Translation of "floods" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Keywords : 洪水 あふれ 地下

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Activating floods.
Kick on the floods.
みんな 頼むぞ
Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters.
Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters.
Every spring the river floods here.
They live in constant dread of floods.
Previously, floods were fate for the region.
The heavy rain brought floods in the valley.
The heavy rain brought floods in the valley.
Man fears disasters such as floods and fires.
The rice crop was poor, owing to the floods.
Frank Grover. Would you turn on the floods? Sam.
サム 聞こえないのか?
Everyone knows that. That Rio floods the whole city.
川が溢れて 洪水になりかけだ
If the facility floods, they'll drown. You know that.
もし施設が浸水すると 彼らは溺死します それを解っているじゃ
They strengthened the embankments to secure the village against floods.
There were floods as a result of the heavy rain.
豪雨の結果 洪水が起こった
The threatening floods made it necessary to evacuate the town.
More droughts and floods and wildfires are not a joke.
自然災害は 私達の子供の将来を脅かしているのです
And so she floods my inbox with emails, being like,
実は色々とお願いしたいんです ってね
When it rains in the summer, it floods in the desert.
We fight floods, tropical rains at this time of the year.
Bring him here after the floods wash open my hiding place.
洪水の後隠れ家がだめになり ここに連れてきた
And the floods came up And the house on the sand went crash.
Because dopamine, which floods into your system when you're positive, has two functions.
2つの役割があります 幸福感を引き起こすだけでなく あらゆる学習機能をオンにして
Of course, earthquakes and all the natural phenomena floods, tornadoes, etc. take their toll.
天災もあります 洪水や 竜巻などによって 被害を受けるのです
After the floods back home everything was turned upside down and Royal lost his way.
洪水の後 家は めちゃめちゃになってた 弟は自分を見失って
I'd like to share three sets of examples, starting with adapting to violent storms and floods.
1つ目は激しい嵐と 洪水への対応策です こちらのニューオーリンズにある カトリーナに破壊された
Falcone floods our streets with crime and drugs preying on the desperate, creating new Joe Chills every day.
ファルコーニが 犯罪と麻薬をあふれさせて... 毎日 新たなチルを生んでる
Their spending loads, loads, to channel that rainwater out into the ocean when it rains and floods as well.
雨水を海に流すためにも 多額のお金が使われています アンディ リプキスは ロサンゼルスが
That devotion we show in helping victims of disasters, such as the earthquake in 1985 or this year's floods.
時の情熱 1985年の大地震の時のように 今年の洪水の時のように
And then it gets horrible when he bursts open and an army of viruses floods out from his insides.
破裂してウィルス軍団が 溢れ出てきました 痛い! ですよね
Cortisol floods the brain it destroys hippocampal cells and memory, and can lead to all kinds of health problems.
海馬の細胞や記憶を破壊し 様々な健康障害を引き起こします 残念ながら このシステムは なくては困るのです
Floods, violent wind storms, droughts, killing frosts, and the problems of air pollution have all, on occasion, influenced modern society.
洪水 激しい暴風 干魃 霜の冷害 空気汚染の問題などは全て現代社会にしばしば影響を与えている
And increasing intensity of droughts and floods will severely impact breadbaskets of the world, causing massive famines and economic decline.
世界の食糧供給に重大な影響を及ぼすことで 大規模な飢餓や 経済的な減速を引き起こします
He breaks new ground by giving his sky the elemental power, effectively captured by other artists, of volcanoes avalanches and floods.
噴火の力 雪崩の力 そして洪水の力だ
He breaks new ground by giving his sky the elemental power, effectively captured by other artists, of volcanoes avalanches and floods.
雪崩の力 そして洪水の力だ これは想像力に対する科学の讃美ではなく 我々の意志の力への讃美だ
So, you always find dinosaurs in deserts or badlands, areas that have very little plant growth and have flash floods in the spring.
砂漠や荒地で 全然植物が育たないところで 春には凄い洪水がおきるところさ
The final plan SA, AD, DG avoids all the floods and the stoplight and will therefore always succeed in 3 steps, which is bounded.
Under Los Angeles is a vast and intricate system of huge storm drains... built to siphon off the flash floods of the rainy season.
ロサンゼルス地下には 広大に排水路が錯綜しており... 雨季に 鉄砲水を 防いでいる
We sent upon them widespread calamities floods of locusts, lice, frogs, and blood. All were distinct miracles but these criminals all the time remained proud.
そこでわれはかれらに対し 様々な明証として洪水やバッタやシラミ カエルや血などを送った だがかれらは高慢な態度を続け 罪深い民であった
Economic expansion has resulted in increases in atmospheric nitrous oxide and methane, ozone depletion, increases in great floods, damage to ocean ecosystems, including nitrogen runoff,
大気中の窒素化合物やメタンの増加 オゾン層破壊 洪水の増加 海洋汚染 窒素流出
So We sent upon them floods, locusts, lice, frogs, and blood. (All these were) clear signs, yet they were proud against them, for they were wicked people.
そこでわれはかれらに対し 様々な明証として洪水やバッタやシラミ カエルや血などを送った だがかれらは高慢な態度を続け 罪深い民であった
When disaster strikes the economy gets blown, people lose a job, floods, war, conflict, bad governance, all of those things there is nothing to fall back on.
経済破綻や失業の増加 洪水や戦争などの対立 政策の失敗などが起これば
They dumped all of California's rain into the Mississippi Valley, which is the reason they're having floods and tornadoes and fierce storms and odd weather back east.
ミシシッピ川流域に降らせ 洪水や竜巻や嵐をもたらし 東部でも異常気象になる
We feel the floods surging over us we sound with him to the kelpy bottom of the waters sea weed and all the slime of the sea is about us!
海は私達についてです Butヨナの本が教えているこの教訓は何か