Translation of "experimenting" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

You just don't go around experimenting with strangers. Experimenting?
Tom likes experimenting.
They're experimenting on people.
They are experimenting with openness.
透明化の努力を しないものは
I'm just experimenting with parentheses.
8 4をして ここは
... they're experimenting on people here.
... 彼らはここで人々を実験している
So it's worth experimenting a bit.
And we've been experimenting with this.
And we've been experimenting with this.
No, you were experimenting on me.
Experimenting on you and... No, Ray.
そうだろ 国の研究施設
Experimenting on animals is a crime.
He began experimenting in making better roads.
I'd even started experimenting with something stronger.
(外で) さあ! やって!
I was constantly experimenting with these noises.
The people experimenting with participation don't have
As if someone out there is experimenting
As if someone out there is experimenting.
We were experimenting with type, with illustration, with photos.
イラストや写真でも とても楽しかった それらはすぐに結果をもたらし始めました
Our physicians are experimenting on the humans as we speak.
人体実験は 今この瞬間にも進行中
I started experimenting with other subjects, among them, for example, pronunciation.
たとえば発音です 南インドのある集落の子どもたちは
I doubt very much they'll be experimenting with Augments anytime soon.
彼らがすぐにオーグメントの実験を 再開することは無いだろう
We seem to be experimenting ... some techmological differences... so, uh, shit.
この試みには少し 技術的な問題があったようだ
As far as I could make out, he was experimenting with new methods.
私にわかる限りでは 彼は新しい方法の実験をしていた
You have to keep experimenting, and sometimes ideology has to be trumped by practicality.
空論を負かさなくてはいけません アプローチも場所によっては変える必要があります
In those heady days, we were experimenting with chat rooms and online virtual communities.
仮想コミュニティの 実験に取り組んでいました 自分のいろいろな側面を 探求しては
First of all they realized that iterating along the way experimenting was incredibly valuable.
軌道修正していくことがとても重要だと気付きました 部屋にこもって事業計画を練ることもできたでしょう
And you can start experimenting and changing the script right inside the Web browser.
スクリプトを使った実験を始められるのです 私には Scratch 2.0のスタジオが重要です
legislative power, and the people who have legislative power are not experimenting with participation.
参加の実験などしません 彼らはオープン化の 実験はしています
Back in 1886, a pharmacist named John Pemberton was experimenting with a new recipe.
Bazı gizli maddeleri kaynatarak bir şurup elde edip...
This is a blueprint of the chemical compounds the Biotech Corporation is experimenting with.
Are they?
As if someone out there is experimenting, only the whole world is their lab.
As if someone out there is experimenting only the whole world is their lab.
And, the microlender, is actually now experimenting with crowdsourcing small and medium sized loans.
中小規模ローンにおいて 試験的にクラウドソースを導入しています こうした試みはまだ始まったばかりです
That led to a number of prototypes being built and really experimenting with some ideas.
アイデアのいくつかを実際に試しています 2年後に 蔓延するHIV エイズ対応のため
The first time I ever heard of a lung specialist experimenting with cellulose and nitric acid.
セルロースと硝酸で実験するって 初めてきいたわ 研究だ 人は毎日 新しいことを発見してる
I was experimenting with policy about what would achieve the greatest good for the greatest number.
どうすれば より多くの人のために より良いことが出来るか 研究したのです でも解決できない 3つの難問がありました
So I began experimenting with other ways to fragment images where the shake wouldn't affect the work,
震えの影響がない方法です 絵の具に足を突っ込んで キャンバス上を歩いたり
And lastly I've realized, in experimenting with this device, that I also kind of have a nervous tic.
自分にも無意識に繰り返す 神経質な癖があるということです 携帯は そう 覗き込まなければ いけなかったりもしますが
Working closely with his father, he began experimenting with nitroglycerin, searching for a practical application for the compound.
彼は この化合物の 実用的な応用を探して ニトログリセリンで実験を始めました アルフレッドの弟が亡くなった ものも含めて
If you stop that behavior on one group that you're experimenting with, and you allow it in another group that you're experimenting with, and then you present those rats with a cat odor saturated collar, they're hardwired to flee and hide.
もうひとつのグループは自由にしておきます そして彼らに 猫の匂いがする首輪を与えると
I was experimenting with these I don't know if you can see it but there's a work surface there.
ここにカウンターがあって 表面はプラスチックポリマーです
So this is one of the things, as we've been experimenting with Glass, just the ability to really share.
本当に経験を分かち合う能力です 写真は何枚かシェアしていますが
So by rapidly prototyping, experimenting, and trying things out along the way they actually learned a tremendous number of things.
形を作っていくことで 彼らはとても多くのことを学んだのです 他のチームについてもお話ししましょう
It's practice, it's training and experimenting, (Sobs) while pushing through the pain to be the best that I can be.
練習であり トレーニングであり 試みであるのです それが私にとってのマジックです ありがとうございました