Translation of "feather" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Feather - translation :
Keywords : 羽毛 尾羽 不死

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Feather Selection
And then slowly, feather by feather, detail by detail,
根気よく作業し 完成させました
Feather selection by
Beautiful birds of a feather.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Birds of a feather flock together.
I'm as light as a feather.
It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather.
この杖には不死鳥の尾羽が 使われておるのだが 同じ不死鳥の尾羽を使って 作られた杖が他にもある
Birds of a feather will gather together.
We have arsenic coming through feather meal.
And then you feel light as a feather.
やがて 全身が羽毛のように軽くなって
Light as a feather, you're the bakeolite girl.
羽ぐらい軽くて あなたがベーク オ ライト ガール
Hermione can lift a feather 35 feet into the air which is 5 times as high Ron can lift a feather.
A feather bed and a silk comforter. You hungry?
羽毛のベッドに シルクの掛け布団 腹減ってないか
I'm light as a feather. I'm a bakeolite girl.
羽ぐらい軽くて あたしはベーク オ ライト ガール
How high can Ron lift a feather with his magic?
ハーマイオニー この 35 フィートはロンの 5 倍です
Yu Yu Sang Jong! (Birds of a feather flock together!)
あなた 早く言いなさい 고장난명 孤掌難鳴
I think we're going to need another feather over here.
先生 新しい羽が必要みたいです
I bet a lot of you don't know about feather meal.
As light as a feather, and as hard as dragon scales.
羽のように軽く 竜の鱗なみに硬い
Making such a large sale is a feather in the salesman's cap.
そのように売り上げが大きいとは セールスマンにとって名誉である
And the moral of that is Birds of a feather flock together. '
オンリーマスタードisn'taの鳥は アリスは述べた
Now look at that. There is that beautiful feather in the embryo.
青くなっている部分の細胞に がん遺伝子が入っているのです
I'll say hello,and you will feel as light as a feather,
僕が ハロー というと 君は羽のように軽くなる
But first class, with enough to feather a lovely nest when we stop.
止まるときは素敵な巣を 羽毛で覆えるほどのね 私には分からない
Winning the Grand Prix was a feather in the cap of the famous drivers.
Or for example in more common day we say Birds of a feather flock together.
ソーシャルネットワークでは似たような人たちが つながる傾向にあります
Rather than coming to resemble each other, it feels like they are birds of a feather.
with a feather in her hair. She looks perfectly normal. Don't be a snob, Aunt Constance.
彼女は もう階下よ 伯母様は本当にスノッブね
Giving such large contributions to charities made him feel that he had a feather in his cap.
慈善事業に そのような多額の寄付をすることは かれを名士になったような気分にさせた
So they show that Hermione can lift a feather 35 feet, which is 5 times higher than Ron.
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! Still waking sleep, that is not what it is!
この愛は 本書には愛を感じていないことを 私を感じる なたは笑わないドースト
And as for outsiders, white, black or brown, tar and feather them, and whip them out of town.
厳しく非難し 町から追い払う時 それが小さな遺伝子 小さくてささいなこと
At most, they'd stick a feather on somebody's nose, and if it twitched, they didn't bury them yet.
動きが止まれば 埋葬したものですが 今は 生命をつかさどる器官を
So, when we dissociated the feather and put it in a dish, we got a mass of blue cells.
青い細胞の塊になりました 成熟した鶏のなかで癌になるものが
So imagine, if you will, that I'm stroking your arm with this feather, as I'm stroking my arm right now.
あなたの腕をこの羽でなでたら どうなるか想像してみてください 次に このバーナーでなでたらどうかを
If you want to light your whole model, her whole body, you have to feather the light down her body.
ソフトボックスをモデルの上部にもっていって そうだね モデルよりちょっとだけ高い所に設定して
Every one of those blue cells are a cancer gene inside a cancer cell, and they're part of the feather.
つまりこれらの癌細胞が 羽の一部になっているわけです 羽を分離しシャーレに入れると
Just shut your eyes and imagine you're back in your own bed with a soft mattress and a lovely feather pillow.
目を閉じて... 家のベッドに寝てると 想像するんだよ... ふかふかのマットに 素敵な羽毛の枕...


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