Translation of "ferrous oxide" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Ethylene oxide | Name |
(Video) Magnetic electronic pieces and ferrous paper. | イリノイ大学ルイス研究室で 開発された電気を通すペン |
Mix aluminum powder with iron oxide. | 鉄の錆とアルミのミックスだ |
Thorium oxide for a catalyst bed. | 酸化トリウム 触媒床用だな |
We couldn't turn off the nitric oxide. | そして2 3年の研究の結果 |
These rockets use experimental motors like nitrous oxide. | よく使われるのは固形燃料です |
I can get you crystal meth, nitrous oxide. | クリスタルメスも手に入るぞ エスだよ |
Ochre, iron oxide, charcoal. Oxy, stay with us. | オーカー 酸化鉄 炭 オックス 一緒にいて |
Some, like aluminum oxide, tends to sequester the moisture. | 酸化アルミニウムのナノ粒子は |
If I had some strips of ferrous metal, uh, a 9volt battery clip and some... wiring. | 鉄の切れ端なんかがあれば 9ボルトのバッテリークリップと 配線も |
This is a handful of these uranium oxide fuel pellets. | 男の手で手袋とそれが考えるのは簡単だ 彼は 上の手袋から彼を保護するためにガット |
Nitrous oxide stopped being used as an anaesthetic a long time ago. | 亜酸化窒素は麻酔としてもはや使用されていない |
Nitrous oxide stopped being used as an anaesthetic a long time ago. | 笑気は麻酔としてもはや使用されていない |
This was taken at Detroit's oxide superstadium about midway through the blackout. | これはデトロイトの オキサイドスーパースタジアムで ブラックアウトの最中に録画されたものです |
Look, if this is about the amount of nitrous oxide I gave you... | 歯科医院でのことでしたら 謝ります |
And they were the first people to describe this new chemical transmitter, nitric oxide. | 新しい化学伝達物質であることを 最初に見つけました 一酸化窒素は血管を拡張させる効果があります |
The primary ingredients in geoengineering are specifically the oxides of metals, including aluminum oxide. | 酸化アルミニウムを含む 金属酸化物です バーブ ピーターソン 小規模農場主 研究者および ラジオ番組司会者 |
Here. On one side, you have mercuric oxide and graphite from your brake pads. | とにかく 一方に 酸化水銀とグラファイトを |
What nitric oxide does is it dilates blood vessels, so it lowers your blood pressure. | つまり 血圧を下げる効果があります また 冠状動脈を拡張させて 狭心症を防ぐ効果もあります |
And I started doing research, and we found, very excitingly, that the skin produces nitric oxide. | という驚くべき事実を見つけました 心臓血管システムのなかで生成されるだけではなく |
It seemed we couldn't turn off the production of nitric oxide in the skin of humans. | できませんでした 酵素の生成を抑制するクリームを塗ったり |
Nuclear right now means water cooled reactor, uranium oxide solid fuel, poor fuel efficiency and steam turbine. | 蒸気タービンと それはどのような原子力発電です 今意味する だから人々は 福島を見て |
You can take virtually any parameter that matters for human well being nitrous oxide, methane, deforestation, overfishing | 亜酸化窒素 メタン 森林伐採 乱獲 土壌劣化 生物種減少など |
And the reason for this, it turned out, after two or three years' work, was that in the skin we have huge stores not of nitric oxide, because nitric oxide is a gas, and it's released (Poof!) and in a few seconds it's away, but it can be turned into these forms of nitric oxide nitrate, NO3 nitrite, NO2 nitrosothiols. | 我々の皮膚には そのままではありませんが 一酸化窒素を大量に蓄える機能 があることがわかりました 一酸化窒素はガスで 数秒でなくなるので |
But I also became interested in research, and in particular I became interested in this substance, nitric oxide. | 特に一酸化窒素という物質に 興味を持っていました ここにいる3人の人物 |
Most agricultural emissions come from tropical deforestation, methane from animals and rice fields, and nitrous oxide from over fertilizing. | 家畜や水田からのメタンガス 肥料のやり過ぎによる窒素ガスの発生 人類の活動の中で 農業ほど世界に大きな影響を与えるものは他にない |
We thought that maybe nitric oxide affected cell death, and how cells survive, and their resistance to other things. | 細胞の生存や様々なものに対する 耐性に関係があるのではないかと そこでまず育てた 培養細胞を使って研究を始めました |
The reactors we have today use uranium oxide as a fuel. It's a ceramic material, chemically stable, but not very good at transferring heat. | しかし熱をよく伝えません もし原子炉の圧力が失われると つまり |
We think that the skin well, we know that the skin has got very large stores of nitric oxide as these various other forms. | 窒素酸化物をいろいろな形態で保存できる 大きな貯蔵庫だということが わかっています 窒素酸化物の多くは 正しい食事 |
Economic expansion has resulted in increases in atmospheric nitrous oxide and methane, ozone depletion, increases in great floods, damage to ocean ecosystems, including nitrogen runoff, | 大気中の窒素化合物やメタンの増加 オゾン層破壊 洪水の増加 海洋汚染 窒素流出 |
