Translation of "faked" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

You faked the warrant?
あの令状の騒ぎは お芝居だったか
that can be faked.
Nobody could have faked that.
He faked a plane crash.
A hologram can be faked.
My stepdad faked that suicide note?
And guess what, we have faked beef.
By the way... I faked every orgasm.
ところで 全部のオーガズムを演じてた
Well, They haven't faked it with me.
Everybody knows that videos can be faked.
皆さんも知っての通り ビデオは捏造でした
Had he faked any sayings in Our name,
もしかれ 使徒 が われに関して何らかの言葉を捏造するならば
Anyway, he faked madness too well, he said.
結局 楽な病院ではなく
Even faked my death a couple of times.
死んだことにしたことも 2回あった
I faked my way through grad school, remember?
Most women, at one time or another, have faked it.
ほとんどの女性は一度か 二度はふりをしたことがあるんだから
You know those nuts that think the moon landing was faked?
月面着陸は嘘だと 思ってる奴らがいるだろ それと似ているが
She comes back to me months later, and I realized that she had not just faked it till she made it, she had actually faked it till she became it.
フリを続けて本当になった のが分かりました 彼女は変わったんです
And I said, So is it true that you faked your way in here?
そう その通り 17で暴行事件を起こしたんだ
Forget about some guy at Broadmoor who may or may not have faked madness.
Thereat Moses threw down his staff, and behold, it was swallowing what they had faked.
その時ムーサーが杖を投げると 見るがいい それはかれらの捏造したものを 呑み込んでしまった
He'd think I'd faked it if I just sailed out for no reason and capsized.
Throw that which is in thy right hand Quickly will it swallow up that which they have faked what they have faked is but a magician's trick and the magician thrives not, (no matter) where he goes.
あなたの右手にあるものを投げなさい かれらが作ったものを呑み込め 魔術師の誤魔化しに過ぎない 魔術師は何処から来ても 何事も 成功しない
And We signalled to Moses Throw down your staff. And behold, it was swallowing what they had faked.
その時われはムーサーに あなたの杖を投げなさい と啓示した すると見よ それはかれらの瞞ものを 皆 呑み込んでしまった
But he faked it too well, and now he's stuck in Broadmoor and nobody will believe he's sane.
彼が正気とは 誰も信じないだろう トニーに会いにブロードムアへ 行ってみるかい
What there is of it left you don't know if it's real it's considered to be the most faked wine in the world.
一番偽者が多いワインでもあります 私のようなもののために 自分が持っている
But how do you find if this person, if it's true, if it's faked, or if it's something that's old and that's been reposted?
再投稿かを知る方法は ビデオを調べて わかったのは
When Moses came to them with Our clear signs, they said This is nothing but sorcery faked up never did we head the like among our fathers of old!
ムーサーがわれの明白な印をもって かれらの許に来ると かれらは言った これは作り上げた魔術に過ぎません わたしたちは 昔の祖先の間でも こんなことは聞きませんでした
We accept that Tony faked madness to get out of a prison sentence, because his hallucinations that had seemed quite cliche to begin with just vanished the minute he got to Broadmoor.
ブロードムアに来たら 消えてしまったからです それでも私達は 彼を診察して
And they brought his shirt stained with faked blood he said, On the contrary your hearts have fabricated an excuse for you therefore patience is better and from Allah only I seek help against the matters that you relate.
かれらは かれ ユースフ の下着を偽りの血で 汚し 持って来た かれ ヤアコーブ は言った いや いや あなたがたが自分たちのために 大変なことを安易に考えて こんなことにしたのである それで わたしとしては 耐え忍ぶのが美徳だ あなたがたの述べることに就いては 只 アッラーに御助けを御願いする