを この仮想エイリアンが
Your heart has receptors for this hormone, and oxytocin helps heart cells regenerate and heal from any stress induced damage.
オキシトシンが lt br gt 心臓の細胞を再生し ストレスで起きる lt br gt ダメージを治します このストレスホルモンは lt br gt 心臓を強くするのです
And what really intrigued me, was when I saw that diet accounts for 30 to 35 percent of environmentally caused cancers.
食べ物がガンを誘発する 環境要因の 30 35 を占めていたことです
We're developing alternative powertrains that are going to make cars affordable in every sense of the word economically, socially and environmentally.
本当の意味で受け入れられる 代替的な パワートレインを
Those who survived continue, even after 68 years, to live in the fear of radiation induced diseases including leukemia and cancer.
そして 深い心の傷を抱え続けています
liquid natural gas tankers to decentralized resources that are environmentally more friendly, a lot more efficient and capable and safe from disruption.
自然にやさしく 効率が良く 高性能で 破綻の危険のない 分散したリソースへと 向かうのです
But when I lecture to environmentally concerned students, they tell me, No, everybody in the world cannot have cars and washing machines.
世界中の誰もが車や洗濯機を所有するなんて無理です と言います この女性にどうして
Then the other was induced by his passion to murder his brother, and he killed him, and became one of the damned.
しかしかれの 利己的な 心は その弟を殺すのを望ましいこととし 遂にかれを殺害 人類最古の殺人者と して 失敗者の1人となった


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