And you just, literally, have to send little nuclear factories up there that gobble up the iron oxide on the surface of Mars and spit out the oxygen. | 小さな原子力設備を送るだけです 問題は火星の地球化には 最低300年かかるということです |
But even China's realized, We can't built reactors based around water cooling and uranium oxide fuel, it's not going last that long. China's doing LFTR, even as we speak. | 酸化物燃料 それはその長い最後のつもりはない 中国は 我々が話すとしても LFTRをやっている 私は数ヶ月前にその前に発見した |
Each cylinder is about 10 percent ancient air, a pristine time capsule of greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide all unchanged from the day that snow formed and first fell. | この汚れのないタイムカプセルは 温暖化ガスを捉えています 二酸化炭素や メタンや 窒素酸化物です |
When we put people under a lamp for the equivalent of about 30 minutes of sunshine in summer in Edinburgh, what we produced was, we produced a rise in circulating nitric oxide. | エジンバラの夏の日差しに 30分当たるのと同じ条件を作りました 結果的に 循環する一酸化窒素の生成量を 増加させることが出来ました |
So what you can do is you can multiply those data by the NO that's released and you can calculate how much nitric oxide would be released from the skin into the circulation. | 放出された一酸化窒素の量を掛けることで どれだけの一酸化窒素が 皮膚から放出され 循環したかがわかります |
This is uranium oxide and when you put it in a reactor for a while, one of the things xenon does, it's a gas, so it's way, way, way less dense than solid fuel. | 燃料の固体構造を壊す |
We make this solid uranium oxide fuel and there's a single pellet, and then we put them in these big reactor fuel elements, zirconium tubes that are like 12 feet long and about this big around. | 12フィート長さ約のような管 周りの大きな 我々は その後でそれらをスティック 原子炉とのカップルのためにそれらを照射 年 我々は唯一の少量を焼く |
Different amounts of UV hit different parts of the Earth at different times of year, so you can actually work out those stores of nitric oxide the nitrates, nitrites, nitrosothiols in the skin cleave to release NO. | そこで皮膚に蓄えられた窒素酸化物 硝酸塩や亜硝酸塩 ニトロソチオールから 一酸化窒素を取り出すことが できるのではないかと考えました |
The aluminum oxide nanoparticles, which are microscopically fine and uniform in size, attract the humidity and the moisture in the air, and they can it basically forms like a nucleation process, where the moisture condenses on these particles. | 極小の均一な粒子で 大気中の湿気と水分を 誘引します 氷晶結成と同様のプロセスで |
Now, if you're on the equator here that's these two lines here, the red line and the purple line the amount of nitric oxide that's released is the area under the curve, it's the area in this space here. | この赤と紫の2つ線が該当します 放出された一酸化窒素の量は この線の下側の面積になります この部分です |
If you look at carbon dioxide from burning tropical rainforest, or methane coming from cows and rice, or nitrous oxide from too many fertilizers, it turns out agriculture is 30 percent of the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere from human activity. | 排出される二酸化炭素 牛や水田からのメタンガス 肥料から出る窒素ガス |
The guy's got gloves on and it's easy to think he's got gloves on to protect him from the uranium oxide, but now that I've taught you about the true nature of radioactivity, you might go I'm not so sure that stuff's so dangerous after all, and you would be correct. | 今私はあなたを教えているウランの酸化物が 放射能の本当の性質については 私はものがそうだということも確信がないよ行くかもしれない すべての後に危険な と 正しいだろう 彼は ウランから自身を保護していません 彼は彼自身からウランを保護している |
Any food would be a luxury... but the small tank of medical grade nitrous oxide... would be needed on the other side. Past the room that contained their machines and up two levels... he made his way to another room... where he had stored what I will refer to from here on as the Failsafe Machine. There he is. | There he is. |
If you want to be able to manipulate the weather, one of the things we know about the materials that are being used in the aerosols we we've seen everything from aluminum oxide, barium salts, strontium, copper sulfate, uh, potassium iodide, um, a number of different kinds of things, each of which have different levels of reactivity with the moisture in the air. | エアロゾルとして 使われている物質は 酸化アルミニウムをはじめ |
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